Category Archives: Law

UPDATE II (4/22/019): Immigration Lawyers Admit (Sort Of) The H-1B Visa Was Always Meant To Displace Americans

Business, Labor, Law, Outsourcing

For years, consumers of the H-1B visa (multinationals) insisted they were bringing in the best and the brightest because America had too few, if any at all.

At the time, starting in 2008 (see: “Why Aren’t The H-1B Hogs Satisfied With The O-1 ‘“Extraordinary Ability’ Visa?” (11/18/2008), I tried to inform readers that the same H-1B visa brought in ordinary workers to displace Americans.

“More significantly, THERE was a visa category reserved exclusively for individuals with extraordinary abilities and achievement. It doesn’t displace ordinary Americans. It’s the O-1 visa.  There is no cap on the number of O-1 visa entrants allowed. Access to this limited pool of talent is unlimited. More recently, I revisited the topic, explaining that,

“Extraordinary ability in the fields of science, education, business or athletics,” states the Department of Homeland Security, “means a level of expertise indicating that the person is one of the small percentage who has risen to the very top of the field of endeavor.”

Ten years on, in 2018, immigration lawyers who make their living by “outsourcing American lives,” admit to the same. Via Forbes magazine:

“The drumbeat of an H-1B being intended to only bring the best and the brightest has been incessant the last three years or so. The problem is, of course, that was not the purpose of the H-1B and we already have a temporary visa for that – the O-1.”

MORE: “The Next Harmful Move Against H-1B Visas By Stuart Anderson.”


“Why Aren’t The H-1B Hogs Satisfied With The O-1 ‘“Extraordinary Ability’ Visa?”

UPDATE (3/14/019):

UPDATE (4/22/019):

What a disgrace. Stephen Moore, Trump’s right-hand labor economics man, is championing that huge high-tech hoax known as THE H-1B VISA. ?




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UPDATED (9/17/018): Sen. Flake Steps Into McCain’s Shoes As Republican Saboteur, Forever Looking Out For … Democrats

Criminal Injustice, Democrats, John McCain, Law, Republicans, Sex, The Courts

Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona has stepped into the role of John McCain as Republican scold and saboteur, forever looking out for the interests of … the Democrats, not to mention his own legacy as swamp creature.

And now, the flake from Arizona is helping to sabotage the nomination to the Supreme Court of Brett Kavanaugh. After all, when it comes to white males, there is no statute of limitation on their crimes and evil. They must be stopped. No evidence needed. Due process be damned.

By now you know that one,

Christine Blasey Ford provided a detailed and graphic account published by the Washington Post earlier Sunday recalling the sexual assault she says occurred when both she and Kavanaugh were in high school. …

… Flake … told Politico this: “If they push forward without any attempt with hearing what she’s had to say, I’m not comfortable voting yes…We need to hear from her. And I don’t think I’m alone in this.”
In response, Kavanaugh “categorically and unequivocally” denied the allegation.

MORE at Mediate.

AND, if you miss John McCain, fear not. Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) & Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) will pick up the slack. Flake, aforementioned, too. Recall how they & the late Johnny defeated legislation to scrap the Affordable Care Act?

UPDATE (9/17/018):

It’s not available yet with a Google search, naturally, but meek Mitch McConnell has just come out in a full-throated repudiation of the attack on #Kavanaugh. Good. Now LET’S HAVE A CONFIRMATION VOTE.

It makes a BIG difference how long ago accusations of rape occurred, because of EVIDENCE. At least in a western court of law, you still need evidence to mount a case against a man presumed innocent until proven guilty.

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UPDATED (9/10/018): Deranged Democrat Pussy Riot Go Gaga At The Kavanagh Hearing (And Elsewhere)

Etiquette, Feminism, Gender, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, The Courts

Say it. Deranged Democrat females are derailing the country. The women folk are out of control. They cannot abide by decency protocols, such as the solemn occasion of a supreme-court justice confirmation hearing.

These disgraceful women are without a modicum of decorum. We must just thank our lucky stars that distaff America is not yet disrobing. Not yet. We saw them wear genitalia hats on their empty heads. Please, G-d, don’t expose us to much more from this crowd.

Crazy Kamala Harris is Out of Order. She and her gals are like a kids who can’t quit interrupting the grownups:

“Insolence so out-of-line that these ‘people’ should not be allowed into the confirmation hearings”:

MORE: “Partisan fury bursts into the open as Kavanaugh hearings begin.”

UPDATE (9/10/018): Liberal and libertine.

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Australia Enforces Immigration Laws Against … Local Pacific Islanders …

IMMIGRATION, Law, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, The West

The Economist: “Australia is kicking Kiwis out, and New Zealand is unhappy about it.”

In 2014 a conservative prime minister, Tony Abbott, tightened deportation rules. Any foreigner sentenced to a year in jail now fails a “character test” and has to leave the country. Kiwis may live and work freely in Australia. Since about 650,000 do so, the rule hits them the hardest. Since the law was changed, at least 1,200 New Zealanders have been cast back across the Tasman Sea. Oz Kiwi, an advocacy group, estimates that around 170 New Zealanders are currently in detention centres awaiting deportation, more than any other nationality.
… Australia makes no concessions for those who came as children but never changed their passports. Neither does it for juvenile offenders, or petty criminals with short sentences that cumulatively add up to 12 months, even if those were suspended. Historic crimes were once ignored, but the law now works retroactively, counting ancient infringements committed overseas as well as recent ones in Australia.

Some prior offenders are stopped at airports.
… New Zealanders of Maori or Pacific Islander descent are disproportionately affected by the changes, because they are more likely than average to have convictions. About 60% of New Zealanders who have been deported from Australia since 2014 are “brown”, as Joanne Cox of Oz Kiwi puts it. Citizenship is reserved mostly for the skilled and relatively wealthy: only about 8.4% of New Zealanders who arrived in Australia in the decade after 2001 got passports. The rate for Maoris was below 3%.

Paul Hamer, a researcher at Victoria University of Wellington, in New Zealand’s capital, suggests that Australia’s souring mood has been fed by “dissatisfaction” at New Zealand’s openness to Pacific migration. It threw open its doors to the region at a time when Australia still banned all but white immigrants (today it sets annual quotas for newcomers from the Pacific). People of Pacific Islander descent are 8% of New Zealand’s population. Politicians in Canberra, the Australian capital, have complained for decades that such migrants exploit a “backdoor” to Australia.

… conservative coalition government under Malcolm Turnbull is so concerned about border control that last year it rebuffed New Zealand’s offer to resettle asylum-seekers from detention centres run for Australia’s benefit in Nauru, a tiny Pacific island state, and Manus island, part of Papua New Guinea. Almost 1,600 “boat people” remain in the controversial camps, with no idea of when they might be released. (“Australia is kicking Kiwis out, and New Zealand is unhappy about it”)

Does Australia do anything about non-indigenous immigration, say from China, India, the Philippines and Vietnam? Or, is enforcement just against the Pacific Islander Maori, who are, face it, indigenous to the region, to New Zealand? What about Muslim, South-Asian migrants?