Category Archives: Gender

Washington State Pinkos In A Pickle Over Sex-Selective Abortions

Ethics, Feminism, Gender, IMMIGRATION

The Evergreen State’s oink sector has a problem. It loves immigration, refugees too. The more the merrier. In fact, the door of the gym I frequent was plastered, recently, with a sign welcoming refugees and urging “haters” to leave. I’d have published the club’s name, but management soon thought the better of it and removed the sign. Perhaps the paying “haters” threatened to take their business elsewhere.

In any event, the pinkos in power in Washington State are partial to abortion as well, but dislike sex-selective abortions and want to ban it—mostly, is my guess, because girls are the fetuses generally expelled from immigrant uteruses.

Immigrants? Yes, you didn’t think Americans practiced sex-selective abortion, did you?!

The joy of multiculturalism is missing from the discussion about the monstrous practice of killing girls in-utero. From “Importing Monstrous Morals”:

Yes, In addition to their mostly ordinary abilities, the Indian H-1B intake is bringing with it an extraordinary antipathy for little girls. Chain migration means that each H-1B recruit brings in an extended family—all the better to help sustain the practice.

Empirical proof of these impregnable positions comes from the University of California, San Francisco. The UCSF conducted a “qualitative study of son preference and fetal sex selection among Indian immigrants in the United States.” It showed that “Indian immigrant women are using reproductive technologies and liberal abortion policies in the United States to abort female fetuses.” The study was published in Social Science & Medicine. Therein, the objects of observation are quoted as saying this: “There is such a thing as too many daughters, but not too many sons.”

The current monomania over Muslims and their disdain for women conceals that the habits of Hindus are as horrible. (And that diversity is a catastrophe, or is that a stretch!?)

MORE “Importing Monstrous Morals.”

Related: Abortions based on gender of fetus would be banned under Olympia bill

UPDATED: Traitors Ted Cruz & John Kasich Use Orwellian Speak To Tarnish Trump

Constitution, Donald Trump, Elections, Free Speech, Gender, Individual Rights, Race, Republicans

The presidential aspirations of Ted Cruz and John Kasich ought to be sealed, OVER, after both blamed Donald Trump, using the “toxic environment” Orwellian Speak, for Chicago mob violence, the kind that burnt down Ferguson and will burn down this country. (Related “Ferguson: Thankful For The Founding Fathers’ Legal Legacy.”)

Said Kasich (Dr. Phil of politics):

Before Trump spoke in Dayton on Saturday, Ohio Gov. John Kasich said the real estate mogul had created a “toxic environment.”
“There is no place for this,” he said. “There is no place for a national leader to prey on the fears of the people who live in our country.”

Said traitor Ted Cruz, via The Conservative Treehouse:

The responsibility starts at the top. The candidate is responsible for the culture of the campaign. Trump disrespects voters, encourages violence and assaults the press.

There you have it. Like little liberals, Republicans capitulate to and psychologize about mob violence and mob rule.

UPDATE (3/13):

UPDATE II: Feminized Democrat Debate

Celebrity, Democrats, Elections, Feminism, Gender, Hillary Clinton

The Mouse, Bernie Sanders, scolds The Man, Hillary Clinton, for interrupting him. Mouse says, “Excuse me, I’m talking.” The country erupts in a debate that is deemed way more dignified than the Republican fisticuffs.

Not so. The Dems, two of them, are debating like girls; the Republicans are brawling like boys. That’s all.

And The Girls are fighting over whether Sanders is sexist or not. For example, The Daily Breast (not a typo) protests:

“Its Absurd For Hillary Supporters To Call Bernie Sanders Sexist.”

And it’s absurd for The Daily Breast to spill pixels over the absurdity of this absurd allegation. But The Daily Breast is absurd.

No longer do we even notice how feminized and fussy discourse has become. You need a special manual to make sense of this crap.

Speaking of fussy fools:

UPDATED I (3/9): Democrat Lena Dunham Shares:

UPDATE II (3/11): Caitlyn Jenner:

UPDATED: The Immorality and Lethality of Socialism & Socialists

Communism, Democrats, Gender, Individual Rights, Morality, Socialism

“Be it Hillary or burn-the-wealth Bernie—both agree that it is up to them, the all-knowing central planners, to determine how much of your life ought to be theirs to squander.
Democratic socialism, under which we already labor today in the USA, turns on Karl Marx’s maxim, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Sanders’ idea is the unnatural notion that the government is entitled to seize a portion of your income; that it has a lien on your life and on what you acquire in the course of sustaining that life.” (“Burn-The-Wealth Bernie & His Partial Enslavement System”)

UPDATE (2/14): The female franchise has sissified and socialized our politics.