Category Archives: Elections

Special-Needs Media Six Months Late To Recognize The Trump Revolution


Chris Hayes’s MSNBC replacements did a token mea culpa for themselves and their brethren across the malfunctioning media, for dismissing the political staying power of Donald Trump.

Whether they’re missing the Trump phenomenon or the bogus casus belli for war in Iraq (see “Iraq Liars & Deniers: We Knew Then What We Know Now”)—these stupid establishment types only recognize truth once THEY arrive at it, sometimes years later.

Just like we identified the wrongness of the Iraq War in 2002 and not in 2012; very many of us marginalized writers of America also recognized right away (6/19/2015) that Trump was “a candidate to ‘kick the crap out of all the politicians’” and that he “could send the system’s sycophants scattering” (8/14/2015)

Alas, truth is arrived at officially in American public life only once the special-needs media get it.

Looks Like Marco Rubio Was Right About The Cruz Amnesty Compromise


I hate to admit it, but Marco Rubio is right when he claims Ted Cruz was ready with his own set of concessions to the Schubio Gang of Eight Bill, advanced by Democrat Chuck Schumer and himself.

Via The Daily Caller:

The clip has Cruz describing the impact of amendments he was offering to the Gang of Eight immigration bill, saying, “The 11 million who are here illegally would be granted legal status once the border was secured — not before — but after the border was secured, they would be granted legal status. And indeed, they would be eligible for permanent legal residency. But they would not be eligible for citizenship.”

GOP Debate: America-First Alliance Emerges, Neoconservatives Neutralized


“GOP Debate: America-First Alliance Emerges” is the latest column, now on WND. An excerpt:

… On the foreign policy front, an alliance emerged that saw Trump, Paul and Cruz unite to advance an America First foreign policy, and to volubly oppose the foreign policy forays of Rubio, aka Genghis Bush aka Dick Cheney aka Jeb Bush aka John Kasich aka Carly Fiorina.

Thus when Chris Christie – who also shares the ideological cockpit with the neoconservatives – vowed to down Russian planes if they crossed a no fly zone he’d establish in Syria, Paul was quick to interject: “There’s your candidate to start World War III.”

“If we want to defeat terrorism, the boots on the ground need to be Arab boots on the ground,” insisted Sen. Paul splendidly. Then he went and spoiled it all by saying something stupid like, “If we ban Muslim immigration, the terrorists will have won.”

“The terrorists win if Americans don’t do as the politicians say” is reverse psychology and cliché rolled into one. The prez also keeps saying, “Dare do x, y or z on matters Muslim, and you guaranteed that ISIS wins.” Or, “ISIS wants you to do x, y, and z.”

First, how do these asses know what ISIS wants? Or, are Barack Obama and Sen. Paul simply ass-uming they know? It is more likely the two politicians are using reverse psychology to get Americans to comply with their own wishes.

In any event, if ISIS wants you, America, to do what in your estimation is best for you–perhaps ISIS is right and the president is wrong. Perhaps ISIS is right and Rand Paul is wrong.

So, Sen. Paul, we’ll take that long moratorium on Muslim immigration. It’s a winner for Americans. If ISIS approves, too, so be it. ISIS is happy; we are happy; everybody is happy; we all win. …

Read the complete column. “GOP Debate: America-First Alliance Emerges” is now on WND.

Trump Continues To Make GOP Worms Squirm


Donald Trump had better prepare for total war with the GOP establishment. He might have “signed a pledge to support the Republican Party’s nominee,” but as WND has reported, “that doesn’t mean the party’s establishment will support him, should he win the GOP presidential nod.”

Republican kingmakers, the monied interests that buy elections, are furious that they cannot control the will of the Republican base and their candidate. So these crypto-leftists got together at the Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles, California, to plot. “They want a puppet that they can control, and Donald Trump will never be that person,” said Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s campaign manager. “GOP donors loathe Trump because he is not beholden to special interests.”

The scheme:

A report by the Hill suggests the big money Republican donors are actually looking to support Hillary Clinton for commander in chief if Trump is at the top of the GOP ticket. Yes, the Democrat Hillary Clinton could be getting millions of dollars from Republicans.

The website says: “In conversations over the past month, GOP establishment donors have confided to the Hill that for the first time in recent memory, they find themselves contemplating not supporting a Republican nominee for president.”

The GOP worms are squirming because Trump is threatening The Machine.