The American news cartel and commentariat have promised that the Arab Spring is a good thing. And indeed, by their standards, the breaching of Israel’s borders by neighborly Arabs with a spring in their step is not necessarily a bad thing. Today Haa’retz has conceded what DEBKAfile reported on May 15:
Israeli forces on high alert for Nakba Day, Sunday, May 15, failed to seal three national borders on the Golan, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip against large-scale incursions. Dozens of Syrians and Hizballah invaders were able to overrun the Israeli Golan village of Majd al Shams and hoist Syrian and Palestinian flags in the main square; Hizballah-sponsored Palestinian demonstrators breached the Lebanese-Israeli border and damaged IDF installations; and hundreds of Palestinians battered the Erez crossing from the Gaza Strip.
Haa’retz caught up with DEBKAfile:
Sources in the Northern Command confirmed the existence of intelligence indicating that Nakba Day demonstrators planned to try to cross the border near the “Shouting Hill,” across from Majdal Shams. However, they said, the IDF had based its deployment on past experience, and expected the Syrian army to prevent the demonstrators from breaching the border.
However late, at least Israel does defend its border communities, which is more than can be said for the homes ransacked and ranchers shot on the US’s south-western border (often while patrolling their fence lines and tending their cattle).