Category Archives: Elections

You’re Hired!

Elections, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Politics

CNN’s cretins, Gloria Borger is one, are transparent in their skewed “analyses.” Today, Borger and a token Republican panelist were projecting their presidential hopes onto the scrappy (and crappy) Chris Christie. With his ostensible straight-talking habit, Christie, or so the collective brain cell at CNN hopes, will give Donald Trump a run for his money. But the voters are on to Christie, a backstabbing, vulgar opportunist. The governor’s rise was as vertiginous as his fall. Via National Journal:

A CNN/ORC poll released Wednesday showed Trump had 12 percent of the vote among Republicans and Republican-leaners, second only to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who earned 19 percent. A Quinnipiac poll, which was also out Wednesday, revealed Trump was also tied for second with Dr. Ben Carson among likely Republican caucus voters in Iowa. Carson and Trump each had 10 percent of the vote. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker led the pack with 18 percent.

Christie is nowhere. Rude to voters and to journos, but never to The Powers That Be, the governor is nothing like Trump, who is actually quite courteous, if direct.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to express innocent wonderment at the popularity of Jed Bush:

“I don’t get it. He’s in favor of Common Core, extremely weak on immigration. He thinks people come over for love. I don’t understand why he’s in first place,” Trump said. “Maybe it’s the Bush name. Last thing we need is another Bush. But I will tell you, I’m a little surprised he’s in the position he’s in.”

Like CNN, National Journal is hopeful that American voters will follow the lead of Macy’s, NBC and Univision, and ditch The Donald. “In a Republican presidential field rich with esteemed governors and senators, tough-talking businessman Trump has managed to rise in the polls to be a top-tier candidate,” grumbles one Lauren Fox.

Then she comforts herself, writing: “Name ID and support from the GOP base may be boosting Trump for now, but it will fade.”

This is how these outlets “report”: They lead with their own hopes.

No Trump Apology Tour?

Celebrity, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Media

Donald Trump is on the right track, speaking truth to the powers that be, and refusing to be cowed into apologies for his outspokenness. There is no greater achievement for an anti-politician than to be denounced by career politicians and their puppeteers.

“NBC is so weak and so foolish,” Trump taunted, “to not understand the serious illegal immigration problem in the United States.” And: “They will stand behind lying Brian Williams, but won’t stand behind people that tell it like it is, as unpleasant as that may be.”

The billionaire was responding to NBC’s decision to sever ties with him and boycott his shows because he, Trump, spoke candidly about the chaos on the border with Mexico.

Donald Trump: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. … They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with [them]. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards, and they tell us what they’re getting.”

A Candidate To ‘Kick The Crap Out Of All The Politicians’

Business, Celebrity, Crime, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Media, Politics

“A Candidate To ‘Kick The Crap Out Of All The Politicians’” is the current column, now on The Unz Review. An excerpt:

Since he announced for president, real-estate tycoon Donald Trump has distinguished himself from the pack of Republican presidential hopefuls.

Trump claims he opposed the invasion of Iraq. If this is true, it would make him better than almost all his Republican competitors, who mulishly continue to justify the most disastrous military campaign in American history (besides the War Between The States).

Decisive and to the point was Trump about liberalizing ties with Cuba: “It’s time!” he stated. The man who wrote “The Art of The Deal,” however, would rather a “deal” with Cuba favored ordinary Americans and Cubans, and would know how to “deliver the goods.”

We inhabit a world of managed, not free, trade. Trump is no rent-seeking political rat like every other Republican competing for the throne (besides Ben Carson, who is similarly motivated). Better than any self-interested politician, Trump can probably negotiate winning deals on all Treaties in Force, to the benefit of Americans.

“I’m really rich,” Trump swanked disarmingly. Being independently and stupendously wealthy means that this American individualist can continue to march to his own drumbeat; be as blunt and bold as he wants and pander to nobody.

“His fellow GOP presidential candidates,” explained Trump, are “totally controlled by their donors, by the lobbyists and by the special interests. If we have another politician, this country’s going down. … I’ve watched the politicians, I’ve dealt with them all my life. They will never make America great again. They don’t even have a chance.”

In the productive, non-parasitical economy, Trump has been enormously successful. Career politicians have created the hot mess that is America. The Founding Fathers wanted regular citizens to serve the public, not live off it as a vocation. Such upstanding Americans were to return to their careers after serving.

The consummate homo economicus, Trump is a rational actor in the market place. Unlike the rest of the GOP contenders who’re guided by political calculations; Trump speaks like a man to whom rational economic choices are second nature. …

Read the rest. “A Candidate To ‘Kick The Crap Out Of All The Politicians’” is the current column, now on The Unz Review.

Yippee, Lew Rockwell And I Agree On The Donald

Business, Celebrity, Elections, Politics

About Donald Trump’s announcement, Lew Rockwell writes the following, today:

As a populist, Donald attracts all those who have been kicked in the teeth by the system, and despise its politicians. Plus nobody is afraid that Don would rob the treasury. … Trump is a sweet guy in private, the soul of courtesy to his employees. Politics is a haven for the sort of man who makes himself feel important by abusing those who can’t respond, like the creepy Santorum.

BTW, Limbaugh said today he wished the [neo]conservatives would go after Hillary the way they’ve gone after Trump.

Lew refers readers to this column by Erick Erickson:

… Donald Trump is the disrespectful candidate for people who disrespect the process. He’ll be rude. He’ll be loud. He’ll be confrontational. And he won’t get the nomination. But along the way, he will speak to the fears and hopes of a lot of people who no longer connect with Washington or trust the government to get it right.

For a lot of people who hate politicians who go to Washington to get rich off the system like Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) 0%, they can trust that Donald Trump is already a billionaire so will not need to enrich himself off the treasury. Trump’s campaign, like Ben Carson’s, makes no sense in an age when people respect Washington. But it makes a hell of a lot of sense in an age when people no longer think their vote matters, but they sure want the crap kicked out of all the politicians they blame for making their vote meaningless.

The people who no longer think they can win in America will side with a guy even they don’t think can win, just to watch him strike the match and burn down all they feel betrayed them. And that, ironically, can give him staying power when coupled with his money.

We’ll see if he actually files a federal financial disclosure.

There is one more thing I want you to know about Donald Trump. I’ve met him and interviewed him before. When the camera was not on and the interview was not going, he was not The Donald. He was a guy who cared deeply for his staff and the people who merely walked in the front door of his building. I want you to know that the Donald Trump I’ve seen in private is not the Donald Trump you see on stage because I think we are not going to see that Trump. It’s our loss and it will be his own loss. The person, a separate entity from the personality, is a good man.

The reason I don’t much care for Rick Santorum is that I’ve seen him, off camera and behind the scenes when no one was supposed to be watching, behave like a spoiled and entitled rich kid snapping at people in a lower position than himself when he did not need to. It’s also why I have a soft spot for Trump. From the same vantage point, I’ve seen him behave kindly to people far lower on the rung of life than him when he did not have to. Character when the camera isn’t rolling counts in my book.

Unfortunately for Trump, The Donald does not come across in public the way Mr. Trump does behind the scenes.

The complete column.

RELATED: “The Trump Card” (6/16)