Obama’s Doberman, Keith Olbermann, thinks he’s so smart. However, Olbermann appears clever only because he swims in such polluted professional waters. When the competition on cable is “Billo,” Barack’s bitch gets to cleave to his delusions of cleverness.
This partisan hack tickled himself pink by savaging Michael Savage for his alleged hypocrisy. For his strident commentary, the Talker was banned from the police state of the UK, and has since solicited Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s assistance in reversing this ban. Olbermann delighted in pointing out that:
It is delicious irony that [Savage] must call on the State Department, after calling our new Secretary of State everything from Godless, Hitler-like, to responsible for the death of JFK Jr, to accusing her of starting a race war.
Now Savage is forced to seek Hilary’s diplomatic intervention, gloated Keith.
This is the reaction of a born-and-bred statist, with a skewed perspective on the role of government. Keith thinks of citizens as subjects.
Hillary is supposed to SERVE Savage, stupid! It matters not how disrespectful Savage has been to Hillary, or to any other politician. They work for him. It is incumbent upon politicians to help the people at whose pleasure they serve. What else is their function? Ornamental? As deities, objects of supplication, to be held close to the adoring heart, as Keith holds Obama?
Keith’s statism trips him up again and again, but no one is the wiser, becasue, all are statist partisans now.