Category Archives: Criminal Injustice

Updated: Muslim ‘Moderate’ Offs Wife’s Head


A pillar of the community was apparently still beholden to a pillar of Islam: “disciplining” a disobedient wife.

Erie County District Attorney Frank A. Sedita III called this barbarism in Buffalo “the worst form of domestic violence possible.”

I’m not sure I concur; Muzzammil Hassan’s was simply a culturally compatible response to disobedience.

Muslims are fond of pointing out that the atrocities perpetrated in the name of the faith are not commanded in the Koran. Can we agree that there’s something in the faith of Jihad that has “inspired”–even sanctioned–honor killings, clitoridectomy, and forced marriage? Punishment for the first crime in Muslim countries is light, at best.

Multicultural understanding was forthcoming from the authorities in the form of a second-degree murder charge.

The complete story is here (via Larry Auster).

From the vault:

Jihad in Your Front Yard
Bus Beheading (Or, to quote reader Barbara Grant: Canada’s cannibal)

Update (February 17): On Feb. 14, Thomas Fleming wrote:

“Muzzammil ‘Mo’ Hassan, who has been has been lauded by Jay Leno and NPR, has been charged with second-degree murder. What does it take to get a first degree murder charge—vivisection?”

Arizona: Where Property Rights Go To Die


For at least a decade, they’ve been littering his Arizona ranch with “trash 10 inches deep, including human waste, used toilet paper, soiled diapers, cigarette packs, clothes, backpacks, empty 1-gallon water bottles, chewing-gum wrappers and aluminum foil – which supposedly is used to pack drugs.”

Of late, rancher Roger Barnett’s property, northeast of Douglas, along Arizona Highway 80, has been vandalized by illegal aliens, who “tore up water pumps, killed calves, destroyed fences and gates, stole trucks and broke into his home.”

But at last justice. With the aid of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), the aggressors are suing Barnett for trying to evict them from his land with excessive insensitively. What’s more, U.S. District Judge John Roll agreed to hear the case–and has ruled that there was “sufficient evidence to allow the matter to be presented to a jury.”

Read on.

Related: “The Gore Gospel: Act Globally; Trash Locally

Pardon Me, Mr. President, I Was Just Following Orders


The White House has confirmed that President Bush is considering a request that an eastern Idaho soldier convicted of killing an unarmed Iraqi receive a pardon, the soldier’s father says.

Didn’t I tell you, in “Take this, Mr. President, For Ramos and Compean,” that a soldier shooting up civilians in Iraq has more of a shot at a pardon than Ramos and Compean, who grazed the derriere of a Mexican drug dealer?

So I did.

Sgt. Evan Vela, a 24-year-old Army sniper assigned to Fort Richardson, was convicted in February and sentenced to 10 years in prison for killing an unarmed Iraqi civilian who stumbled upon him and five other soldiers sleeping on May 11, 2007.

The president has already sent an encouraging note to Sgt. Evan.

Compean and Ramos defended a border Bush wants open.

Airport Animals Gone Wild


Watch this scene:

This woman is doing nothing unusual. She’s hovering close to the baggage screener, overseeing his rummage through her belongings.

The fat, thuggish, affirmative appointees then zero-in on her and proceed to toss her across the room. Then they climb into her.

The lowly subject clearly angered her overlords. A snippy word, perhaps? How dare she!

In a free society NO ONE has the right to lay a hand on another absent a clear threat of physical aggression. Verbal provocation is no excuse for this kind of aggression. As I wrote in “Tasers ‘R’ Us”:

Liberty is a simple thing. It’s the unassailable right to shout, flail your arms, even verbally provoke a politician, unmolested. Tyranny is when those small things can get you assaulted, incarcerated, injured, and even killed.

Did the victim, Robin Kassner, look as though she posed a threat to anything other than her captors’ sense of omnipotence?

Of course, America is not a free country, no matter how many freedom concerts Hannity holds.

Why does the ACLU not tackle the tackling and killing of innocent Americans at airports and elsewhere?

We have:

Don’t Tase Me, Big Bro
Tasers ‘R’ Us
Lunatic Government Occupies Airports