Category Archives: Europe

‘We Have A Solemn Obligation To Protect Our Citizens & Their Quality Of Life’: Wow, What Was POTUS Thinking?

Donald Trump, Europe, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, The West, Trade

The president looked sharp during a presser with Italy’s Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte. Even sharper and better were President Trump’s comments about reclaiming immigration sovereignty. Shut the government down if you don’t win from Congress the ability to control our demographic destiny and reclaim American sovereignty.

Appreciated is the way this president always hearkens back to civilizational issues. Once you lose the West, you’re not getting it back. The tipping point may have been reached.

Here POTUS warmly welcomes Giuseppe Conte:

Conte has taken “a very firm stand” on border matters, for which he is praised. Trump being a MAGA man, brings up trade tariffs.


Cooperation on stabilizing Libya is likely code for stopping the influx from North Africa into Italy. 

“Our countries have learned through hard experience that border security is national security.” Terrorism and uncontrolled migration are separated, not conflated.

“The [Italian] Prime Minister and I are united in our conviction that strong nations must have strong borders.” A merit-based immigration system is a must:

Stephen Miller has an uncle:

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Why Liberals Hate The Original Constitutional Scheme

Constitution, Egalitarianism, Europe, Federalism, Founding Fathers

Liberals disapprove of the brilliant men “who wrote America’s constitution,” you know, the geniuses of the pale patriarchy.

Yes, concedes the Economist, the Senate was devised “to represent places, not people, and there is a case for that; other constitutions, such as Germany’s, look to ensure regional representation in their upper house.”

So far, so good.

But liberals want heavily populated cities and city slickers—they vote Democrat—to drown out rural people, who vote Republicans. So, for ensuring that “the largest states do not dominate the rest,” the Senate is considered bad by liberals. “[T]he constitution provides equal representation for all the states, large and small alike. This builds in an over-representation for people in small or sparsely populated places.”

That liberals can’t abide.

But for the electoral college liberals, who’re ignorant of any political theory other than egalitarianism, reserve the ugliest terms.

The “electoral college,” writes the Economist, is as system “that America’s founders jury-rigged in part to square the needs of democracy with the demography of slavery.”

Come again?

See: “The minority majority: America’s electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats,” July 12th 2018.

UPDATED (7/9): Left-Libertarians Are A Lot Like Neoconservatives, Certainly On Immigration

Britain, EU, Europe, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism

Wasn’t Spiked editor Brendan O’Neill once an open-borders advocate (oh yes), himself someone to weaponize the topic of immigration against anyone on the hard-Right?

Now he’s suddenly warning, as the hard-Right has been doing forever, that elites are weaponizing immigration against host populations.

Wasn’t Brendan one of those “open minds, open borders” sloganeers, ever so enamored with his own open mind?

Indeed, “Let them in,” O’Neill once admonished. Don’t “infantilise African migrants. … welcome them.”

Late to the party, as left-libertarians always are, O’Neill has discovered that immigration, too, is a state program, one used to subdue the host population. What do you know? Being on the left (in a manner)  means you never have to say you’re sorry.

UPDATE (7/9):

Michael Medved and David Rubin (the one neoconish; the other left-libertarian) were going back-and-forth on The Medved Show about immigration. At bottom, both are liberal apologists with a veneer of establishment conservatism. “Bring ’em out of the shadows, path to citizenship,” blah, blah.

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UPDATED (8/15/018): Poland Has Enacted A REAL Muslim Ban. It Does Not Accept Muslim Migrants. Period.

Christianity, Crime, Europe, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Terrorism, The West

Unlike the nonsensical, watered-down Muslim ban America has been grudgingly permitted to enact (“Big Con,” naturally, defend it); Poland, a country that shares a culture, has a real ban. Simple: Poland does not accept migrants from the Middle East and North Africa.

Daniel Pipes traveled to Poland to trace the roots of this ban; and “understand why Poland differs so sharply from Western Europe and what this implies.”

Essentially, the rather homogeneous polish people have united around the idea of re-Christianizing their country. This impetus emanates from “the country’s civilizationist … party, called Law and Justice (PiS, pronounced peace).

In the telling of the PiS,

a steady diet of news from Western Europe of jihadi violence, taharrush, “grooming” gangs, honor killings, female genital mutilation, criminal activity, welfare fraud, and cultural aggression prompted a demand from below for the party to adopt an anti-immigration and -Islamization platform. The Merkel Tsunami of 2015-16, with its million-plus Muslims walking through Europe, frightened Poles. Accordingly, some 75 percent of them reject Muslim immigration. So, even if PiS’ main rival reaches power, they note, the Muslim ban will stay.

“Of these two interpretations,” [Dr. Pipes] “finds the second far more convincing. PiS is no more responsible for the fears of immigration and Islamization than Europe’s other civilizationist parties, such as Austria’s Freedom Party or Italy’s League. They all respond to a growing unease, mainly from the bottom of the socio-economic spectrum. They represent Europeans who fear for their civilization.”

READ “Poland’s Muslim Ban” by Daniel Pipes.

UPDATE (8/15/018): Now Austria:

Maybe Poland and Austria don’t want to become The Netherlands:

Those “Swedes” are rioting again:

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