Category Archives: Israel

Hands-Off Syria

Barack Obama, Foreign Policy, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Neoconservatism

It’s not often that I agree with Barack Obama, but his hands-off Syria policy, if it is to be believed, is, I’m sorry to say, the right one. It is unlikely, unfortunately, that the US is uninvolved in some covert operation in Syria. One “international affairs and defense analyst” told RT that “since 2012, if not earlier, weapons have been supplied to the rebels … a covert supply of weapons, of course – through Turkey and with the assistance of Saudi, Qatari and Turkish intelligence services.”

As for Israel’s strafing of Syria, what triggered this Israeli strike? The “crisis in 2006 was triggered by cross-border raids on Israel by Hamas in Gaza and by Hezbollah in Lebanon.” Journalist and Middle East expert Ali Rizk is searching for provocation (as we libertarians ought to):

Has there been any military action, has Israel been attacked by any side, whether it be Hezbollah or Syria? Has Israel been attacked by any side whatsoever? Israel has not been attacked.
So we hear this talk about game-changing weapons. But that doesn’t give the right or justification for such escalation…I have to emphasize, the clear message if anyone had any doubts I think now it has become clear: Israel wants Bashar Assad to fall. That is Israel’s choice. Netanyahu himself has said time and again: “Syria is the linchpin between Iran and Hezbollah.”

BBC News’ Jonathan Marcus thinks he’s found justification. Neoconservatives will concur. “According to US intelligence sources,” he reports, “the target of the first of these latest Israeli attacks [inside Syria] which took place overnight on Thursday was a shipment of ground-to-ground missiles at a warehouse at Damascus airport.”

…these latest air strikes underscore Israel’s equal worry about sophisticated conventional weapons being passed to Hezbollah. This includes sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles, anti-shipping missiles, or accurate long-range ground-to-ground missiles. Such concerns are longstanding. … The missiles, which had been shipped from Iran, according to the sources, were Fateh-110s – a mobile, highly accurate solid-fuelled missiles with the capability of hitting Israel’s main population centres, like Tel Aviv, from southern Lebanon.
…What’s not clear, American officials admit, is exactly who the missiles were intended for – the Syrian army or Hezbollah. But the airport warehouse is said to have been under the control of personnel from Hezbollah and Iran’s paramilitary Quds Force.

Shoddy Security At Boston Marathon Says DEBKAfile

Crime, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Israel, Media, Terrorism

As is its wont, America’s lapdog media is neglecting to track the facts in the April 15, Boston Marathon bombings, favoring shock and awe—a sensational, ratings-oriented focus. The same news networks are telling you that security at the event had been impressive. Really? Israel’s DEBKAfile strongly disagrees:

“… The lack of adequate security jumps to the eye after twin bombings struck the high-prestige Boston Marathon Monday, April 15, killing three people, including an 8-year old boy and injuring 140 – seventeen critically.
This was the world’s oldest annual marathon, with 28,000 runners representing athletes from every US state and more than 90 nations. Yet there was no sign of dogs along the route trained to sniff out explosives or a police helicopter overhead with sensors for detecting explosives or traces thereof on the person of anyone present around the finishing line after the blasts.”

So badly has the definition of news disintegrated that newsmen seem incapable of thinking critically and pursuing the right questions. They know one thing: they want a shock-and-awe fix.

Israeli civilians understand the deep and dark reality in the heart of their enemies; the existential meaning of painstakingly packing parcels of shrapnel, ball-bearings, nails and rat poison to lodge in the bodies of their civilians. Someone wants Americans to experience the same dark reality.

Although our networks rarely cover this aspect of Israeli life, “the task facing Israeli medics has become a routine. Surgeons must slice open the surviving victims of these fiendish devices, picking from the flesh and burrowing in the bone for embedded shards of shrapnel, ball bearings, and nails. The rat poison is a diabolic touch, intended to intensify internal bleeding. If they survive, victims are left maimed and wracked with life-long disfigurement and pain.” (“TO BE OR NOT TO BE BLOWN UP”)

Now we hear that our doctors are also treating “victims maimed by what looked like ball bearings or BBs. Doctors also said they removed a host of sharp objects from the victims, including nails that were sticking out of one little girl’s body.”


Local experts, the president and his henchmen, instinctively tend to implicate their fellow countrymen as the possible culprits in the Boston Marathon bombings.

DEBKAfile, on the other hand, posits that a Saudi cell consisting of Al Qaeda of Arabia (AQAP) might be responsible for setting off the devices:

debkafile’s counterterrorism sources can disclose however that the investigation has in fact homed in on a suspected terror cell of three Saudi nationals, very possibly tied to Al Qaeda.
The flat they share in the Revere, Massachusetts, near Boston, was searched after the questioning of one of the suspects, a Saudi student, who was hospitalized with badly burned hands. One of his flatmates was taken into custody over “visa problems.” A third is on the run. All three hail from a prominent Saudi family belonging to a tribe from the Asir province bordering on Yemen.
The search for the wanted man led to the grounding of a plane at Logan International Airport Tuesday. The investigation has meanwhile broadened out to places in and outside Boston in a search for the cell’s accomplices.
The origins of the Saudi cell, if confirmed, strongly suggest that Al Qaeda of Arabia – AQAP –succeeded in planting a cell in the United States for the bombing attack in Boston – and possibly more than one in other parts of the US. Asir Province is known as a hotbed of resistance to the Saudi throne in Riyadh.

Beauty And The Beast In The Middle East

Israel, Political Correctness

Political correctness does not seem to be a state religion in Israel.

Israel has just crowned its first black beauty queen, an Ethiopian immigrant. She was invited to meet with Presidents Simon Peres and Barack Obama (Bibi Netanyahu is prime minister).

Here a YNet correspondent asks her (in Hebrew) whether she thinks she would have been invited to meet with Peres and Obama were she not black. Perfectly calmly the beauty queen replies in the negative. In the US, the latter (beauty) would have burst out crying, the former (correspondent) would have been sacked for insensitivity.

Go Jump In Lake Kinneret (Sea Of Galilee)

America, Barack Obama, Foreign Policy, Israel

Good for them: The Israeli press, out in force at a press conference which was held this afternoon by President Barack Obama and Israeli President Benjamin Netanhayu, is giving Obama a cultural shock. Obama is not used to the irreverent way Israelis treat leaders; they do not worship politicians as we in the US do.

However, during the press conference, an indignant Israeli journalist demanded to know why we in the US have not stopped the carnage in Syria.

To him I say, “Go jump in Lake Kinneret, sir.” Why us? Why not Israel? Let Israel police the region. The president replied firmly, politely putting the man in his place. Good for President Obama.

For one thing, no less a war monger than Colonel Oliver North has disputed the latest chemical-weapons allegations against Syria. Colonel North told an annoyed Sean Hannity:

…”I’ve seen the intelligence reports, I’ve seen the unclassified version of it and we’ve seen the footage that came out of Aleppo today. This does not appear to me as a person who understands a little bit about chemical weapons — about 10 years ago today, I was wearing a chemical suit, you may remember and broadcasting on your show. On this footage that you’re watching right now, there’s no evidence of anybody suffering from the symptoms of exposure to chemical agents. Whether it’s propaganda on the part of the rebels or propaganda on the part of the government, it appears to me, as a person who understands what the consequences of exposure to chemical weapons would be, there’s nobody in this, what that footage we just saw, that’s suffering from chemical weapons.”

For another, “The Titan Is Tired:

“We Americans have our own tyrants to tackle. We no longer want to defend to the death borders not our own—be they in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, wherever. And we don’t need our friends looking to us to do so.”