A pillar of the community was apparently still beholden to a pillar of Islam: “disciplining” a disobedient wife.
Erie County District Attorney Frank A. Sedita III called this barbarism in Buffalo “the worst form of domestic violence possible.”
I’m not sure I concur; Muzzammil Hassan’s was simply a culturally compatible response to disobedience.
Muslims are fond of pointing out that the atrocities perpetrated in the name of the faith are not commanded in the Koran. Can we agree that there’s something in the faith of Jihad that has “inspired”–even sanctioned–honor killings, clitoridectomy, and forced marriage? Punishment for the first crime in Muslim countries is light, at best.
Multicultural understanding was forthcoming from the authorities in the form of a second-degree murder charge.
The complete story is here (via Larry Auster).
From the vault:
Jihad in Your Front Yard
Bus Beheading (Or, to quote reader Barbara Grant: Canada’s cannibal)
Update (February 17): On Feb. 14, Thomas Fleming wrote:
“Muzzammil ‘Mo’ Hassan, who has been has been lauded by Jay Leno and NPR, has been charged with second-degree murder. What does it take to get a first degree murder charge—vivisection?”