Category Archives: Democracy

UPDATED (8/2/018): ‘FREEDOM’ Is Feeling The Full Weight Of The State Come Down On You

America, Criminal Injustice, Democracy, Law, Liberty, Taxation, The State

When the full weight of the state can be brought down on one man, and when that man is not a criminal in any meaningful sense—remember, taxation is legalized, state theft of private property—you know that man, Paul Manafort, in this case, was never free.

AND you know YOU are not free. Beware!

BUT, “Our democracy” is under threat. The Russians, the Russians.”

As usual, Tucker is the only sane member of Big Media.

Related (no partisanship, please): “The Robert Mueller Inquisition Is The Star(r) Chamber By Any Other Name”

More “free” people of the West. Having to defend yourself against the state for saying stuff:

UPDATE (8/2/018):

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130 Candidates Have Been Killed In Mexico, While Running For Office

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Democracy, Drug War, Elections, Morality

Pray for courageous Carmen. She has two children and doesn’t know if she’ll survive to raise them. What imperils Carmen’s life? She is running for office in … Mexico.

More than 130 candidates have been killed in Mexico during a deadly election campaign leading up to general and presidential elections on Sunday.

Carmen’s husband was one of the victims, shot dead six weeks ago in broad daylight after a rally.

Now the grieving widow is running for office herself.

Whodunit? Who “Meddled” With Our American Democracy? (Part 2)

America, Conservatism, Constitution, Democracy, Government, Russia, States' Rights

THE NEW COLUMN is “Whodunit? Who “Meddled” With Our American Democracy?” (Part 2). The unabridged version is on A slightly abridged version is on

Not a day goes by when the liberal media don’t telegraph to the world that a “Trumpocracy” is destroying American democracy. Conspicuous by its absence is a pesky fact: Ours was never a country conceived as a democracy.

To arrive at a democracy, we Americans destroyed a republic.

One of the ways in which the republic was destroyed was through the slow sundering of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. The 10th was meant to guarantee constitutional devolution of power.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

The de facto demise of the 10th has resulted in “constitutional” consolidation.

Fair enough, but is that enough? A perceptive reader was having none of it.

In response to “Whodunit? Who ‘Meddled’ With Our American Democracy” (Part 1), the reader upbraided this writer:

“Anyone who quotes the 10th Amendment, but not the 14th Amendment that supplanted it cannot be taken seriously.”

In other words, to advance the erosion of the 10th in explaining who did our republic in, without mentioning the 14th: this was an omission on the writer’s part.

The reader is admirably correct about Incorporation-Doctrine centralization.

Not even conservative constitutional originalists are willing to concede that the 14th Amendment and the attendant Incorporation Doctrine have obliterated the Constitution’s federal scheme, as expressed in the once-impregnable 10th Amendment.

What does this mean?

You know the drill but are always surprised anew by it. Voters pass a law under which a plurality wishes to live in a locality. Along comes a U.S. district judge and voids the law, citing a violation of the 14th’s Equal Protection Clause.

For example: Voters elect to prohibit local government from sanctioning gay marriage. A U.S. district judge voids voter-approved law for violating the 14th’s Equal Protection Clause.

These periodical contretemps around gay marriage, or the legal duty of private property owners to cater these events, are perfectly proper judicial activism. It flows from the 14th Amendment.

If the Bill of Rights was intended to place strict limits on federal power and protect individual and locality from the national government—the 14th Amendment effectively defeated that purpose by placing the power to enforce the Bill of Rights in federal hands, where it was never intended to be.

Put differently, matters previously subject to state jurisdiction have been pulled into the orbit of a judiciary. Yet not even conservative constitutional originalists are willing to cop to this constitutional fait accompli.

The gist of it: Jeffersonian constitutional thought is no longer in the Constitution; its revival unlikely. ….

Into the Cannibal's Pot
Order columnist Ilana Mercer’s polemical work, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa”


… READ THE REST:  THE NEW COLUMN is “Whodunit? Who “Meddled” With Our American Democracy?” (Part 2). The unabridged version is on A slightly abridged version is on

NEW COLUMN: Whodunit? Who “Meddled” With “Our Democracy”?

Constitution, Democracy, Democrats, Founding Fathers, Republicans, Russia, States' Rights

“Whodunit? Who ‘Meddled’ With ‘Our Democracy’?” is the current column, now on WND.COM. Sorry to disappoint. There will be none of the usual hyperventilating partisanship here …

An excerpt:

Republicans have revealed that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) treats Americans not as citizens, but as subjects to spy on. I’d expect nothing less from a Court created and perpetuated by George W. Bush and his Republicans.

But, what do you know? Following Barack Obama’s lead, President Donald Trump and his Republicans have renewed FISA Section 702, which, in fact, has facilitated the usurpations the same representatives are currently denouncing.

Also in contravention of a quaint constitutional relic called the Fourth Amendment is Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Mueller has taken possession of “many tens of thousands of emails from President Donald Trump’s transition team.” There is no limit, seemingly, to the power of the special counsel.

Look, we’re living in a post-Constitutional America. Complaints about the damage done to our “democracy” by outsiders are worse than silly. Such damage pales compared to what we Americans have done to a compact rooted in the consent of the governed and the drastically limited and delimited powers of those who govern.

In other words, a republic. Ours was never a country conceived as a democracy.

To arrive at a democracy, we Americans destroyed a republic.

The destruction is on display daily.

Pray tell where-oh-where in the US Constitution does it say that anyone crossing over into the US may demand and get …

… READ THE REST. “Whodunit? Who ‘Meddled’ With ‘Our Democracy’?” is now on WND.COM.