Category Archives: Celebrity

UPDATE IV (1/9): Michelle Antoinette Obama Goes Back To Basics: Bashing Middle America


She was ashamed of her country until it elected her husband president. Some price to pay for being in Michelle Obama’s good graces. Now, the First Lady—who’s lived in the lap of luxury courtesy of the American taxpayers, and whose girls are set-up for life—can go back to being manifestly bitter and twisted.

Mrs. Obama spoke to the queen of kitsch, Oprah Winfrey (who, incidentally, first brought the obscure Barack Obama to the attention of the moron media. You could say Obama was chosen for the nation by Oprah). Said Mrs. Obama: “Now we’re feeling what not having hope feels like. We feel the difference now” that, presumably, the era of Obama is over.

Michelle is still no belle.

It shows you just how sensitive Michelle Antoinette Obama is to the Rest of America, to The Forgotten Man, to Middle America. They didn’t feel hopeful with her berating them for 8 years, and promoting blackness over all else.


RELATED: “Militant Mama Obama.”

UPDATE (12/19): Me angry? Where do people get that? Mrs. Obama is as self-aware as her husband. And she, too, is aware of her legacy.

READ: Michelle On ‘Angry Black Woman’ Label — ‘You Don’t Even Know Me’

UPDATE II: He said Merry Xmas!

UPDATE III: Complaining:

UPDATE IV: Samantha Pee.

UPDATE V (1/9): Hypocrisy.

UPDATE III (1/9): No Sanctuary (TV) Station Or Safe Space From Megyn Kelly


There’s no TV station or program that provides sanctuary or a safe space from Megyn Kelly. Today the Fox News celebrity anchor shared her Dr. Phil philosophy on Tucker Carlson’s 4-day-old show. I remember the “self-help bromide” Kelly disgorged because she’s mouthed it before. “Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.” (Smiles smugly after she says this trite thing, as though she’s “gifted” the world with something special. Oh yes, she has: herself.)

Garry Kasparov is also a nuisance, a neoconservative activist, the equivalent of Ahmed Chalabi.

UPDATE I (12/19): I’m too sexy for the world.

UPDATE II (1/9):


‘When Is Fox Going To Deep-Six Megyn Kelly?’


My good friend, retired flight test engineer WILLIAM B. SCOTT, author of “The Permit,” spared me the agony of watching Megyn Kelly’s journo porn. I could not possibly tolerate the bedroom voice, the affectatious ringed-hand gestures and the dumb bimbo questions. How disappointing that Donald Trump found this tack tolerable. The Washington Post echoes comments I had already made about Kelly. Briefly, and before we clear Bill to fire, here’s WaPo’s take:

Kelly is going to have to learn about listening, and, wherever possible, resist the urge to bring attention to herself. But I don’t think that’s really her thing. … Kelly’s last words to her viewers were spent crassly plugging her forthcoming memoir.

My version’s more colorful:

… A serious journalist with a grasp of the enormity of the Trump Revolution; a journalist who didn’t wish to give up on ever again interviewing the candidate, or forever forfeit access to a possible future president, a journalist with gravitas would have labored less at promoting herself and more on mending a professional relationship. … Not Kelly. And Kelly’s colleagues and bosses are enablers; they’ve taught her everything about ratings, make-up and hair. …
… Yes, your new hair is magnificent, Megyn Kelly. Glad you got rid of the old, matted shag that likely needed extensive reviving before each show. You’re a pretty girl. But boy, are you vain and a tad vacuous. The way you always bring the Kelly File show back to … yourself. Does that take skill or just all-consuming narcissism?

Bill’s the best:

When is Fox going to deep-six this woman? America has had it with the Blond Ego of the Fox News Channel!!!
This interview was moronic. What dumb questions Witch Megyn asked! Where are the questions about policy, ISIS, the economy, etc.?
Megyn was determined to get an apology from Trump, but it didn’t happen (good!). Then Kelly asked the dumbest d*** questions, again focusing on personal trivia and trying to portray The Donald as something he isn’t.

My gut-feel sense: Kelly’s popularity among Fox viewers has plummeted, since that first Republican debate and her moronic, aggressive “women question.” Since then, her unremitting campaign to undermine and discredit Trump has further infuriated the Fox audience, even though she’s merely carrying the water for Rupert Murdoch. She’s the most-ambitious Fox-babe—one willing to do anything to please Murdoch, a paragon of the global elites threatened by Trump presidency.

Roger Ailes (sp?), the FNC news chief, would probably “deep-six” Ms. Megyn, but Murdoch is trying to save her pretty little face by giving her a separate, new personality-based show that’s distributed to Fox affiliates. (Kelly as a new-generation Barbara Walters?) I suspect her FNC show will vanish shortly. Kelly’s star is in free fall, and giving her a new show smells of desperation.

Merely an old reporter’s sensors and news radar at work. I may be wrong.

The last straw for me last night was Kelly’s not-so-subtle “suggestions” that Trump change his ways to become more of what the mindless elites and media (pardon the redundancy) think he should be. Fortunately, Trump is far more attuned to today’s American psyche than are the elitists paralyzed by fear of the distinct possibility that Trump will upend their cozy little exclusive club and money machine—the political-corporate-media-globalist complex that empowers and enriches everybody but working citizens.

Looks Like Donald Has Been Duped By Megyn Kelly


By golly, Megyn Kelly is show-biz good. She got Donald Trump to heap praise on her on national TV for “reaching out,” to use millennial speak, when in fact she was the desperate party who, during the past year, placed her inflated ego before the journalistic obligation to suck it up and get the story.

So Trump has succumbed, and has exposed himself to this intellectual floozy’s much-hyped, yet-to-be screened interview. And what does Kelly ask him?

The same sort of question that started the Kelly-Trump feud: a deceptive probe; a question that in itself suggests certain things about the man’s character, veracity and emotional make-up.

“You seemed to stay angry for months. Was that real, or was that strategy?”

Kelly has deployed this method before, highlighted in “Megyn Kelly’s ‘Journalistic’ Method.” But Trump is not keeping up with her cunning ploys.

Trump’s response, as always, is truthful, candid. But his acquiescence in Kelly’s self-aggrandizement (plain for all to see) was unwise in the extreme.

“Well I’m a real person,” the real estate titan responded. “I have great respect for you that you were able to call me and say ‘Let’s get together, let’s talk.’ To me, I would not have done that,” he admitted further.

MORE Megalo-Megyn promo.