Category Archives: Healthcare

Higher Rates And Hussein’s Healthcare Go Hand In Hand

Debt, Healthcare, Political Economy, Reason, The State

“You know what the insurance companies are like,” I was told by a statist neighbor, who adores Obama but concedes her healthcare premiums have gone up. How does the irrational individual solve the cognitive incongruity of rising prices and her undying love of the state?

She blames markets.

But even the stupid statist press can deny no longer that “insurance is at dramatically higher rates,” and some of the reasons are these:

First, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) sets minimum standards for benefits, including mental-health and substance-abuse treatment, maternity care, prescription drugs, and rehabilitative care, which were not included in many of the old plans. Also, insurance companies are now required to take all comers, regardless of their health status, and so rates are rising to cover their costs as well.


Here The Heritage Foundation is forced into explaining the economically obvious:

…Contrary to a key intention of the legislation, the combination of mandates and taxes will not help to reduce the deficit. In fact, the PPACA will likely increase the deficit by an average $75 billion per year, and as a result, the nation’s publicly held debt will be $753 billion higher at the end of 2020. Such astronomical debt crowds out other productive investments and will lead to an estimated 670,000 lost job opportunities per year. …
he policy combination of spending and taxes alters the macroeconomic performance of the economy and feeds back onto the budget. A dynamic simulation shows that the higher initial costs are not an investment that pays off with a higher return in later years. Indeed, these front-loaded costs slow economic growth with higher inflation and higher interest rates, which overwhelm the benefits the proposal hoped to gain in later years.
The bill’s taxes, penalties, and fees on investors and businesses will decrease the amount of investment in the economy. This reduced investment will in turn lead to a decline in productivity, causing the economy to produce $706 billion less worth of goods and services. A smaller economic pie means that workers earn lower wages and salaries. Higher taxes on investment also put upward pressure on interest rates as investors seek to achieve their after-tax desired rate of return. …
…Lower wages reduce the amount of taxable income that could otherwise have been achieved. This will both increase the deficit and grow the total debt—which in turn puts upward pressure on interest rates and crowds out some savings that could have gone to new productive business investments.
Higher interest rates mean that more American tax dollars will go toward paying the interest on the federal debt rather than paying down the principal. Simulations using dynamic analysis estimate that the government would spend an average $23 billion more per year on interest rate payments over the 2010–2020 year window than it would without the PPACA.


And from “Obama’s Politburo Of Proctologists”:

The pit of perverse incentives Papa Obama is engineering includes leveling the insurance industry, which by definition must discern and discriminate between applicants based on their health status (largely under individual control). Under his benevolent rule, private insurers will be subjected to a host of new regulations, “including a requirement to insure all applicants and a prohibition on pricing premiums on the basis of risk,” in the Cato Institute’s Michael Tanner’s rendering.
This means one thing: moral hazard. Writes libertarian economist Walter Block: “The greater the protection from the random expenses of sickness the greater the potential over-consumption of the item in question.”
We currently labor under “a seeming patchwork of indemnity insurance arrangements, managed care, private payment, and charity.” Yet the fewer the intermediaries interfering with the primary, patient-doctor relationship, the better the patient’s prognosis. The president’s prescription for too little freedom, however, is even less of the same!


Only A Sicko Trusts The State With His Health

BAB's A List, Healthcare, Political Economy

By Myron Pauli

Around age 8, I got sick and either my mom or dad had Dr. Kontorwitz walk 300 feet with his black bag to look at me. I have no idea how the bill was paid and what was a PPO or HMO or HAS or Exchange or Cafeteria Plan – and someone else (my parents) had to figure it all out. At age 20, dad was dead and my mom moved away and I was without insurance (between college and grad school), when I last saw Kontorwitz for a 2nd degree burn on my foot – just me and the doctor – no accountants – and I paid the entire $5 in cash.

Starting with wage and price controls in World War II, employer-sponsored insurance became the norm. Insurance (for catastrophes) later turned into “health care” to cover Viagra, acne, diarrhea, and sprained ankles. In 1965, Medicare/Medicaid took regulation to new staggering heights. Every regulation begat more responses from providers, insurance companies, and middlemen involving further paperwork, accountants, attorneys and yet more middlemen.

Technological advances also allow us to keep terminally ill patients alive a few extra weeks or months. (I personally doubt that my wife’s last 3 weeks of suffering from cancer were worth the expense – but it was covered.) “Explanation of Benefits” statements require cryptographic skills – and this is long before the “Affordable Care Act” of 2009, alias “Obamacare”.

People old enough to remember any semblance of a “free unregulated market” in medicine are mostly Medicare recipients. To most people, to even get a Kleenex in a doctor’s office requires sheets of paperwork, dozens of signatures/waivers and insurance cards. This reality has existed for decades and is the only reality known to people who want to feel secure that their coronary bypass will only cost a $100 co-pay.

Since the solution to too much regulation is always more regulation, Obamacare was born. Some of its 2900 pages came from ideas from the Heritage Foundation, George Romney, various HMOs, trade associations and lobbyists. Naturally, the Republicans had their alternative solutions. I have a doctorate in nuclear physics and I doubt I can go through the thousands of pages and relevant legislation and bureaucratic “agency interpretations” in order fathom which bureaucratic mess is “better” – perhaps my kidneys are better off with the Democrats while my liver will fare better with the Republicans?! I suspect that 99.999% of people mouthing off have no clue. It is more like Sunni Islam vs. Shiite Islam – a matter of faith.

The libertarian alternative is to remove government from health care which is a situation completely alien to nearly all Americans. The $100 co-pay for the knee replacement is visible while the rest of the costs are unseen. While Americans can understand religious freedom to choose to worship Jesus vs. Zeus vs. Vishnu; health care freedom comes with responsibility and is an alien concept. And when “the taxpayers” pay for health care, we get the inevitable regulated Nanny State as surely as dropping an egg produces a splat.

But until Americans desire liberty as much as their life, Obamacare—or Boehnercare and PPOs, HMOs, HSAs, EOBs, exchanges, ad tedium—is here to stay. Democratic mommy vs. Republican daddy – we are all children and we had better obey our parents – especially when mommy and daddy are very power hungry and we children have been told that the alternative to regulated health care is sure death.

In spite of all the shutdown nonsense about closing down forests and parks, regulated medicine is only likely to end when the money spigot dries up.





Barely a Blog (BAB) contributor Myron Pauli, Ph.D., grew up in Sunnyside Queens, went off to college in Cleveland and then spent time in a mental institution in Cambridge MA (MIT) with Benjamin Netanyahu (did not know him), and others until he was released with the “hostages” and Jimmy Carter on January 20, 1981, having defended his dissertation in nuclear physics. Most of the time since, he has worked on infrared sensors, mainly at Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC. He was NOT named after Ron Paul but is distantly related to physicist Wolftgang Pauli; unfortunately, only the “good looks” were handed down and not the brains. He writes assorted song lyrics and essays reflecting his cynicism and classical liberalism. Click on the “BAB’s A List” category to access the Pauli archive.

The Glories of Hussein’s Proctology

Barack Obama, Government, Healthcare, Socialism

“The Glories of Hussein’s Proctology” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

The message that greeted future Obamacare patients who logged on to was as follows: “Please wait. We have a lot of visitors on our site right now and we’re working to make your experience here better. Please wait here until we send you to the login page. Thanks for your patience.” is the deluxe version of Obamacare.

The interminable waits on are a harbinger of things to come under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This so-called “Health Insurance Marketplace” is using the good name of the marketplace in vain. A healthcare cauldron of Obama’s creation, government-run exchanges constitute a planned economy, not a market economy. As such, they will result in long lines precipitated by the inevitable inability of central planners to bring demand and supply into balance.

Like Canadian, Cuban and British nationalized healthcare, Obamacare’s motto will become, “We have boatloads of patients, too few doctors, supplies and equipment and not nearly enough of your money. Don’t like it? Go jump in the lake.”

Like me, you must know Obama-heads (doctors included) who shrugged off the idea that a further centralization of healthcare by Obama’s politburo of proctologists—a modest expansion totaling $2 trillion—would cost them anything at all. (Doctors for Obamacare ought to revel in the 140,000 added codes into which they’ll have to categorize care rendered. These include nine new codes for injuries sustained from the common macaw! You’re more likely to be felled by an Obama-guided drone than by that gentle hook bill.)

I’m already feeling the care. How about you?

Mitt Romney was not “lying” when he told stupid voters that the cost of their healthcare would rise under Obamacare by about $2000 to $3000 annually. Before Obamacare, this household enjoyed 100 percent coverage. Shortly after Obamacare became law, we were notified, like millions around the country, that healthcare experts were hard at work hammering out the details of how to continue caring for us under current conditions (and keep operating).

Our healthcare plan has since altered for the first time ever. The complete coverage we were previously afforded is now a high-deductible, cost-sharing plan with a health-savings account. It has already cost us over 2000 additional dollars in 2013.

Perhaps like Michelle Malkin, I too will lose my coverage. It is not impossible that even a mammoth like Microsoft, whose chairman trumpets Big Government at every turn, will see the benefits to the bottom line of dropping spouses like myself. In this case, Avik Roy of the Manhattan Institute has more bad news. On the individual-market, “Obamacare will increase average … insurance premiums by 99% for men, 62% for Women.” Middle-class Americans Obamacare subsidies will not protect. They “face the double-whammy of higher insurance premiums, and higher taxes to pay for other people’s subsidies.” …

Read the complete column. “The Glories of Hussein’s Proctology” is now on WND.

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Listen Up Furloughed F-cks!

Free Markets, Government, Healthcare, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Propaganda, Socialism

It has to be clear that the US government is a government for the benefit of certain factions alone. Members of the productive, private sector—they support the entire exercise in futility—got up and went to work as they do day in and day out, while the parasites who live off their avails whinged about lost wages and lost vacations (I can’t recall when last my better half has taken one). Since the oink sector sets its own salaries, the same people will award themselves backpack on the backs of the workers who carry their dead weight. Of that you can be sure.

So listen up furloughed f-cks and do us all a favor. Get a real job so we don’t have to carry the weight of your hefty salaries (on average double that of the average wage in the country), the liability of your healthcare and retirement benefits the likes of which we can only dream of, and your general sanctimony about your value.

“More than nine out of every ten employees,” reports, “at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are considered ‘non-essential.'” You can be sure that the trend obtains throughout the “oink sector.”

From what Ed Krayewski at writes rather unclearly, it would appear that “about 800,000 out of the 2.1 million strong federal workforce are “non-essential.”

Never one to mince words, Thomas DiLorenzo does, however, make mince of these parasites and their media advocates:

The “media” have finally destroyed what tiny bit of credibility they had as a “news” source with their “coverage” of the government “shutdown.” This of course is good news for all producers and non-parasites in American society. They have done so with their ridiculous claims all over tv and radio of a supposed “increasing backlash” against the “shutdown” of a few government offices. Americans are experiencing “Frustration Coast to Coast,” shouts USA Today in the dumbest headline of the day. Among the “horror stories” discussed are a woman who may have to postpone her “fantasy wedding” in a government-run park; a possibly cancelled marathon in New Jersey; various vacations in government-run parks; and a family that may have to delay “the dream of home ownership” for a few days. Oh, the misery of the poor booboisie!

No one I’ve been around gives a crap. No one is talking about it but the “media,” who are worse propagandists than any who worked for PRAVDA under Soviet communism. This morning, for example, ABC News picked two or three parasites/public dole collectors to whine about how “upset” they were that government-run national parks thousands of miles away were shut down. Then they covered the entire screen with Obombya’s mug and with his annoying, bellowing, preachy voice saying “the Republicans had better reopen the government.” That’s the Official Party Line of the day, faithfully repeated in the title of a USA Today editorial: “Blame for the Shutdown Falls Squarely on the GOP.” Nice lapdog. Nice lapdog.

This is all good, because it will hopefully lead to the same thing that eventually happened in the former Soviet Union, namely, no one believed anything the government and its media propagandists ever said. Once this becomes a reality, the days of the regime are limited.