Category Archives: Democracy

Special Counsel Mueller Exposed: Accused Russian Spooks Call Lying Robert Mueller’s Bluff

Democracy, Government, Justice, Law, Russia, The State

What do you know?! The Russians accused by Robert Mueller of wrongdoing called the special counsel’s bluff. They showed up in court and demanded due process of law. Damn straight!

If you’re The Law, you can’t just indict people based on invented laws not on the books.

A Washington federal judge on Thursday ordered special counsel Robert Mueller’s team to clarify election meddling claims lodged against a Russian company operated by Yevgeny Prigozhin, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Bloomberg.

Concord Management and Consulting, LLC. – one of three businesses indicted by Mueller in February along with 13 individuals for election meddling, surprised the special counsel in April when they actually showed up in court to fight the charges. Mueller’s team tried to delay Concord from entering the case, arguing that the Russian company not been properly served, however Judge Dabney Friedrich denied the request – effectively telling prosecutors ‘well, they’re here.’

Concord was accused in the indictment of supporting the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a Russian ‘troll farm’ accused of trying to influence the 2016 US election.

On Thursday, Judge Freidrich asked Mueller’s prosecutors if she should assume they aren’t accusing Concord of violating US laws applicable to election expenditures and failure to register as a foreign agent.

Concord has asked Dabney to throw out the charges – claiming that Mueller’s office fabricated a crime, and that there is no law against interfering in elections. …

… MORE: “Judge Orders Mueller To Prove Russian Company Meddled In Election.

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Deep State: Spreading Socialism From Within The Bowels Of The Bureaucracy

Democracy, Government, Socialism, The State

It’s impossible to fire a government employer, so, for Stuart Karafa, subverting the will of the people is a perk of the job.

Karafa works for the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), while being paid by the State Department. That’s YOU.

Here is Project Veritas on how Deep Statists spread socialism from within the bowels of the bureaucracy:

Tim Fitton thinks the Deep State is real. But we already knew that.

UPDATED (9/19): Never Trumpers Plot Against Deplorables, Urge Conservatives To Vote Democratic

Democracy, Donald Trump, Elections, Neoconservatism, Republicans

Glenn Greenwald has brought up an issue I meant to tell you about some time ago:

DC ‘progressive’ elites [have] been forming policy groups and having lunches and dinners with Bill Kristol to plan joint Dem/neocon activism.

Its way worse than what GG says.

Via The Economist (Aug 9th 2018):

Never Trumpers, as President Donald Trump’s Republican critics are known, … Led by conservative pundits such as Max Boot, David Brooks, Bill Kristol, David Frum and George Will, they are few in number, gallantly in favour of things like free trade and fiscal discipline that Republicans used to care about, and probably doomed. Mr Trump’s hold over Republicans seems unbreakable. Almost 90% approve of his performance. “There is no Republican Party, there’s a Trump party,” says John Boehner, a former Republican congressional leader.

That conclusion, sharpened by the failure of elected Republicans to resist the president’s pandering to Vladimir Putin, has forced Never Trumpers to a moment of reckoning. Messrs Frum, Boot and Will urge conservatives to vote Democratic in the mid-terms. Mr Brooks and two Republican movers-and-shakers, Reed Galen and Juleanna Glover, are floating the idea of a new centrist party. A group part-founded by Mr Kristol, founder of the Weekly Standard, hopes to launch a primary challenge to Mr Trump. Among the more or less openly disaffected Republicans Mr Kristol is courting to lead the assault are Governor John Kasich of Ohio, Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Mitt Romney and Nikki Haley, Mr Trump’s ambassador to the UN. If none will oblige, Mr Kristol suggests he might have a crack at it himself.

MORE: “Never Trump” Republicans could have their revenge: The president will not lose a primary, but he could be fatally damaged,” The Economist.

UPDATED (9/19):

Once in office, Trump almost never hired supporters, and gave preference to Never Trumpers. Now, he “Faces Mid-Term Catastrophe.” Wonder why?!

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UPDATED (9/11): The Problem Is That The Political Class Is Disloyal To … Voters

Democracy, Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, THE ELITES, The State

Tucker Carlson 3:28 minutes in:

“The problem is not that some unnamed White House official is disloyal to the president. The problem with the anon and gutless op-ed in the New York Times is that so many in our political class are disloyalty to … voters.”

UPDATE (9/11):

“Crazy” to Never Trumpers means keeping campaign promises: