Category Archives: Debt

Reminder: They’re Republikeynesians

Debt, Economy, Federal Reserve Bank, Inflation, Political Economy, Republicans

Carl Rove on “Hannity” paraphrased: The Democrats’ stimulus was all stupid spending, there was nothing stimulating about it.

The premise of this stupid refrain, repeated again and again by GOPiers, is that there is a smart, economically stimulating way for the state to spend money to stimulate the economy.

Each and every Republikeynesian heard on cable will refute not the idea that government is able to create jobs out of funds it forcibly removes from the private economy or by printing paper in the basement of the Fed. The beef the likes of the incredibly dim Dana Parino, Newt, Dick, Carl et. al., will invariably voice is: The Dems didn’t apply the stolen funds the way one ought to have; the way we would have.

“How much to hand-out; who to hand it to; which hand-out makes the best use of taxpayer money … that’s the depth of the ‘philosophical’ to-be-or-not-to-be among Republikeynsians.”—ILANA (December 5, 2008)

Just thought thought I ought to remind you that they are all rotten Republikeynesians.

Reminder: They're Republikeynesians

Debt, Federal Reserve Bank, Inflation, Political Economy, Republicans

Carl Rove on “Hannity” paraphrased: The Democrats’ stimulus was all stupid spending, there was nothing stimulating about it.

The premise of this stupid refrain, repeated again and again by GOPiers, is that there is a smart, economically stimulating way for the state to spend money to stimulate the economy.

Each and every Republikeynesian heard on cable will refute not the idea that government is able to create jobs out of funds it forcibly removes from the private economy or by printing paper in the basement of the Fed. The beef the likes of the incredibly dim Dana Parino, Newt, Dick, Carl et. al., will invariably voice is: The Dems didn’t apply the stolen funds the way one ought to have; the way we would have.

“How much to hand-out; who to hand it to; which hand-out makes the best use of taxpayer money … that’s the depth of the ‘philosophical’ to-be-or-not-to-be among Republikeynsians.”—ILANA (December 5, 2008)

Just thought thought I ought to remind you that they are all rotten Republikeynesians.

Johnny-Come-Krugman Diagnoses Depression

Debt, Economy, Federal Reserve Bank, Inflation, Media, Political Economy

Austrians like myself have long been calling this “recession” a depression. My WND colleague Vox Day wrote a book explaining why this economic downturn is a depression—the worst we’ve seen so far because of unprecedented levels of household and government debt. Now Paul Krugman, whose Keynesian voodoo I discussed in “Obama To G-20: Print More Money, Don’t Make It,” has, finally, diagnosed a depression.

This dangerous moron, however, believes depressions are caused by lack of spending—dips in demand must be compensated for by massive state spending, or else. That’s Keynesianism in a nut shell. Of course, be it on the macro or micro level, debt = decline + decay

HERE crazy Krug condemns the “resurgence of hard-money and balanced-budget orthodoxy”:

“…this third depression will be primarily a failure of policy. Around the world — most recently at last weekend’s deeply discouraging G-20 meeting — governments are obsessing about inflation when the real threat is deflation, preaching the need for belt-tightening when the real problem is inadequate spending.”


Fans of Vox Day: write to our friend and urge him to write-up answers to the interview I sent him weeks back pursuant to reading the copy of “The Return of The Great Depression” he mailed me. Change the questions if you don’t like them, VD, respond to the Krug news; do what you like with my text, just get to it.

ANC More Prudent Than DP & GOP

Africa, America, Debt, Democracy, Economy, Republicans, South-Africa

Want a measure of how bad America’s duopoly is; of the extent to which the criminal governments under which we Americans groan have run the country into the ground?

Unpack the significance of this tidbit: The African National Congress (ANC), the dominant party governing my homeland South Africa from 1994 in perpetuity, manages a public debt that is only 23 percent of GDP. According to The Economist, debt in SA “has started rising sharply again and is expected to reach 40 percent of GDP by 2013.”

By that time the apes that have collapsed our country’s economy will have incurred a debt in excess of our national income.

For the benefit of the pigmentally touchy, I use “ape” as a pejorative that applies to both Bush and his philosophical heir, BHO. To lovers of primates; parrots are the superior species.

If offended, substitute with fleas. I once did: “As Dr. Johnson said, ‘There is no settling the point of precedency between a louse and a flea. ‘Neoconservative (Bush) or Progressive (Barack); louse or flea — a pest is still a pest.” —ILANA (October 30, 2009)