Category Archives: Gender

Guys Do Double Duty For Feminist Delusions

Economy, Feminism, Gender, Labor, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Pseudoscience, Reason, Republicans

“Guys Do Double Duty For Feminist Delusions” is the new weekly column, now on RT. Here is an excerpt:

“A dual spigot for an exterior faucet”: We purchased this item at Home Depot, the shop where men roam to feel at home.

The item was without a sticker. A woman clerk was manning the checkout counter. She and her female colleagues congregated to solve the problem. A man at the back was contacted on the intercom system and asked for a price. Alas, and eventually, another man had to save the day. Not one of the ladies was able to coherently describe the 2-outlet faucet adaptor, for the purpose of pricing the item.

A young man who worked the floor staged an “intervention.” He arrived on the scene, held the thing comfortably in his hands, and intuitively blurted out the description above. It was second nature to him. A minute or so later, we were finally on our way.

No doubt, this youngster’s female coworkers on the Home Depot floor would describe the task they just failed to execute as one demanding “equal pay.”

In reality, this anonymous, symbolic guy is worth much more to his employers than the gals. If his bosses did not fear a class-action lawsuit from his always watchful female coworkers, the man would be paid commensurate with his worth to the company; or his productivity.

Yes, that young man is more productive than his female colleagues in delivering the service that is Home Depot’s stock-in-trade. He saves customers time (and time is money). And much more.

Everywhere you go, men are enabling—and compensating for—female incompetence in work to which women are unsuited.

Everywhere, men are doing double duty, sometimes endangering themselves (as in police work), to give girls the delusions of grandeur they demand. And they do this without question. I guess a guy doing unequal work for equal pay would get fired if he questioned this PC protocol. …

Inveighing against “income disparity between men and women,” House Minority Leader (who should seldom be taken seriously), had said this

Read the rest of “Guys Do Double Duty For Feminist Delusions,” now on RT.

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Support this writer’s work by clicking to “Recommend,” “Tweet” and “Share” “Return To Reason” on WND, and the “Paleolibertarian Column” on RT.

The paperback edition (softcover) of “Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa” is out and in stock. It features bonus material, including an Afterword by Burkean philosopher and rising star, Jack Kerwick, Ph.D.

Please LIKE “The Cannibal” on Amazon as well as on Facebook, and contribute your review of the paperback edition.

UPADTED: Porno Mom And Her Freaky Family (The Noble Savage Model)

America, Celebrity, Ethics, Family, Gender, Psychiatry, Psychology & Pop-Psychology, Sex

The following is an excerpt from “Mother’s Day Disturbia: Porno Mom And Her Sucky Kid”:

“Unseemliness” is how Charles Murray might call the May 2012 Time Magazine cover, genuflecting to modern motherhood in America. In “Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010,” the libertarian political scientist mentions the “collapse of a sturdy code” [of conduct] in American society, rendering the nouveau riche upper class indistinguishable in that sense from the ever-accreting lower class.

“Obscene” better captures the mien of the Madonna and child that brazenly stare into the camera—and at America. TIME’s cover-models are Jamie Lynne Grumet, 26, self-styled, “attachment” parent, and Aram, her chunky, garden gnome of a child. …

In any event, Aram is a real feeder, if you know what I mean.

Grumet junior is large for his tender age of four. His gaze is cunning, never cute. The miniature man already reaches up to his non-gnomic mom’s waist. To help Aram reach the prized pair—mom’s perky breasts—TIME’s artistic director has used a stool.

All the better to satisfy mom’s “maternal” urges, “Nudge nudge, wink wink. Say no-more, say no-more.”

One other tender touch: Porno-mom’s pelvis is tilted slightly in the direction of her gnome’s grubby hands.

At this stage, bullying would be the best corrective intervention this kid could hope for. In a better world—one in which propriety had not been pulverized—odious Aram would be taunted mercilessly at play school. Were he to make it that far, boob-boy is sure to be smacked about the head by a few manly college boys, later in life.

For now, Aram remains the play thing of bigger bullies, caught as he is in a maelstrom of mommy dearest’s making. Horrified, television spectators watched the advocacy for the onansim known as “attachment parenting,” with the fascination with which you’d watch maggots crawl in-and-out of a CSI corpse.

“A lot of people say, you know, you can’t really be intimate with your husband if you’re co-sleeping and … those are kind of myths, too,” vaporized Mrs. Grumet on NBC’s Today show, to the leering approval of the mad-hatter behind Jamie Lynne Grumet’s Method Parenting.

Dr. William Sears was on set to dispense Delphic advice to moms who don’t measure-up. “These are tools, not rules,” this tool of a doctor effused.

Viewers of this uniquely American vaudeville were assured by Mrs. Grumet that…

Read the complete column, “Mother’s Day Disturbia: Porno Mom And Her Sucky Kid,” now on RT.

If you’d like to feature this column in or on your publication (paper or pixels), contact

Support this writer’s work by clicking to “Recommend,” “Tweet” and “Share” “Return To Reason” on WND, and the “Paleolibertarian Column” on RT.

UPDATE: THE NOBLE SAVAGE MODEL. There is no way that what this “boob of very little brain” is doing is right. She has conditioned the boy to be a nuisance and a cling-on to satisfy her (possibly not maternal) needs.

Somehow people defer to Third-World women as a models to emulate. Why? Is it because backward is more natural? As I point out in my book, Into The Cannibal’s Pot, these women often breast-feed their toddlers even when they themselves are HIV positive, for fear of being stigmatized by their tribesmen and women. Is this model of magical, irrational thinking one that the morons of the western media are promoting?

Besides, in primitive, poor societies, what you see are women who are forced to let starving toddlers, who might weigh what a one-year-old western toddler would, hang on their shriveled breasts—breasts that yield very little by way of fluid. This “practice” is dictated, mostly, by starvation.

The Noble Savage argument is ignoble. It is no model for advanced, western societies. All Arguments from Primitive Cultures for the “onanism” of “attachment parenting” are plain pathetic.

‘The Economics of Ann Romney’

Democrats, Economy, Elections, Family, Feminism, Gender, Morality, Republicans

“Ann Romney is economically a hell of a lot smarter than Hilary Rosen,” concludes Kevin D. Williamson, in a neat column wherein, taking into account “scarcity of economic resources and scarcity of parental time,” and weighing these against the utmost top dollar the lovely Mrs. Romney might have commanded, Kevin calculates that Ann Romney would have been stark raving mad to have abandoned her gorgeous kids to the deprivations of daycare.

Not when the much-maligned Mr. Romney was bringing in “about $6,400 an hour at Bain Capital.”

Nice, if reductive, column, for after all, it is indeed likely that the Romneys would have made the same decisions were Mitt less successful. Values are irreducible.

“Democratic operative Hilary Rosen — who sneered that [Ann Romney] ‘has actually never worked a day in her life'”—wishes she were a quality babe who could attract a catch like Mitt Romney.

(Tinny ideologues should note that I do not support Romney, but this does not rob me of objectivity, as it does the robotic ideologue. I appreciate many of Mitt Romney’s qualities.)

UPDATED: Go Ape On Affirmative Action (Satire Lost on Most)

Affirmative Action, Critique, Feminism, Gender, Intelligence

I want working for government to be one of the most dangerous jobs ever (unfortunately, the honest work of fishermen earns that distinction). So here’s my Swiftian suggestion:

Yes to radical affirmative action in the secret service. Not only should women and minorities be well-represented among the parasites’ security details; but they should be overrepresented.

Adjust admission tests, physical and cognitive, to rule out all so-called (wink-wink) cultural or gender bias. In other words, make the tests easier, or admit the desired gender and race with lower scores. Drop the IQ requirements by two standard deviations! And a bull’s eye on the target be damned. The new-intake shooters don’t need to drop an attacker; they can settle for grazing him.

ALSO, support the super obese for the secret service too! Smother the sons-of-guns in mountains of protective flesh, female, male or other.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, would approve. Sen. Collins “suggested Sunday that the problem [of prostitute abuse] could have been averted if more women were on duty.”

UPDATE: In reply to reader on Facebook. Satire is lost on most of my readers. Follow the link to find out what “swiftian” means: A Modest Proposal.