Category Archives: Intelligence

‘Collect It All’

Homeland Security, Intelligence, Journalism, Technology, Terrorism

It’s his biggest revelation so far. Glenn Greenwald says he has been “saving the best for last”: names of Americans targeted by the National Security Agency. Greenwald’s book, No Place To Hide, is purported to contain scans of the many secret documents he has published. At the top of each document is the NSA’s motto: “Collect It All.” (Via Fox News.)

One question the journos interviewing Greenwald across US studios have failed to ask: The US government had promised to arrest Greenwald if and when he returned to the US. What happened? Why don’t media ask?

To ask a question about why the chronically incurious are chronically incurious is to answer it.

‘Outnumbered’ But Not Outfoxed

Aesthetics, Conservatism, Gender, Intelligence, Media

“Outnumbered” (but not outfoxed): It’s “Red Eye” without the humor and The One Fun Girl (Joanne Nosuchinsky). It’s “The Five” on estrogen and with infertile cross-fertilization (as some characters make appearances on both shows). It’s “The View” (which I’ve never watched but know is G-d awful) with legs, cleavage, big hair and mouthy overbites. “Outnumbered” is Fox News’ new parade of self-congratulatory cyphers in short skirts. It sucks. The views are hackneyed and uninformed (what’s new?). And the single, tolerable, true beauty is Harris Faulkner (what a proud surname!).

Confederation Of Knaves Votes ‘On The Major Issue of the Age’

Federalism, History, Intelligence, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Liberty, Race, Regulation, The State

The confederation of knaves is the California legislature. The pressing issue it has decided to tackle relates not at all to the following signs of “degradation and decline” in “the lost commonwealth on the Pacific,” as described by historian Clyde Wilson:

Public spending and debt have reached catastrophic levels unmanageable by a society of self-centered individuals and interest groups. Gang warfare dominates the urban jungle. The state doubtless leads the Union in … perverts, dopesters, and aborted children. Hollywood, once a source of pleasant diversions, now pollutes not only the U.S. but the entire world with pornography, nihilistic violence, and, what is worse, bad taste. The Terminator and various other flakes have been elected governor. Productive citizens are fleeing east and north by the thousands. If illegal aliens are not counted California is losing population for the first time in a century and a half of American settlement.

Rather, the “looming threat to human progress” that was banished from gangland is the Confederate flag, “(Though apparently the Hammer & Sickle, the Swastika, and Che Guevara and Black Power fists are still welcome) …”


NSA: ‘Collect IT All, Sniff It All; Know It All, Exploit It All’

Government, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Military, Natural Law, Terrorism, The State

“Collect it all, sniff it all; know it all, exploit it all.” That’s the motto of the National Security Agency, as quoted by the genius Glenn Greenwald. Greenwald doesn’t resort to legalism, as does Prof Alan Dershowitz, who advocates that the NSA strike a balance between freedom and its violation. The charismatic, brilliant Greenwald, speaking without notes, defines exactly what it is that The Surveillance State consists of, and how terrorism has served as a pretext for the violation of rights stateside and abroad. In comparison, Dershowitz and NSA chief Michael Hayden sound like petty bureaucrats.

The real debate over the NSA starts, for some reason, 42 minutes in. “Live from Toronto, Canada, watch The Intercept‘s Glenn Greenwald team up with Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian to debate state surveillance with former NSA and CIA chief Michael Hayden and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz. Greenwald and Ohanian will argue against the motion ‘be it resolved state surveillance is a legitimate defense of our freedoms.'”