Category Archives: Healthcare

Pandemic Preparedness And America’s Mañana Mentality

COVID-19, Debt, Economy, Free Markets, Healthcare, Political Economy, The State

The dynamics of state regulation and ownership aside, there is no ignoring our American mañana mentality. Consume in the present; worry not at all about tomorrow’s supplies.

Doesn’t that epitomize the state of America’s coronavirus pandemic reserves?

Via the LA Times: “A disaster foretold: Shortages of ventilators and other medical supplies have long been warned about.”

The nation needed larger caches of standby medical supplies and hospitals that were better prepared to handle a surge of infected patients.

A decade later, the coronavirus crisis is exposing many of the same gaps. Inadequate supplies of protective masks, ventilators, intensive care beds and other medical resources are forcing mass closures of schools and businesses and restrictions on everyday activities as public officials rush to slow the virus so America’s medical system isn’t overwhelmed.

the Government Accountability Office … the federal government’s leading internal watchdog, has issued a steady stream of reports about poor pandemic planning. …

The GAO, public health experts and others issued a steady drumbeat of warnings that America would sooner or later face a widespread infectious disease outbreak or a major bioterrorism attack and was woefully unprepared. …

… In both 2018 and 2019, U.S. intelligence agencies issued insistent warnings in their annual Worldwide Threat Assessment.

“We assess that the United States and the world will remain vulnerable to the next flu pandemic or large-scale outbreak of a contagious disease that could lead to massive rates of death and disability, severely affect the world economy, strain international resources, and increase calls on the United States for support,” the 2019 report noted.

AND, Making the case for investments in material and hospital planning has long been challenging as most people have difficulty envisioning a major disaster, acknowledged Dr. Eric Toner of Johns Hopkins University, an authority on pandemic preparedness.”

Hospitals also are under pressure to keep margins thin and eliminate spending on staff and supplies that aren’t used all the time.

And, in government-regulated hospitals, which are the majority in the US,

The budget crunch represents a particular challenge for so-called safety-net hospitals, institutions that serve many uninsured patients and those covered by Medicaid, and consequently collect less revenue. These same hospitals are now expecting a large surge in coronavirus patients but have limited resources to ramp up staffing and add intensive care beds if needed.

“Cash is very limited,” said Charlie Shields, chief executive of Truman Medical Centers in Kansas City. Shields said the finances are under even more stress since the hospital canceled elective procedures and shut down its dental services to prepare for the pandemic, moves that reduce hospital revenue.

In case you imagine the US has a free-market in medicine, here are a few statistics that’ll shock you, via The Economist:

The country has over 6,000 hospitals. Only 1,300 or so are private for-profit institutions; the rest are non-profit or government-run. The lack of an overt profit motive has done little to rein in prices …

In any event, the defining characteristic of the Unites States is debt—public and private, macro and micro. America is a debtor nation. A natural shift must take place in the economy from a credit-fueled, consumption-based economy, to one founded on savings, investment and production.

US Has Over 6,000 hospitals. Only 1,300 Are Private For-Profit Institution

America, Capitalism, COVID-19, Free Markets, Government, Healthcare

If you imagined America has a free market in medicine, read “Diagnosis: opaque: Donald Trump wants hospitals to be more upfront about prices”:

The country has over 6,000 hospitals. Only 1,300 or so are private for-profit institutions; the rest are non-profit or government-run. The lack of an overt profit motive has done little to rein in prices, however. Hospital costs have risen at an annual rate of close to 5%, compared with below 1% for drug prices. … Nor has a charitable mission dampened the ambition of bosses at big hospital chains; seven-figure salaries are not unheard of at those with revenues exceeding $500m a year. They have also been on an acquisition binge. The number of deals has jumped from around 55 a year between 2002 and 2009 to 90 or more these days. Since 2018 non-profit hospitals have been the acquirers in three-quarters of the transactions.

How do government-run or subsidized hospitals engage in the capitalistic act of mergers?  They do so on the backs of taxpayers. Profits are privatized; losses are socialized. This is the stuff of cronyism.

Free market medicine we do not have. Before Coronavirus, Trump was looking to reform the nation’s hospitals.


“Diagnosis: opaque: Donald Trump wants hospitals to be more upfront about prices”

* Image courtesy The Economist.

UPDATED/LETTERS (3/21): NEW COLUMN: In Which I Cover WuFlu, And Bitch Slap Less Evolved Life Forms

Anti-Semitism, China, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Globalism, Healthcare, Ilana Mercer, Israel, Russia

NEW COLUMN is one in which WuFlu is covered at length and in depth, but in which I am forced to deal with forms of life less evolved than the coronavirus.

Indeed, more novel than coronavirus, in this column, is being forced to bitch slap some, “Little Men—minnows, reptilian brains, who hide behind their email handle, nipping at my heels in fractured, mangled sentences, using nothing but ad hominen and Jewy conspiracy.” These organisms have dogged the Mercer Column on the Unz Review for too long.

Read “#WuFlu: One Foot In #Wuhan, One Foot In the Grave (Via Washington State)” Then, scroll down to the “Marginalia” section. Enjoy.


 …. Writing for the Times Literary Supplement, a liberal gentleman named Anthony St. John wrote, “I would run for my life if I saw Ilana Mercer coming my way! Does she eat nails for breakfast?”

And billionaire investor Victor Niederhoffer—such a fun, eccentric man—said this: “You can’t win an argument with this woman. I’ve tried and failed.”

One day, time allowing—after all, there is so much life to live—I might just take some extremely unkind cuts to each “Little Man” who hounds me on this thread, never making sense, and so often emitting scary threats.

Little Men have a big decision. Is it worth hounding Mercer? Can the “Little Man” collective afford it? Do these “Little Men” want to lose face, when they are already lacking in the proverbial male bits? I don’t think so.

And that’s the mildest part. MORE in: “#WuFlu: One Foot In #Wuhan, One Foot In the Grave (Via Washington State)”

It’s on, too, minus the viral load.

*Image is by Rudmer Zwerver

UPDATE (3/20): Letters loved this column–especially The Bitch Slap. A smattering:

From: Charlie
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2020 5:13 AM
Subject: Unz column

Ms. Mercer,

Your bitch slap of these individuals was long overdue. I bow (in respect, not flaccidly) in the presence of my new libertarian slay queen. I look forward to more.

From: Roey
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2020 9:35 AM
To: Ilana Mercer <>
Subject: Re: NEW COLUMN: In Which I Cover WuFlu, And Bitch Slap Less Evolved Life Forms

Wonderful column! Stay safe!

From: rocket
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2020 8:48 AM
To: Ilana Mercer <>
Subject: Bitch Slap-Happy

You make me smile!

From: dark S
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2020 7:42 AM
Subject: WOW

If  ONLY the powers that be felt the way that you do…THEN we might have a chance…Good job…


From: Gene
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2020 3:53 AM
To: Ilana Mercer <>
Subject: yes. WOW. (Latest column)

 Read it in 10 minutes, on a break at work.

Truly a staggering piece.  Had to immediately hit the donate button.








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NEW COLUMN: From Wuhan to Washington State With ‘Love’

China, Globalism, Healthcare, Music

NEW COLUMN AT The American Greatness is “From Wuhan to Washington State With ‘Love’” In it, I focus on, to quote,

“the intellectually nimble sleuth work done by scientists not of the CDC, in the course of viral RNA sequencing.” Of course, “epidemiology obligates even this creaky bureaucracy to trace the origins of the virus.

And so it has. Admits the CDC:

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in people and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people such as with … with this new virus (named SARS-CoV-2).
The SARS-CoV-2 virus [has its] origins in bats. The sequences from U.S. patients are similar to the one that China initially posted, suggesting a likely single, recent emergence of this virus from an animal reservoir.
Early on, many of the patients at the epicenter of the outbreak in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, had some link to a large seafood and live animal market, suggesting animal-to-person spread. Later, a growing number of patients reportedly did not have exposure to animal markets, indicating person-to-person spread. Person-to-person spread was subsequently reported outside Hubei and in countries outside China, including in the United States.

In other words, coronavirus jumped first from animal to person and thereafter from person-to-person.

The deadly disease originated in one of China’s disease-breeding, barbaric, “wet markets,” as they are called. These “wet markets” are hell on earth for wild animals, which are tied up, stacked in cages and slaughtered on the spot, because the fiendish customers demand “freshness.”

As the Associated Press reports, “You’ve got live animals, so there’s feces everywhere. There’s blood because of people chopping them up, … The messy mix raises the … odds that a new virus will jump to people handling the animals and start to spread.”

To its report, the AP has appended an image of a “wet market,” adjacent to an up-market Chinese mall.

Suffer the innocent, helpless critters. Suffer the old and the infirm. God help us all. …

… READ THE COMPLETE COLUMN. “From Wuhan to Washington State With ‘Love’” is AT The American Greatness.

Music for the times is “V: The New Mythology Suite” by progressive metal band Symphony X. It features evocative melodies, harmonic complexity, gorgeous arrangements, furious licks, sublime singing, impossible time-signature fluctuations. No contrapuntal incompetence here.  Yes, it is no contradiction at all to love Schubert’s trios and this … no contradiction at all.

Stay safe.
