Category Archives: Hollywood

UPDATED: The Comedy Central Campaign (The Monochromatic Face Of Morons)

Elections, Glenn Beck, Hollywood, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Political Correctness, Pop-Culture, The Zeitgeist

The media meme is providing wall-to-wall coverage of the Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert comic relief. The consensus is that the “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” held by the two smarmy entertainers was all good. In contrast, naturally, to Glenn Beck’s middle America rally.

TIME magazine found statist clown Stewart “earnest and eloquent” as he preached from his perch of sinecure: “we live now in hard times, not end times. And we can have animus and not be enemies.”

And what do you know? The very same parrot press that was unable to gauge how many people attended Glenn’s rally; never contested the turnout at the Stewart event.

The magazine’s adoring description of the fun attendees conjured Pat Buchanan’s astute observation not so long ago about Americans: a silly people living in serious times.

“Attendees came decked out for the season, sporting zombie face-paint, Waldo costumes and Richard Nixon masks; a coven of Christine O’Donnells strolled by as Darth Vader snapped a picture with a conservationist toting a massive replica of an Arctic tern. To catch a glimpse of the proceedings, crowd members staked out space atop port-a-potties or climbed trees. Others hoisted Shepard Fairey-style Team Sanity placards and meta-ironic signs advertising their views on abortion, taxes, beards, Lost, Lyndon LaRouche and lunar prisons. ‘God Hates Rallies,’ declared one missive. ‘God Hates Snuggies,’ went another. Still a third: ‘I am pretty sure God Hates Us All Equally.’ There was a yellow Gadsden flag — the ubiquitous Tea Party emblem — but instead of ‘Don’t Tread on Me,’ it read, ‘OMG, Snakes!'”

Whereas tea party protesters have been described invariably as angry, ugly, racist, and not diverse; these equally monochromatic morons were “the stars of the show.”

To help you understand why American kids will become a drag on the country’s economy for years to come, meet rally attendee “Marsha Eck, a 54-year-old teacher from South Bend, Ind.,” who “expressed hope that the gathering could provide ‘a model for a new kind of conversation.'”

Or the “trio of teenagers from Downington, Pa., who came with their high-school civics class and wore matching lime-green t-shirts so that their teacher could spot them,” and who “explained that the rally was important because ‘everybody is yelling but nobody listens to each other.'”

Look, I know that in America, people who do stupid, venal, or ill-conceived things will generally suffer no setbacks. But, for my money, Jon Stewart’s stuttering attempt at politicking are mistaken. He had managed to keep his comedic hat on until now. This strength he has now forfeited.

UPDATED: The Monochromatic Face Of Morons. Monochromatic of mind, that is. Larry Auster has it:

Don Draper In Love

Feminism, Film, General, Hollywood, Pop-Culture

“It’s refreshing to see a Golden Age of Hollywoodish leading man like tall, dark, and handsome Jon Hamm, who plays creative director Don Draper as the strong, silent type” in “the cable period drama Mad Men.” So wrote Steve Sailer.

The character Hamm plays is a complex character. And he does not talk a lot. My favorite people ration speech.

The nostalgia the production triggers is also “nostalgia for the days when women had soothing, soft voices, spoke in complete sentences, and seemed so much smarter and refined than their modern-day, emancipated shrew sisters.”

Now, Don Draper finds himself in love with just such a lady.


Born To Porn

Celebrity, Conservatism, Family, Hollywood, Media, Pop-Culture, The Zeitgeist

Sean Hannity once touted the one-time porn star, and all-round vulgarian Kim Kardashian as a role model for young girls because she does not imbibe. For the sake of good taste I will not post a hyperlink to Kim’s on-camera, narcissistic, bottoms-up gymnastics with a former boyfriend. But I hope Hannity’s daughter, if he has one, does not take her dad’s moral guidelines seriously. (More HERE about other Fox News porn pinups.)

Budding slut Montana Fishburne, on the other hand, needs no fatherly encouragement to pursue porn.

“According to, the 19-year-old daughter of Oscar-nominated actor Laurence Fishburne recently posed for a test photo shoot for Playboy magazine.”

“Fishburne’s idol, Kim Kardashian, also posed for Playboy before her sex tape went public and made her a household name. Fishburne has said that she was inspired to get into the porn industry because Kardashian found mainstream success after starting out as a sex tape star.”

“‘I’ve watched how successful Kim Kardashian became, and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape,’ Montana said in a statement through Vivid Entertainment, which is releasing her first porn film. ‘I’m hoping the same magic will work for me. I’m impatient about getting well-known and having more opportunities, and this seemed like a great way to get started on it.'”


Unlike the celebrity dad just mentioned, Montana Fishburne’s famous father has responded appropriately.

“As Fishburne’s career heats up, her relationship with her dad has grown cold. She claims her dad refuses to talk to her.”

According to TMZ, the two spoke Aug. 16, and Laurence Fishburne told his daughter, “I’m not going to speak with you till you turn your life around.”
“You embarrassed me,” he said. “You used your last name. No one uses their real name in porn.”

UPDATED: ‘MAD’ MEL (What’s Worse?)

Addiction, Celebrity, Conservatism, Hollywood, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Morality, Psychiatry

“The South Park depiction of Mel Gibson bouncing off walls he had freshly ‘coated’ in bodily waste is not far off,” I wrote of Gibson’s previous peccadilloes.

It usually falls to liberals to fend for A-list reprobates. Left to Barbara Walters, Paris Hilton’s porn debut, in which she made narcissistic love to the camera, (i.e. herself) was elevated to a PG-rated tale of innocence betrayed. Conservatives, usually attuned to the coarsening culture, and fierce about defending cops, are airbrushing Mel Gibson in the same way (although, unlike Paris, he doesn’t need makeup).
Mel’s many conservative fans have downplayed his vulgar public conduct. He cussed cops who were being decent to him, threatened to ruin them, Russell Crowed a phone, and generally behaved like a hog high on his own power.

The latest Gibson indiscretion is covered well by Larry Auster (whose take comports with mine in “Mel’s ‘Malady,’ Foxman’s Fetish”. Or perhpas I’m biased because LA just echoes my thoughts (minus the aspect on the medicalization of misbehavior)?

Either way, we both have Gibson pegged. Over to Larry’s “Gibson And Conservatives”:

What a ridiculous culture we live in—and that includes the mainstream conservatives. Mel Gibson in a drunken rant that was surreptitiously recorded said a pile of extremely offensive things to his ex-mistress. But because in the midst of this geyser of verbal abuse, he used the word “nigger” once, his rant is constantly billed—by conservatives—as a “racist rant,” even though the rant overall had nothing to do with race. When it comes to race, meaning, when it comes to blacks, the mainstream conservatives are precious little Victorian ladies, ready to faint dead away at the sound of the “N” word, even when uttered in a private conversation by a man who was obviously drunk.

As for Gibson, I’ve been saying for 15 years, based on his movies, based on his appalling demeanor in TV interviews, that the man was not a conservative but a messy product of our debased contemporary culture, a point I particularly emphasized in VFR’s huge debate about his movie The Passion. Conservatives, especially paleocons, couldn’t see this about Gibson, because his Catholicism and his seven children with one wife designated him automatically as a traditionalist conservative in their minds. They didn’t see the non-conservative qualities and attitudes he was actually expressing in the public realm …

UPDATE (July 14): Even more obscene than the preoccupation with Mel and Oksana’s icky audio is the orgy that will follow the announcement of the impending engagement of the two stupidest people in Alaska. I give the marraige of twiddledumb and twiddledumber, if indeed it gets past this stage, six months. I wish them well, of course.

I agree with Gibson on the following. This Oksana Grigorieva is distinctly dumb. Any woman that looks, naturally, as pretty as she did here, yet goes and modifies herself to look like a slightly improved version of the Octamom, is a devastatingly dumb bimbo.