Carl Rove on “Hannity” paraphrased: The Democrats’ stimulus was all stupid spending, there was nothing stimulating about it.
The premise of this stupid refrain, repeated again and again by GOPiers, is that there is a smart, economically stimulating way for the state to spend money to stimulate the economy.
Each and every Republikeynesian heard on cable will refute not the idea that government is able to create jobs out of funds it forcibly removes from the private economy or by printing paper in the basement of the Fed. The beef the likes of the incredibly dim Dana Parino, Newt, Dick, Carl et. al., will invariably voice is: The Dems didn’t apply the stolen funds the way one ought to have; the way we would have.
“How much to hand-out; who to hand it to; which hand-out makes the best use of taxpayer money … that’s the depth of the ‘philosophical’ to-be-or-not-to-be among Republikeynsians.”—ILANA (December 5, 2008)
Just thought thought I ought to remind you that they are all rotten Republikeynesians.