Category Archives: Law

Asylum Laws: Are Lawmakers Committing Treason Against Americans?

Ethics, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Law

NEW COLUMN IS “Asylum Laws: Are Lawmakers Committing Treason Against Americans?” It’s currently on WND, the Unz Review and

An excerpt:

The Wall is crucial, but it’s not everything.

Caravans of human cargo are filing into the United States because … they can. U.S. law allows it, even invites it.

Here’s how: Provided you’re not a white, South African farmer—in other words, a real refugee—you may plonk yourself at an American “port of entry,” say San Ysidro in San Diego, and simply assert your right to petition the U.S. for asylum.

Then and there you claim asylum on the grounds that your race, religion, nationality or politics expose you to persecution in the country you want to leave.

Compared to a multicultural mecca like America, where faction fighting is rising, Latin American arrivals seem rather homogeneous. Dare I say they’re largely Hispanic Catholics? Dare I ask who’s persecuting them in their homelands?

By the law’s logic, Muhammadan terrorists entering the U.S. through its southwestern border should have a far better legal case for asylum than Latin Americans: “I’m from Pakistan. I’m an LGBTQ activist, fleeing Islamic oppression. You’d better believe it.”

If you can’t quite manage to locate the legally designated gate, and a “misguided” U.S. border agent attempts deportation, you may, nevertheless, “defend” yourself against U.S. law by—you’re getting the hang of it!—lodging an asylum claim.

The American lawmakers and jurists who legislate and adjudicate immigration generally have the migrant’s back, and will right away accept the “credible fear” yarn he spins. He will thus be granted face-time with a judge. Their stupidity (and venality) is also his signal to vamoose, never to be seen again.

Children are the charm, a magic amulet. Courtesy of the Flores Settlement Agreement, unaccompanied children or adults with children must be released after a brief timeout in well-appointed detention centers. (“Cages,” as Democrat ingrates call this generous gift from the put-upon American taxpayer.)

All a single male or childless couple needs to do is grab a child. Borrow one if there isn’t an urchin handy, and drag him along for the trip. However hirsute and ink-covered your juvenile is; he cannot be detained for longer than 20 days.

Next, “the child” and his adopted Caravan “family” (or predatory parent) rest up in detention, fill in asylum applications and are subsequently cut loose in the U.S. with a nod and wink. (“Come back for your court hearing, amigos, know what I mean? Grin grin, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more,” as the old Monty Python skit goes.)

Ludicrous? American lawmakers—incontestable majorities on the Republican side included—don’t think so. Why else would they have kept these aberrant, catch-and-release, mickey-mouse laws in place?! …

…. READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN, “Asylum Laws: Are Lawmakers Committing Treason Against Americans?”, is currently on WND, the Unz Review and


In His SOTU, 2019, President Trump Walks Back Promise To Reduce Legal Immigration

Donald Trump, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Labor, Law, Welfare

During their two years without serious political opposition, the Republicans floated  “The RAISE (Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment) Act.”

The Act was not exactly negotiated for with great vigor during the Republican dominance on Capitol Hill, from 2017 till 2019.

Still, in his 2019 State of the Union Address, President Trump managed to renege on the promises briefly made in the neglected RAISE Act.

Back in 2017, Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies had motivated passionately for RAISE:

Seventy percent of legal immigrants enter the US based on family reunification visas, with no consideration given to their skills and education or the needs of the US economy. Legal immigration at current levels suppresses American wages, especially at the bottom rungs of the labor market. Most legal immigrants enter the US on family visas. RAISE would have slashed the family reunification immigration by 50 percent, from 11 million people every decade to 5 or 6 million, still enormous numbers. Fully half of the legal intake into the US is lacking in skills and constitutes a fiscal drain; roughly 50% of the legal flow enters the US with less than a high-school education. Again, a fiscal drain. The same proportion of households headed by immigrants access one of more the major welfare programs. Help out the poor and let the american taxpayer breathe. … The poor are very poor. You give them a raise by lowering the levels of legal immigration.

Who’s Going To Chase MS-13 Killers Like Jeff Sessions Did?

Crime, Donald Trump, Family, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Law, Nationhood

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions did the job nobody is doing on immigration, and nobody WILL likely do on immigration. Just you wait and see.

What’s past is prologue, said one wise wag.

Immigration is the issue most important to The People, even if The People (followers that they are) don’t know it. Period. Full stop. End of story.

We Deplorables will be getting close to nothing now on immigration, except pep-talks at rallies and some meager fence footage. There will be no bills proposing e-verify, a moratorium on the legal intake of 1 million per annum; no end to catch-and release and the (very extended) family reunification insanity; and no halt to the glut of tech visas—NOTHING.

Sessions was getting the job done. Check out the PBS program on how the “terrible Sessions” was energetically jailing and exiling MS13 teens. He was also separating kids from their unfit parents at the border, as he needed to do by law and for deterrence. Nobody is doing that now.

Via a disapproving PBS:

Last year, Sessions directed officials to pursue all possible charges against MS-13 members, including racketeering, gun and tax law violations. He also designated the gang as a “priority” to a multiagency task force that has historically focused on drug trafficking and money laundering, which he called a “powerful weapon to use against this vicious gang.”

Documentary, The Gang Crackdown,” about the “horrors” Sessions visited on Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13:

UPDATED (3/14): Tucker Suggests That POTUS Has Not YET Delivered On Equality And Freedom For Deplorables

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Elections, Free Speech, Individual Rights, Justice, Law, Republicans, Technology

Will his Republican viewers punish Tucker Carlson for his brutal, journalistic honesty, rather unusual on Fox News?

The remarkable Tucker suggested that POTUS has done precious little to stop the intimidation, firing, hounding, de-platforming, doxing, and marginalizing of those who do not follow the herd.

(I was shadow-banned by Twitter. I think I still am, as my hashtags go nowhere, mostly. Nobody stood up for me …)

Tucker Carlson asked Trump voters Wednesday to assess whether or not they feel more confident to express their beliefs since the president was elected.

Carlson said that whether or not President Trump is able to build a wall or effect infrastructure legislation, how the president handles the attempted suppression of free speech may be more important.

He said that conventionally conservative beliefs in the years leading up to Trump’s election are now described as “terrorism,” while actual terror by the left seems to go unnoticed.

Among other examples, he noted a former community college professor who in 2017 allegedly hit Trump supporters with a bike lock during a “free the speech” rally.

Charges were dropped against the professor, Eric Clanton, although he was initially charged with a felony.

Carlson then asked viewers to imagine how former President Barack Obama would have responded if similar incidents happened to his voters while he was in office.

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“You think Obama would have done something about that? Hell yes. … You would never get away with threatening an Obama voter for supporting Obama,” he said.

He said that society is becoming “less free,” something the current administration should fight back against.

“Fighting for speech is always the right fight,” Carlson stated.

Ahead of the 2020 election, Carlson added that Trump can exercise his executive powers to defend the Bill of Rights.

He said that if Trump can credibly say in two years that he fought to make sure all Americans are treated equally under the law, he’ll be remembered as a “genuinely great president.”

SEE: “Tucker: Trump Will Be Remembered as ‘Genuinely Great’ If He Fights for Free Speech.”

On the Unz Review, Fred Reed, long since ousted from establishment conservatism, independently (and less diplomatically) seconds Tucker’s thinking:

Curiously, despite the seething antipathy, Trump hasn’t done much that would not have been expected from any Republican. He engineered large tax breaks for the rich, reversed environmental regulations to benefit corporations, and growled about immigration while doing little. He is firmly in Israeli pockets, as any Republican would be. He appointed Bret Kavanaugh, a mildly conservative judge, to the Mini-Legislature of the Nine Cadavers. Whoopee do.

UPDATE (3/14/019):  On being “shadow-banned, follower-throttled, and sensitive content-blocked because the Twitter police don’t want your tweets seen.” (Check)

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