Category Archives: Donald Trump

NEW COLUMN: Rift Between Dems And Israel Is Delicious … For Deplorables

Democrats, Donald Trump, Foreign Aid, Foreign Policy, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Nationalism

NEW COLUMN is “Rift Between Dems And Israel Is Delicious … For Deplorables.” Read it on, WND.COM and The Unz Review.

An excerpt:

“A toxic rift opens between Democrats and Israel,” blared a Washington Post headline. This, “after the nation refused entry to two members of Congress.”

The two members are representatives Rashida Tlaib, Democrat from Michigan, and Ilhan Omar, Democrat from Minnesota.

And the “rift” is toxic only to Democrats—and to the many neoconservatives and establishment Republicans who’ve aligned with them against Israeli nationalists and Trump nationalists.

Properly distilled, the divide is between hardline nationalists (Israeli and American) and the globalists (Democrat and Republicans). Liberal pro-Israel groups were likewise exposed for their disdain for any Israeli display of sovereignty.

For Deplorables, this division is delicious.

First: There was nothing wrong with the Israeli government’s refusal to allow the two entry into its country.

Similarly, there would be nothing amiss if the American government refused to welcome into our own country a party of agitators with terrorist sympathies. (The “Miftah group that planned the Tlaib-Omar Israel trip once referred to suicide bombing as sacrifice ‘for the cause.’”)

But apparently, there are only a vanishingly small number of committed sovereigntists in D.C., hence the divide over the rights of an ostensibly sovereign country.

The excursion was a show and sham staged by Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber against Israel, to be carried out on Israel’s turf. The Chutzpah!

Tlaib and Omar intended to agitate against the Jewish State. Why would the Israeli government be obligated to facilitate their agitprop-packed itinerary, which would have invariably devolved into promoting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel? It isn’t.

Like a lot of good blowups, this one began with President Trump. POTUS asked that Israel not let the two frightful members of Congress into the Jewish State. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu obliged.

But then, Israel’s interior minister, Aryeh Deri, delivered the one-two punch to Tlaib. …

READ THE REST. … NEW COLUMN is “Rift Between Dems And Israel Is Delicious … For Deplorables.” Read it on, WND.COM and The Unz Review.




Ivanka Makes Trump Back Away From ‘Send Her Back’ Chant

Donald Trump, Elections, Family, IMMIGRATION, Nationalism

Not Ivanka, again.

“Ivanka Trump and other senior advisers told Trump to distance himself [from the ‘Send Her Back!’ chants].

Heeding Ivanka, Trump then went on to say things that would lead one to believe that what Deplorables, at the recent rally in Greenville, NC, really wanted was not to “Send Her Back!” but more “merit-based immigration now!”

“Those chants have no place in our party or our country,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said. [Pressed by daughter Ivanka and Republicans, Trump rejects ‘send her back’ chants, by Julie Hirschfield Davis, Maggie Haberman, and Michael Crowley, The New York Times, July 19, 2019]. …

But the base wants the old Trump back. They want the wall, illegals deported, immigration reduced, American jobs protected, and no more stupid wars. Trump clearly understands this. He rarely touts Conservative Inc. ideas at his rallies, preferring tirades about immigration and Democrats. The “go back home” tweets shows signs of Trump wanting to return to his old self. So did his proposed Executive Order to impose the citizenship question on the census. However, he fails to stick with his nationalist bravado. He listens to Javanka and looks weak in the fallout.

MORE: “Send Her Back” Chant Expresses America’s Resistance to Dispossession—Trump Right to Back Away from Javanka.”

Sticking your head in the sand about  the nepotistic license Trump has given his daughter and son-in-law makes you an ostrich, not a patriot.

UPDATED: 100,000 Invaders A Month Under Trump Administration. MAGA?

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Nationhood

Trump’s accomplishments on the border crisis are listed below. It is what it is. Sticking your head in the sand makes you an ostrich, not a patriot.

Trump has not built a single mile of new border fence after 30 months in office.” Reports the Washington Examiner, hardly a bastion of lefty politics:

In Trump’s two and a half years in office, his administration has installed an average 1.7 miles of barrier per month, and none of it in areas that did not previously have some sort of barrier.

Via Sam Parker:

UPDATE: Forget new border laws; federal judges say we can’t even enforce current ones.”

“… an unelected and life-tenured Seattle-based judge can dictate to the entire country that we can no longer regulate who comes into our country and who is released into our communities.”

America Is Moving Leftwards

Democrats, Donald Trump, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Economy, Politics, Republicans

We know the Democrats are rapidly radicalizing, but what about Republicans? What about the country as a whole?

Well, according to The Economist, “AMERICANS ARE more in favour of ‘big-government’ policies today than at any point in the last 68 years. That is the conclusion of James Stimson, a political scientist, who has analysed long-running polls from the Universities of Chicago and Michigan to come up with annual estimates of the ‘public mood.'”

The magazine blames—you guessed it—“Donald Trump’s presidency,” rather than demographic changes over the corresponding decades.

Mr Stimson estimates that the last time America was feeling this left-wing was in 1961, when the civil-rights movement was full-steam ahead and Alan Shepard became the first American to be launched into outer space.

Public opinion is contradictory: many more Americans describe themselves as conservative than as liberal; yet Americans prefer left-leaning policies to right-leaning ones, even when these are accompanied by the promise of higher taxes. Mr Stimson’s data show a steady leftward shift in Americans’ views on the scope of government since 1952. And according to data from the Policy Agendas Project, an academic research group, the public also holds views that are more tolerant than ever on social issues like same-sex marriage; worries more about the environment; and is more enthusiastic about immigration and giving a helping hand to African-Americans.