Category Archives: Law

Tucker Attack: Where’s Law and Order? Sanctity of Private Property?

Free Speech, Law, Private Property

The home of Fox New personality Tucker Carlson comes under attack and his family is threatened. YET police make no arrests and, on the show, a guest, Victor Davis Hanson, intones ponderously that the solution lies in … bringing back … civics lessons to schools already root-and-branch rotten.

Other Talkers, Tucker included, waffle about rights to speech and to protest vs. some or other watered down thing that private property owners are allowed.

Property rights? The duty of the law to protect person and property? The idea that bashing a person’s front door is an assault?

Not a word about those. What the f-ck is wrong with people? Why don’t they get the idea of rights?

How far has this society and its “thinkers” strayed from understanding the fundamental and uniquely Western foundation of law and order? The sanctity of private property.

Again, even Tucker waters down what was done to him.

Caravanners Are Suing Trump. Apparently, America’s Constitution Was Written For The World

Constitution, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Law, Nationhood, Race

If the following reality is not proof we Americans don’t have a country, I don’t know what is. If caravaners can sue Americans; Americans don’t have a country.

“Migrant caravan members sue Trump over proposed border policies.”  Read:

Central American migrants who are part of the caravan traveling toward the U.S.-Mexico border have filed a class action lawsuit against President Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other members of the administration.

In the lawsuit filed Thursday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, six Honduran migrants and their children argue that Trump cannot legally stop them from seeking asylum in the United States.

The migrants allege that Trump and his administration are violating the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment, which prohibits the federal government from denying anyone life, liberty or property without due process of law.

If these scofflaws are given standing to bring such a lawsuit in an American court, know that the birthright of Americans has been frittered away by treacherous elites.

Related: “The Caravans Cometh, Making America Great No More.”

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Special Counsel Mueller Exposed: Accused Russian Spooks Call Lying Robert Mueller’s Bluff

Democracy, Government, Justice, Law, Russia, The State

What do you know?! The Russians accused by Robert Mueller of wrongdoing called the special counsel’s bluff. They showed up in court and demanded due process of law. Damn straight!

If you’re The Law, you can’t just indict people based on invented laws not on the books.

A Washington federal judge on Thursday ordered special counsel Robert Mueller’s team to clarify election meddling claims lodged against a Russian company operated by Yevgeny Prigozhin, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Bloomberg.

Concord Management and Consulting, LLC. – one of three businesses indicted by Mueller in February along with 13 individuals for election meddling, surprised the special counsel in April when they actually showed up in court to fight the charges. Mueller’s team tried to delay Concord from entering the case, arguing that the Russian company not been properly served, however Judge Dabney Friedrich denied the request – effectively telling prosecutors ‘well, they’re here.’

Concord was accused in the indictment of supporting the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a Russian ‘troll farm’ accused of trying to influence the 2016 US election.

On Thursday, Judge Freidrich asked Mueller’s prosecutors if she should assume they aren’t accusing Concord of violating US laws applicable to election expenditures and failure to register as a foreign agent.

Concord has asked Dabney to throw out the charges – claiming that Mueller’s office fabricated a crime, and that there is no law against interfering in elections. …

… MORE: “Judge Orders Mueller To Prove Russian Company Meddled In Election.

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Consider What The Dems Just Pulled On Kavanaugh — And The Country

Constitution, Criminal Injustice, Democrats, Justice, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

We’ve moved on so quickly from the ordeal of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

But consider: The man had lived a good life. Yet his reputation is in tatters, forever tainted, following his confirmation hearings in September of this year.

Democrats had set up a speedy Kangaroo Court for Brett Kavanaugh. It was a petty, yet lethal, rumor mill, culminating in a humiliating, ugly, character-destroying farce of a hearing, played out nationally and internationally.

Willfully ignored by the presiding Democrats were all the “recognized standards of justice” or “legal and ethical obligations”: The right to effective legal representation, the right to confront an accuser and her witnesses; the right to challenge the evidence, and the presumption of innocence.

Believing they were on the side of the angels and would be embraced as such, Democrats claimed Kavanaugh, whom they accused of the crime of sexual assault, was owed no due process of law.

Hey, a confirmation hearing is just a job interview. So what if it turned into a search-and-destroy mission against an innocent man?! No hard feelings, old sport.

Truly despotic.


GOP Betrayal: The Cross Examination That Never Was
“Christine Blah-Blah Ford & Her Hippocampus”