Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

Roundup Of The Third Presidential Debate

Constitution, Debt, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION, Republicans

Good retort from Trump on trade: “I disagreed with Ronald Reagan.”

I’m being honest. Trump won the 2nd debate, not the 3rd.

Spending more doesn’t increase the deb. LOL.

Crappy Chris Wallace’s questions:

Hillary doesn’t know her ass from Aleppo:

Why didn’t Trump blurt out that Clinton Foundation rigged an election in Haiti?

Trump’s locution:

Motormouth Clinton even manages to make business look bad compared to a government job:

She killed jobs, never created em. Why didn’t he say it?


Nukes: Another missed opportunity:

If I were preparing Trump to one-two punch Hillary on her Putin prattle, I’d have told him to say, “Now there’s a conspiracy theory.”



Gun rights:

Clinton should have been nailed strongly on the Constitution as a living document.

UPDATED (10/15): What Matters To Women: The Coming American Matriarchy

Crime, Feminism, Gender, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism

The malevolent matriarchy. Moronic, too:

UPDATED (10/19):

First up is the First Lady:

Don’t marry a female Democrat. You know she’s got mush for brains, as she doesn’t understand liberty. But she’s also more likely to look like this woman:

The matriarchy won’t abide naughty words about women, but can’t think ahead to the rape and murder that’ll come with Hillary’s rapefugees and free-for-all immigration policies:

She has a dream for us. Heeeere’s Hillary:

Mr. Putin; you’re using man logic. The prevailing logic is the US is different. Nobody has the right to hack Hillary’s campaign emails—even if it’s our right to know how she’s scheming on hoodwinking us.

WikiLeaks: Hillary hates you if you’re the hoi polloi and not like her:

Judge Napolitano, left-libertarian lightweight, approves of Hillary’s legal style.

This lady, Amal Cloony, is actually right to rail at the UN:

Hillary Has A ‘Modest’ Hemispheric Dream

Donald Trump, Elections, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION, Trade

“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere,” Clinton told Banco Itau, a Brazilian bank, on May 16, 2013. (Courtesy the greatest libertarian org ever, WikiLeaks.)

“For Trump, who has campaigned against illegal immigration and bad trade deals, the remark is a gold mine likely to be brought up at Sunday’s town hall debate.”


Hillary’s dream wasn’t brought up as forcefully as it should have, Sunday, because of moderators. And with the V Factor controlling media discourse, perhaps a time has come for Donald Trump to seceded from the corrupt Commission on Presidential Debates and their chosen moderators.

UPDATED: Wikileaks Reveals Collusion Between State, Lapdog Media & Clinton Campaign

Conspiracy, Donald Trump, Ethics, Government, Hillary Clinton, Journalism, Media

They’re not watchdogs they’re lapdog. In an epic “data dump,” Wikileaks has exposed for all to see the open collusion between the media and the Clinton Campaign. Naturally, the same colluding media are not covering the report about their malfeasance. I’ve scanned the online front pages of PBS, NPR, MSNBC, National Journal, Reuters, New York Times. As of 6:00PM Pacific Standard Time, there was nothing.

Courtesy of Zero Hedge:

Moments ago, Wikileaks just released its third data dump from the hacked email account of Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Chair, John Podesta, which is becoming a true headache for Hillary Clinton and her supporter base.

There are as many as 1,190 new emails in the latest release, adding to the more than 4,000 emails from Podesta already released by the whistleblowing website, and bringing the total to 5,336. Wikileaks founder Julian [Assange] has claimed he is sitting on as much as 50,000 messages. …

starting with yet another beauty from CNBC’s own “unbiased” political commentator John Harwood emailed to Hillary’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.

MORE WikieLeak, “The Podesta Emails.”

RELATED: “Assange Is Us” By ilana mercer.

UPDATED: Porno journo Megyn Kelly has just stated that her colleagues at CNN would never … DRUDGE Disagrees:

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Used Benghazi as distraction from email scandal...
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