“The Obama organization now claims that [Pastor Wright’s] latest attacks on Obama prove that ‘he and Mr. Obama are not that close, otherwise why would Mr. Wright do this now? Au contraire. Hell hath no fury like a radical pastor scorned. Sen. Obama and Rev. Wright had been as tight as thieves for over two decades. When Obama got religion on the presidency, he began gradually turning his back on his spiritual counselor. Being an unconventional Christian animated by anger, Wright has refused to turn the other cheek.”
“For the duration of their 23-year relationship, Obama considered Wright a mentor and a mensch. No color should be given to the claim that Obama didn’t know and love the real Wright.”
“To paraphrase the rapper Eminem’s hit song: So will the real Slim Shady and his sassy lady please stand up?”
That and more in my new WorldNetDaily.com column, “Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?”
Update: CNN’s Roland S. Martin, whom I mentioned in “Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?”, has responded to the column. I am not convinced the “be blessed” sign-off is all that sincere. My reply follows. Here’s Mr. Martin’s letter:
How culturally ignorant are you?
I read your column and talk about silly.
First, I was wearing an African formal outfit, which is the same one I have on the cover of my new book. I prefer to wear those rather than tuxedos to such events. If you choose to characterize it, do it correctly. Second, it was never intended for me to go on television. I was at the event because I had hosted their town hall meeting the previous day. But I’m not at all ashamed to wear my African outfit, and plan to do so again.
Second, you owe Soledad an apology. She was wearing a white blouse and a black skirt. If you want to show your cultural ignorance by criticizing me, go right ahead. But at least have the common sense to look at a woman on television and get her clothes right. Or maybe get yourself a new TV.
Be blessed,
Roland S. Martin
Author, “Listening to the Spirit Within: 50 Perspectives on Faith”
Syndicated columnist, Creators Syndicate
TV One Commentator
Host, “The Roland S. Martin Show”
WVON-AM/1690, Chicago
Weekdays, 6am to 9 am CST
CNN Contributor
ILANA replies:
Dear Roland,
I appreciate the response to my WorldNetDaily column, “Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?” And I do have an old TV.
Still, you have to admit that my sartorial misreading (compounded by my old TV set) does not quite explain your lack of critical analysis of the Reverend’s performance. (The comment by Reverend Ray on my blog fills in more gaps.)
Blessings to you too,
Ilana Mercer
Columnist, WorldNetDaily.com,
Author, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash with a Corrupt Culture
Director of Development, The Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies,
Proprietor, www.ilanamercer.com
Update 2: The private conversations with Mr. Martin turned productive and even pleasant (I’m pleased to say that most of my exchanges with reasonable people end this way).
Note that I’ve never attacked Wright on the political issues he raises. I agree with very many of the things the Reverend protests against, not least the war in Iraq and our atom-bomb war crimes (which have been debated on this blog, here).
But I reject Wright’s premise: He curses and blames white people, white government, and endemic racism for all ills. His animus toward Western culture, whose avid defender I am, is what makes him so odious.
Where does Wright think the distinctly Western ideas of human rights— the dignity of the individual and the respect for diversity—come from? Africa? They are all outgrowths of the Enlightenment, uniquely western. Not African; western. As you see, my revulsion at Wright and his ilk goes much deeper than the beefs conservatives have with him—that he dared damn the US government in its thuggish ways.
What repulses me about people like Wright is the manner in which they slam the West while using its tradition. The ideas of individual rights and the dignity of mankind are the product of the fertile minds of the pale, patriarchal, penis people: white men!
Another thought occurred to me: Wright’s style is more in the tradition of the Hebrew prophets than the Christian preacher. But even that kind comparison does violence to the magnificent prophets of the Hebrew Testament. They railed against The People—the stiff-necked Hebrews. They beat on their own people mercilessly for their sins. Wright doesn’t rouse his people; he sics them on others—teaches them to hate whites and blame them for black inadequacies.
Perhaps Jews became so self-propelled because, if a Jewish boy didn’t have a Jewish mother after him nagging him to become the best peddler or Talmudist in the village, he had a fire-breathing prophet huffing down his neck, shaming him into uprightness.
Update 3 (May 4): With reference to David Szasz’ interesting (and long) post hereunder, as I pointed out earlier this year, there’s another member of the unholy trinity who even better epitomizes the Manchurian Candidate. Think a former POW who was brainwashed by communists to betray–even kill–his own? Hmmm…