Category Archives: Foreign Policy

UPDATED (9/11): The Problem Is That The Political Class Is Disloyal To … Voters

Democracy, Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, THE ELITES, The State

Tucker Carlson 3:28 minutes in:

“The problem is not that some unnamed White House official is disloyal to the president. The problem with the anon and gutless op-ed in the New York Times is that so many in our political class are disloyalty to … voters.”

UPDATE (9/11):

“Crazy” to Never Trumpers means keeping campaign promises:

‘Take Me In, Dear Donald,’ Smiled The Never Trumper Snakes. And Donald Did.

Donald Trump, Ethics, Foreign Policy, Journalism, Media, Morality

“Lie Down With The Enemy, Get Up Without The Presidency,” I wrote on 2017/03/16.

Trump ran on NOT taking in snakes that’ll bite the American people.

A ballad called “The Snake” became a theme along the Trump campaign. Donald Trump seemed to find “The Snake” a powerful metaphor for his campaign’s impetus.

Yet as soon as Trump took office, he gathered into his Administration many of the Never Trumper reptiles who had never supported the ideas he ran on.

Those idea are precisely the ones denounced in a New York Times’ yellow journalism op-ed:

“I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration: I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations”:

Plainly put, the principles anon wishes to thwart are:

* Diplomacy with Russia and North Korea.
* Tough renegotiation of the multilateral trade agreements that had worked against the American worker.
* Very little sympathy for European and British leaders (“our allies” in the above op-ed), who’d exposed their own Deplorables—their innocent countrymen—to millions of hibernating snakes from the Middle East and North Africa.

Sixty million Americans liked these ideas enough to choose their progenitor, Trump, as their next president.

But not the failing New York Times’ anon.

Take foreign policy: In public and in private, President Trump shows a preference for autocrats and dictators, such as President Vladimir Putin of Russia and North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, and displays little genuine appreciation for the ties that bind us to allied, like-minded nations.

Astute observers have noted, though, that the rest of the administration is operating on another track, one where countries like Russia are called out for meddling and punished accordingly, and where allies around the world are engaged as peers rather than ridiculed as rivals.

On Russia, for instance, the president was reluctant to expel so many of Mr. Putin’s spies as punishment for the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain. He complained for weeks about senior staff members letting him get boxed into further confrontation with Russia, and he expressed frustration that the United States continued to impose sanctions on the country for its malign behavior. But his national security team knew better — such actions had to be taken, to hold Moscow accountable.

Smoke him out, Mr. President. Clean house, for once.

‘We Have A Solemn Obligation To Protect Our Citizens & Their Quality Of Life’: Wow, What Was POTUS Thinking?

Donald Trump, Europe, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, The West, Trade

The president looked sharp during a presser with Italy’s Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte. Even sharper and better were President Trump’s comments about reclaiming immigration sovereignty. Shut the government down if you don’t win from Congress the ability to control our demographic destiny and reclaim American sovereignty.

Appreciated is the way this president always hearkens back to civilizational issues. Once you lose the West, you’re not getting it back. The tipping point may have been reached.

Here POTUS warmly welcomes Giuseppe Conte:

Conte has taken “a very firm stand” on border matters, for which he is praised. Trump being a MAGA man, brings up trade tariffs.


Cooperation on stabilizing Libya is likely code for stopping the influx from North Africa into Italy. 

“Our countries have learned through hard experience that border security is national security.” Terrorism and uncontrolled migration are separated, not conflated.

“The [Italian] Prime Minister and I are united in our conviction that strong nations must have strong borders.” A merit-based immigration system is a must:

Stephen Miller has an uncle:

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UPDATED V (2/27019): A Pair Of Motor-Mouth Faux Conservatives: Explaining What Makes Ben Shapiro & Meghan McCain ‘Crass Pragmatists’

Foreign Policy, Individual Rights, Iraq, John McCain, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Neoconservatism

On, the new column is “A Pair of Motor-Mouth Faux Conservatives.” On the Unz Review, it’s “What Makes Ben Shapiro & Meghan McCain Crass Pragmatists.”

An excerpt:

Ben Shapiro is an anti-Trumper, who continues to assert baselessly that “the future of the Republican party is anti-Trump.”

Fox News, generally pro-POTUS, persists in exposing Deplorables to Shapiro’s twitter travails and spats with a left that, in turn, doesn’t know left from right—for Ben is no rightist; he’s a neoconservative media-pleaser.

In this farcical tradition, Ben was asked to comment on the election of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, whom Rush Limbaugh—he knows a thing or two—calls the female Barack Obama.

Since winning the Democratic primary in New York’s 14th congressional district, Cortez, a hard-core socialist, has been the toast of the town.

True to type, Shapiro failed to come up with one principled argument against Cortez’ socialism. All that came through was:

“It doesn’t work.” Socialism doesn’t work.

Not a word did wonder boy utter about the very crux of the matter. The rights-violating underpinnings of socialism is what makes socialism and its attendant political platform both an economic wrecking ball and plain wicked.

Another popular fount of conservative philosophy is Meghan McCain. She’s as conservative as her father, John McCain, from whom she got a dynastic leg-up in the menagerie of morons that is mainstream media.

On “The View,” a very vulgar program, Meghan made a similar non-case to the one mouthed by motor-mouth Shapiro:

“Name one country that socialism has ever worked” (sic) she blurted. (Translated: “Name a country where socialism has worked.”)

In her defense, we should say that everyone knows Meghan is no Michael Oakeshott. The problem being that Ben is considered the very embodiment of Russell Kirk, a classical conservative, and the intellectual father of American conservatism, may it rest in peace. …

… READ THE REST.  On, the new column is “A Pair of Motor-Mouth Faux Conservatives.” On the Unz Review, it’s “What Makes Ben Shapiro & Meghan McCain Crass Pragmatists?”

Whatever floats your boat.

UPDATE: In “The historical revisionists,” Vox Day upbraids “Ben Shapiro for trying to speech police Pat Buchanan for telling the truth about American history.”

Also via Vox Day:

Because Shapiro is an evil little fraud. He’s terrified of debate with anyone who isn’t a left-wing halfwit. He’s a midwit, a gatekeeper, and a media construct who has been relentlessly pushed on American conservatives since he was in junior high. Any Christian or conservative who considers himself a Shapiro fan is a naive fool who has been taken in by the propaganda program. The same thing goes for Jordan Peterson.

These heavily promoted wormtongues do not speak the truth, they do not believe what their fans think they believe, and their objectives are to protect evil by distracting and confusing those who would otherwise stand against it. William F. Buckley. Glenn Beck. Ben Shapiro. Jordan Peterson…. when are conservatives going to stop falling for these obvious frauds?

UPDATE I (7/30): Fox News’ “The Story” discusses socialism. The debate is purely pragmatic (cost analysis); no mention of principles, namely the infraction of individual rights involved.

UPDATE II: Another cost analysis by Guy Benson. Rights? What’s that? 

“Brutal: Examining Ocasio-Cortez’s Painful Answer on Funding Her Socialist Utopia.”

UPDATE III (8/12): A Primer on Israel Firster Ben Shapiro:

Ben Shapiro: Alt-Left/Big Con Celebrity Extraordinaire” By Jack Kerwick

UPDATE IV (8/15/018):
Evil Twin:

UPDATE V (2/27019): Reparations argumentation a la Ben.

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