Category Archives: Islam

Updated: Obama’s & Abdullah’s Plans for Israel


The excerpt is from my new column, “Obama’s & Abdullah’s Plans for Israel:

“Barack Obama has decided to revive a plot the Saudi Crown Prince hatched in 2002. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz had suggested Israel beat a retreat to the pre-1967 borders, in return for the recognition, whatever that means, of the Arab world.” …

“For its concessions, the Arab League will doff a collective kafia to Israel. As will Israel be given ‘an effective veto’ on the national suicide pact known as the right of return—the imperative to absorb millions of self-styled Palestinian ‘refugees’ into Israel proper. …”

“There is nothing Solomonic about splitting up Jerusalem, which was sacred to Jews for nearly two thousand years before Muhammad, and is not once mentioned in the Koran.
Did Gaza not set a sufficiently strong precedent against such folly? It was “returned” to the Palestinians, who promptly destroyed the hothouses Israelis had built there, and planted Qassam rocket launchers in the ground instead. Gaza now hothouses Hamasniks.”

“(On the general wisdom of handing over territory—any territory—to voracious, vicious majorities, consider South Africa and its capital, Pretoria. Renamed Tshwane, Pretoria is now occupied by Saint Nelson Mandela’s syndicate, the African National Congress. The difference is that more people worry about the Holy City going to hell in a hand cart than care about the decay of Pretoria.)”

Read the complete column, “Obama’s & Abdullah’s Plans for Israel,” on

Update: The Sunday Times is a British newspaper. The item about Obama agitating for Israel’s return to the 1967 borders originated in the Times. Has this been reported in the US press? Recall, the first time we learned about George Hussein Onyango Obama, the president elect’s half-starving, half-brother, was from the British press. Is this the case with resepct to Obama’s direction with Israel? If the American press intends to abrogate its responsibility to report about this man, much as the same media neglected to report the truth about the invasion of Iraq—scouring the foreign news media will become a must.

On the topic of minimizing iffy news about the media’s Messiah; did you know Malia and what’shername—Obama’s other precious progeny—will be attending a private school at the cost of 30 grand a pop, per year. “Mayor Adrian M. Fenty of Washington strongly lobbied the Obamas to consider a public school, but that was apparently never an option,” reports the NYT. A man of the people is our Prince. What’s good for average Joe’s goose is clearly no good for Obama’s gander.

Updated: Not Quite Muslim; Not Quite Christian


“When Barack Obama looked Americans in the metaphoric eye and told them he was not and was never a Muslim, he had, admittedly, been worshipping at the Trinity United Church of Christ for twenty odd years. So we know for certain that he is not a Christian.

Obama’s voodoo theology aside, do we know with the same certainty that he was never Muslim?

In my new column I conclude that “Hussein’s a hip hybrid: not quite Muslim; not quite Christian. And, if elected, he’ll be the first post-American president in a post-Christian America.”

Read the complete column, “Not Quite Muslim; Not Quite Christian,” on

Update: Hereunder in the Comments Section, anon makes an important observation about Indonesia, “the world’s largest Islamic nation.” As far as I know, nobody in US media, myself included, has made this point.

Updated: True Colors?


Is this a metaphor for radicalism, or just a bit of satire?

The New Yorker’s latest cover features the Obamas in full regalia, fist bumping under a portrait of Osama. He is in a Muslim mumu, she is accoutered like a terrorist—with an AK-47 and a Black Panther’s afro, except that her expression is far less furrowed and ferocious than it usually is. The American flag burns in the background.

To quote the ditty Cindy Lauper popularized,

I see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don’t be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful

Update (July 17): Media have stated categorically that—sniker, sniker—the “rumor” of Obama’s Muslim affiliation is preposterous. Only a troglodyte would entertain such a proposition.

But that’s not what Daniel Pipes says. (Let’s dispense with the Pipes swipes, and with the validity of ad hominem in argument, RIGHT NOW, before we proceed, please.)

In any event, Dr. Pipes makes reasonable points in “Barack Obama’s Muslim Childhood”:

…Obama’s Kenyan birth father: In Islam, religion passes from the father to the child. Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. (1936–1982) was a Muslim who named his boy Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Only Muslim children are named “Hussein”.

Obama’s Indonesian family: His stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was also a Muslim. In fact, as Obama’s half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng explained to Jodi Kantor of the New York Times: “My whole family was Muslim, and most of the people I knew were Muslim.” An Indonesian publication, the Banjarmasin Post reports a former classmate, Rony Amir, recalling that “All the relatives of Barry’s father were very devout Muslims.”

Barack Obama’s Catholic school in Jakarta.
The Catholic school: Nedra Pickler of the Associated Press reports that “documents showed he enrolled as a Muslim” while at a Catholic school during first through third grades. Kim Barker of the Chicago Tribune confirms that Obama was “listed as a Muslim on the registration form for the Catholic school.” A blogger who goes by “An American Expat in Southeast Asia” found that “Barack Hussein Obama was registered under the name ‘Barry Soetoro’ serial number 203 and entered the Franciscan Asisi Primary School on 1 January 1968 and sat in class 1B. … Barry’s religion was listed as Islam.”

The public school: Paul Watson of the Los Angeles Times learned from Indonesians familiar with Obama when he lived in Jakarta that he “was registered by his family as a Muslim at both schools he attended.” Haroon Siddiqui of the Toronto Star visited the Jakarta public school Obama attended and found that “Three of his teachers have said he was enrolled as a Muslim.” Although Siddiqui cautions that “With the school records missing, eaten by bugs, one has to rely on people’s shifting memories,” he cites only one retired teacher, Tine Hahiyari, retracting her earlier certainty about Obama’s being registered as a Muslim.

Barack Obama’s public school in Jakarta.
Koran class: In his autobiography, Dreams of My Father, Obama relates how he got into trouble for making faces during Koranic studies, thereby revealing he was a Muslim, for Indonesian students in his day attended religious classes according to their faith. Indeed, Obama still retains knowledge from that class: Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times, reports that Obama “recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them [to Kristof] with a first-rate accent.”

Mosque attendance: Obama’s half-sister recalled that the family attended the mosque “for big communal events.” Watson learned from childhood friends that “Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque.” Barker found that “Obama occasionally followed his stepfather to the mosque for Friday prayers.” One Indonesia friend, Zulfin Adi, states that Obama “was Muslim. He went to the mosque. I remember him wearing a sarong” (a garment associated with Muslims).

Piety: Obama himself says that while living in Indonesia, a Muslim country, he “didn’t practice [Islam],” implicitly acknowledging a Muslim identity. Indonesians differ in their memories of him. One, Rony Amir, describes Obama as “previously quite religious in Islam.”

Obama’s having been born and raised a Muslim and having left the faith to become a Christian make him neither more nor less qualified to become president of the United States. But if he was born and raised a Muslim and is now hiding that fact, this points to a major deceit, a fundamental misrepresentation about himself that has profound implications about his character and his suitability as president.

Read the complete article.

Pedigreed Islamic Anti-Semitism


In a review of our friend Andrew Bostom’s new book, The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History, Alyssa A. Lappen

“Particularly since the late, lifelong Muslim Brother, Yasser Arafat, shifted anti-Israel jihad into fifth gear in September 2000, several Middle East and Islamic scholars have repeatedly asserted that 20th and 21st century Islamic anti-Semitism sprang solely from Nazi and European Christian influence.”

“Even now, Islamophiles like Bernard Lewis preach (as it were) that virulent Jew-hatred is not inherent to Islam – but rather, anti-Semitism migrated to the Middle East with European colonialism. The Quran uses ‘hard words … about the Jews,’ even Lewis admits. Yet under Islamic rule, he claims they were ‘only rarely subject to persecution’ and ‘their situation was never as bad as in Christendom at its worst. …'”

“Dr. Andrew G. Bostom’s extensive, scientific and largely unprecedented new book, ‘The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History’, definitively disproves such claims. (Full disclosure: I copy-edited several of these first-time English translations, and proofread many chapters.)”

“Publication of this landmark book informs self-respecting scholars, they can no longer shamelessly blame Christianity as the sole source of anti-Semitism – or more importantly, that Islam does not and never had its own innate brand of loathing for the Jewish people. Islam detests non-Muslims generally – whom sharia laws institutionally oppress and tax as underclass ‘dhimmis’ – but inveighs especially intense odium against Jews…”

ILANA here: almost intractably ingrained among Jews themselves is the perception of Christianity as a source of all things bad for them. Not a week goes by when I am not laboriously explaining to relatives that, no, Hagee is not about to ride into Pittsburgh to conduct a pogrom. Jews, especially those residing in Eurabia, had better begin to better tell their friends from their foes. I imagine it must piss off a friend immensely when nothing he does satisfied the Stiff-Necked Ones.

Read the rest here, and, naturally, buy the Bostom book.