Category Archives: Etiquette

Megyn Kelly ‘Misses’ Trump’s Reaganesque Mic Moment

Elections, Ethics, Etiquette, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Multiculturalism

The story of “Megyn, Jorge, and a Reaganesque Trump” is on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

Donald Trump’s brusque, plainspoken manner masks a fierce intelligence that should not be underestimated. Myself, I had experienced a momentary lapse in judgment with respect to the quality of Fox News Channel’s journalism, during the first primetime Republican debate, in Cleveland, Ohio. Trump, on the other hand, was never blindsided by the nicely-packaged production that is Megyn Kelly. Kelly, in his plain and simple estimation, “was just not very good or professional.”

Indeed, since returning from her post-spat “vacation,” Kelly’s Trump-free broadcasts have been flat. “Off her game,” Trump tweeted out, right away. And while the celebrity anchor is still drawing ratings, this cannot last, absent the biggest news item: Donald Trump. I expected the anchor to come to her senses, and start working hard to get newsmaker Trump back on The Kelly File. This has yet to transpire.

Kelly’s most recent belly flop came while “interviewing” Jorge Ramos, another celebrity newscaster who has been on the receiving end of Trump’s much-needed, manly ministrations.

Ramos works for the Univision network, catering to Hispanics. Although he poses as a reporter, in reality, Ramos is an identity politics activist. This celebrated mediocrity—Ramos made it as one of Time’s “Most Influential People”—crashed a Trump event, held on Tuesday, in Dubuque, Iowa. It was plain that the “ethnic activist” had materialized not to ask Trump a question; but to protest the candidate’s positions and read him the riot act (in a kind of Pidgin English).

Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders was chased off a Seattle stage by two militant, “Black Lives Matter” movementarians. Ramos, the head honcho of the more-powerful, “Hispanic Lives Matter (Only)” movement, was staging a similar performance, this time against Trump.

And Trump was having none of it.

As is his wont, Ramos began, Trump explained, “ranting and raving and screaming, like a madman, and honestly being very disrespectful to all the other reporters.” I watched the Ramos rant on CNN. (FNC’s ratings are fated to fall, if the network fails to carry future Trump events.) Trump’s gloriously funny description was also factual.

Whereas Kelly began her “Breaking Tonight” segment—what’s that all about?—by “informing” her viewers that Ramos had been booted from the Trump news conference; hers was only half the truth.

And half-truths in journalism help perpetuate wholesale lies. …

Read the rest. “Megyn, Jorge, and a Reaganesque Trump” is on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine.

Egos In The Anchor’s Chair

Ann Coulter, Etiquette, IMMIGRATION, Journalism, Media

On the rare occasions that Fox News entertains edifying guests, the Ego in the Anchor’s Chair can’t help but make sure he or she is heard above all others.

A case in point: The Megyn Kelly extravaganza (my, is she becoming a waste of time). The woman invited Ann Coulter to educate one of the stupidest men on TV: Geraldo Rivera. Instead, Rivera was allowed to noodle on endlessly and Megyn stole precious time from Ms. Coulter to work through her own ignorance of the word “polemicist” (which is also how my book is often described).

Sean Hannity’s act is way worse. The Egos have their clique. Larry Elder is not as close to Fox News’ hosts as Juan Williams is. The result: Hannity invited Williams to scream over Elder. Why is this good TV? Why don’t their ratings suffer?

Unruly Kids Trespass At A Pool Party

Crime, Etiquette, Law, Private Property

As CNN reports , “Craig Ranch is a planned community,” in McKinney, Texas. It imposes “strict homeowners’ association rules.” These “prohibit bringing more than two guests to the pool.”

According to the reports,

… crowds of teenagers showed up, huddling by the gate and shouting to let them in, things got out of hand. Some kids jumped over the fence, … A security guard tried to get them to leave but was outnumbered, so the guard called police.

Other than the one officer, the cops generally acted the way you want them to act when strangers swarm private property. You do not want the US becoming like the UK, where politicians and police chiefs side with the criminals.

The officer in question is “seen … cursing at several black teenagers, yanking a 14-year-old girl wearing only a bikini to the ground and kneeling on her back. He also unholstered his firearm and chased teenage boys as they approached him while he was trying to control the girl. ”

The practice of  sitting on the spine of a person must cease. We don’t want more Freddie Grays.

Otherwise, move along. There’s nothing here to see, except police doing their thankless jobs in a society without mores.

UPDATED: “Unruly Kids Trespass At A Pool Party” would have been a better title.

Dumb, Duplicitous Techno Geeks On #Facebook

Etiquette, Intelligence, Internet, Technology

Techno geeks can be such dumb f-cks (a good honest word when used sparingly). This is especially so when they know nothing but technology. And it is all the more so when they routinely underestimate those of us who manipulate technology to our own ends quite adequately, but do not worship it.

Every idiot knows that one can remain a Facebook Friend with a former pal, just to keep up appearances (otherwise known as duplicity), while barring them from one’s Timeline and from other forums. Don’t you love cretins who think this fatuity is uncommon knowledge?

Most of this writer’s interactions on Facebook are for the purpose of furthering the work done and are with people interested in this work. But mistakes have been committed in cultivating shallow, two-faced friends (who know the price of everything and the value of nothing, to quote Oscar Wilde).

Enough said.