Category Archives: Gender

Emasculated West Primed For a Muscular, Muslim Takeover


“Emasculated West Primed For a Muscular, Muslim Takeover” is the new column, now on FrontPage Magazine. An excerpt:

Programed as they are in feminist myth-making, journalists, young and old, often ask incredulously, “Why would western girls travel to join ISIS fighters?” “ISIS men don’t believe in equality between the sexes.”

At heart, neither do women. Not when hormones rage.

Islamic State projects strength. Strength is an aphrodisiac. Women are biologically programmed to be attracted to powerful men. That’s one reason some girls willingly put on black nose bags and flock to become ISIS brides.

Brainwashed to think biology is incidental, and that men and women are essentially interchangeable; younger readers will likely find it harder to grasp something as primordial and important as the male-female biological category.

Sheikh Muhammad Ayed has no such problem. Speaking in a deep, sonorous voice; in what sounds like classical Arabic, this imam can be observed on YouTube delivering a sermon from East Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque. The object of Sheikh Ayed’s coruscating derision is the emasculated West. It is primed for a muscular, Muslim takeover, he argues.

Said Ayed (as translated by The Middle East Media Research Institute):

But they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in their midst. We will give them fertility! We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries—whether you like it or not, oh Germans, oh Americans, oh French, oh Italians, and all those like you. Take the refugees! We shall soon collect them in the name of the coming Caliphate. We will say to you: These are our sons. Send them, or we will send our armies to you.

On its side, Islam has ascetic evangelists such as Ayed, who bow to no one.

On our side we have Father Michael Pfleger! He’s the too-hideous-to-behold, standard issue, Western preacher-cum-Obama idolater.

Pray tell: Who looks and sounds more impressive to the young and the impressionable? The impassioned, unapologetic, manly imam in flowing, Lawrence-of-Arabia robes, who channels the Word of his Prophet? Or, Father Pfleger, the soft face of the West’s ultra-liberal faith; a tool of liberal public administration; a man more eager to prostrate himself to Caesar than to serve a higher authority?

Pfleger’s ilk—the West’s priesthood—are in the four corners of the earth preaching hate for their own kind. Thus, in a week in which fifteen blacks wielding Kalashnikovs killed two white farmers in KwaZulu-Natal; another excuse-for-a-man—man-of-the-cloth Michael Vorster—was at a South-African pulpit puling about “the controlling ways of whiteness.”…

… Read the rest. The complete column is “Emasculated West Primed For a Muscular, Muslim Takeover.”  It’s now on FrontPage Magazine.

I had a blast, 07-29-2016, with the talented Bill Meyer, discussing my new book, The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed.

The KMED podcast is up: Listen.

UPDATED (8/16): The World According To ‘Crooked’ Hillary And Her Gyno-Brigade


“It was only right that Hillary Clinton’s first general election speech was before Planned Parenthood on Friday,” blared the headline on Well of course. That’s what’s on my mind. I can’t stop thinking dilation and curettage (D&C), not the $19 trillion debt and the terrifying prospect of negative interest rates, which you know is on Donald Trump’s mind (perhaps someone should tell him to talk about negative interest rates!!!!!!!!!!!!).

What do you think Hillary and her gyno-brigade know about markets, capital formation and the importance of savings to investment—and to civilization? I don’t know about you, but when I see Hillary flanked, backed and surrounded by a kaleidoscope of bossy, angry, teary, aggrieved-looking females, girly men and the likes of Rajiv K. Fernando; I just know that things are going to be alright.

Were the American media not as crooked as Hillary, the headlines, in addition to the jobs report and the prospects for savers, should have been, “Stunning Emails Reveal How Clinton Foundation Donor Bought Seat As Hillary’s Nuclear Weapons Advisor.” The last is a report on Zero Hedge. While CNN TV has reported on the Clinton donor scandal; there is nothing, for now, on the CNN site to that effect.

The Google search engine has “forgotten” to sweep up the story for its search. I tried and came up with Zero Hedge only.

READ the story of Rajiv K. Fernando’s—I think he even made superdelegate—and how he got his seat on the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB).

Yes, what do you suppose “Pocahontas,” aka Elizabeth Warren (touted as Hillary’s VP), knows about capital markets, capital formation, savings, or the impact of negative interest rates on all the above?

UPDATE (8/16): “Look at the lovely faces surrounding Trump on rallies, compared to the malevolent-looking motley crew that goes with Clinton.”

UPDATED (5/23): Left-Liberalism’s Homo-Eroticism


“Left-liberalism’s Homo-Eroticism” is this week’s column. It’s now on The Unz Review, where you’ll find my weekly column. (After 15 years, I am no longer with WND.) An excerpt:

A Norwegian male was raped by a Somali asylum seeker. The last term—Somali asylum seeker—is something of a contradiction like the first (Norwegian man). The asylum-seeker honorific is given to practically anyone from the Dark Continent or the Middle-East who washes up on Continental Europe’s shores.

The politician, Karsten Nordal Hauken, who says he’s heterosexual, went public with details of his awful ordeal. “I was raped by a Somalian asylum seeker,” he wrote in a Norwegian newspaper. “My life fell into ruin.”

But it was Nordal Hauken, not his assailant, who proceeded to assault sensibilities with a confession that rivals the crime for reprehensibility. Hyperbole? I don’t think so.

As Hauken, a self-described left-wing feminist, tells it, he has been wracked by guilt because one night of passion has caused his Somali assailant to be returned to sender. After resting up in a Norwegian prison, the rapist is to be deported to Somalia. Hauken laments being overcome by “a strong feeling of guilt and responsibility. I was the reason that he would not be in Norway anymore … .”

And: “I see [the Somali] mostly like a product of an unfair world, a product of an upbringing marked by war and despair.” (This liberal peppers his writing with lots of “likes,” “millennial teen-talk,” as Patrick Buchanan termed these linguistic deformations.) …

READ THE REST. The complete column, “Left-liberalism’s Homo-Eroticism,” is now on The Unz Review.

UPDATE (5/23): Another neutered man of the cloth and of the Left. “Archbishop Outside Whose Cathedral Cologne Women Were Raped, Defends Islam.”

‘When Is Fox Going To Deep-Six Megyn Kelly?’


My good friend, retired flight test engineer WILLIAM B. SCOTT, author of “The Permit,” spared me the agony of watching Megyn Kelly’s journo porn. I could not possibly tolerate the bedroom voice, the affectatious ringed-hand gestures and the dumb bimbo questions. How disappointing that Donald Trump found this tack tolerable. The Washington Post echoes comments I had already made about Kelly. Briefly, and before we clear Bill to fire, here’s WaPo’s take:

Kelly is going to have to learn about listening, and, wherever possible, resist the urge to bring attention to herself. But I don’t think that’s really her thing. … Kelly’s last words to her viewers were spent crassly plugging her forthcoming memoir.

My version’s more colorful:

… A serious journalist with a grasp of the enormity of the Trump Revolution; a journalist who didn’t wish to give up on ever again interviewing the candidate, or forever forfeit access to a possible future president, a journalist with gravitas would have labored less at promoting herself and more on mending a professional relationship. … Not Kelly. And Kelly’s colleagues and bosses are enablers; they’ve taught her everything about ratings, make-up and hair. …
… Yes, your new hair is magnificent, Megyn Kelly. Glad you got rid of the old, matted shag that likely needed extensive reviving before each show. You’re a pretty girl. But boy, are you vain and a tad vacuous. The way you always bring the Kelly File show back to … yourself. Does that take skill or just all-consuming narcissism?

Bill’s the best:

When is Fox going to deep-six this woman? America has had it with the Blond Ego of the Fox News Channel!!!
This interview was moronic. What dumb questions Witch Megyn asked! Where are the questions about policy, ISIS, the economy, etc.?
Megyn was determined to get an apology from Trump, but it didn’t happen (good!). Then Kelly asked the dumbest d*** questions, again focusing on personal trivia and trying to portray The Donald as something he isn’t.

My gut-feel sense: Kelly’s popularity among Fox viewers has plummeted, since that first Republican debate and her moronic, aggressive “women question.” Since then, her unremitting campaign to undermine and discredit Trump has further infuriated the Fox audience, even though she’s merely carrying the water for Rupert Murdoch. She’s the most-ambitious Fox-babe—one willing to do anything to please Murdoch, a paragon of the global elites threatened by Trump presidency.

Roger Ailes (sp?), the FNC news chief, would probably “deep-six” Ms. Megyn, but Murdoch is trying to save her pretty little face by giving her a separate, new personality-based show that’s distributed to Fox affiliates. (Kelly as a new-generation Barbara Walters?) I suspect her FNC show will vanish shortly. Kelly’s star is in free fall, and giving her a new show smells of desperation.

Merely an old reporter’s sensors and news radar at work. I may be wrong.

The last straw for me last night was Kelly’s not-so-subtle “suggestions” that Trump change his ways to become more of what the mindless elites and media (pardon the redundancy) think he should be. Fortunately, Trump is far more attuned to today’s American psyche than are the elitists paralyzed by fear of the distinct possibility that Trump will upend their cozy little exclusive club and money machine—the political-corporate-media-globalist complex that empowers and enriches everybody but working citizens.