Category Archives: Foreign Policy

Why Can’t Trump Campaign On His America-First Winning Issues?

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION

Even MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, no well-wisher of Donald Trump, is frustrated by the candidate’s inability to campaign on his winning issues:


Whatever you think of Donald Trump, I mean, whatever you think of Donald Trump, you have to wonder, why isn’t he doing it? Why isn’t he running for president? Why isn’t he spending every hour asking the voters again and again do you like way things are? The way they’ve been headed in this country? Do you like the continued destruction of our manufacturing base, and the jobs that went with it?

Do you like the uncontrolled illegal immigration? Do you like the string of stupid wars from Iraq to Libya to Syria? If you want to say yes to all of that, if you want to keep all this way it is, vote for Hillary Clinton. If you don’t like the way things have been headed, you have have a chance to really shake the system to its roots. And if you wake up the day after the election, and if it is the same as it is today. If it’s the same four, five, or eight years from now, remember you had the chance to change it but you were too dainty to do it.

If Trump were to win the election, those would be the reasons listed right at the top of the newspaper the day afterward. So why doesn’t he say now what would win him the election? Why doesn’t he fight and create stupid headlines with his battles with Megyn Kelly and Dana Bash?

He seems to devote everyday day after day to fighting fights that make people forget the reasons he started running for president, reasons that continue to carry the shrinking chance he has to win this thing. I say this not because I want Trump to win, but because I can’t stand politics being practiced so pathetically.

Despite What The Moron Media Will Say, TRUMP Won 2nd Presidential Debate

Barack Obama, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, Gender, Healthcare, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Media, Republicans, Taxation, Terrorism, Trade

Despite this, Donald Trump won the Second presidential Debate hands down.

At some point, Andy Copper even:

Can’t legislate biology. The guy factor:

However, Andy did touch on the “deplorables”:

Maybe this is no longer true, after 2nd Debate:

Be afraid, guys:

A shame Hillary’s dream of one-world order didn’t get mentioned, but enough did:

I’m a sexist, too:

“Make Government Great Again” is Hillary’s slogan:

Does he have strategy, or what! Pivoting and more:

The strategy vis-a-vis Islam: Stand your ground:

Hillary’s strategy/pivot: ‘Go to my website’:

The Obamas are not such great Clinton pals:

HillaryCare aka ObamaCare:

I suspect Bill is not unhappy, deep down:

Hillary left holding a lump of coal:



I have a soft spot for the … Kurds:

SCOTUS: Hillary hates her own money in politics …

Group hug: Trump is kinder than Hillary:

Is GOP Base Celebrating A Victory For The Team, Or A Blow To Ideas That Got Trump Nominated?

Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, Morality, Republicans

Everyone is agreed. VP candidate Mike Pence won the debate at Longwood University on October 4, 2016 in Farmville, Virginia. But what exactly is the GOP base celebrating about this somewhat pyrrhic victory over the very silly Tim Kaine? Since his victory, Pence has been mouthing non-stop about foreign policy positions in opposition to those of Donald Trump. America will take her lead in the world again, Pence keeps on repeating. We need to be in Syria, in Russia’s face, blah, blah. As I predicted, not a word about the theme of the Trump campaign: America First!

So what’s the GOP base celebrating? A victory for the team? Or a blow to the ideas that got Trump the nomination?

“How Pence upstaged Kaine … and his boss, too.”
“2016 VP Debate: Prepare To Be Bored, Uninspired & Pelted By Political Correctness.”

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From The Deplorables’ Perspective, Hillary Got Slaughtered @ First Presidential Debate

Business, Crime, Donald Trump, Economy, Foreign Policy, Gender, Hillary Clinton, Lebanon, Media

Not America First:

Clinton’s Ctrl-Alt-Delete Rant:

Make America Great Again:

And Now For Something Completely Different: Moron Media:

Pivoting from Putin:


Moocher Vs. Producer:
