Category Archives: Media

UPDATE III: Heroic Homesteader Ammon Bundy Stands With Rancher Hammond, Against Feds

Criminal Injustice, Federalism, Government, Media, Natural Law, Private Property

The Fox News Channel, dishing out statism for Republicans, has finally caught up with last year’s news, forever a defining issue for freedom lovers: The standoff between Feds and farmers brewing in Burns, Oregon, and reported in this space on 12.30.15.

In a seminal column, “Why The Land Belongs To Bundy,” you met Ammon Bundy, fighting for his homesteader rights, against the Federales of Nevada, in 2014. Now Rancher Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy, has come to stand in support of Dwight Hammond, rancher under siege in Oregon.

Via State Broadcaster FNC:

Armed protesters occupying a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon—including three sons of a Nevada rancher who battled with the government in 2014—warned Sunday that any use of force by law enforcement agencies would be “putting lives at risk.”

Hours into the occupation by activists and militiamen a spokesman for the group told reporters that there has been no contact with the FBI or other government law enforcement since the occupation began Saturday night.

“They should be constitutional,” said spokesman Ammon Bundy, referring to the government. He is a son of Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher who clashed with the feds two years ago.

Ammon Bundy said if the government did use force to retake the Malheur National Wildlife refuge “they would be putting lives at risk.”

Earlier, the protesters vowed to occupy the refuge for “as long as it takes,” as state and federal officials on Sunday sought to defuse the situation.

The protestors have said they stormed the federal land in a remote area near Burns, some 280 miles east of Portland, to protest the prosecution of a father and son facing jail time on an arson charge for burning 130 acres of land. Prosecutors said the fire was set to hide poaching, but the ranchers, who face five years in prison, and the protesters supporting them say it was set to stop invasive plants. …
… The 73-year-old rancher and his 46-year-old son claim they lit the fires in 2001 and 2006 to reduce the growth of invasive plants and protect their property from wildfires. The two were convicted of the arsons three years ago and served time — the father three months, the son one year. But a judge ruled their terms were too short under federal law and ordered them back to prison for about four years each.

The decision has generated controversy in a remote part of the state.

MUST READ: “Why The Land Belongs To Bundy.”

UPDATED I (1/3/016): In a massive land grab under the Antiquities Act, Barack Obama will be putting hundreds of Oregonian ranchers out of business. Hear it in their own words.

UPDATE II (1/4): Once these farmers, whose homesteader rights are as authentic and naturally valid as those of the Native Americans whose rights (robbed) the Left champions (as do I)—how will the bloody liberals eat their organic grass-fed local meat? I buy it. I support local farmers’ grass-fed grazing. It’s an American frontier, founding profession, noble.

“Left Demands Media Start Calling Bundy Group ‘Terrorists.”

“Statement by Oregon Farm Bureau President Barry Bushue on sentencing of Steve and Dwight Hammond to five years in federal prison.”

UPDATE III: Everything you wanted to know about Ted Cruz and were too bored to ask:

The Trump Guy Sincerely Loves The Common American

America, Barack Obama, Britain, Donald Trump, Journalism, Media

Donald Trump draws half the town to a BILOXI, Miss rally. The malfunctioning media, having abnegated their mandate to report the news, harp on why ISIS prefers Hillary (by which, I imagine they mean to suggest Hillary should be president). Here’s the WaPo lead:

“Forty-five minutes into his first speech of 2016, Donald Trump finally talked about the video. …”

What sophisticates (and such rotten journalists).

The role of media is to report the news, not advance an angle, or make consumers of news products “think,” as one CNN bimbo once put it. “Make the viewers think” was her incomplete sentence. What she—Brooke Baldwin or fellow fem Anderson Cooper—meant to say is, “Make the viewer think … the way I do.”

From these mass, under-reported rallies it emerges, moreover, that The Trump guy sincerely loves the Common American. Unlike Obama, who described small-town Americans, derisively, as clinging to their guns, God and other bigotries. Or Britain’s Gordon Brown, who famously called a perfectly decent English biddy “horrible,” “old woman,” and “bigoted.” (Poor Mrs. Gillian Duffy had been trusting enough to air her perfectly proper worries over deficits and immigration to the pompous, two-faced ponce, Brown.)

Trump insults The Powers that be; never the common man. That’s a good personality trait. (Donald J. Trump ought to be, however, very careful on these rallies. The establishment will do anything to maintain its privileged position.)

The Week’s Tweets 12/015 (Affluenza, Cosby, Feds V. Farmers, Race Riots, Trump)

Barely A Blog,, Journalism, Media, Politics

In addition to Ramadi and the ubiquitous media insults to Trump’s America, Jim Webb and Christmas made a comeback, sadly, so did S.E. Idiot. The Department of Homeland Insecurity made history, KrauthHannity were found to have shared amnesty aspirations, Bernie found, then quickly lost his male bits—perhaps Tulsi Gabbarad has them?—and much more. (Support Barely a Blog.)

Special-Needs Media Six Months Late To Recognize The Trump Revolution

Donald Trump, Elections, Iraq, Journalism, Media

Chris Hayes’s MSNBC replacements did a token mea culpa for themselves and their brethren across the malfunctioning media, for dismissing the political staying power of Donald Trump.

Whether they’re missing the Trump phenomenon or the bogus casus belli for war in Iraq (see “Iraq Liars & Deniers: We Knew Then What We Know Now”)—these stupid establishment types only recognize truth once THEY arrive at it, sometimes years later.

Just like we identified the wrongness of the Iraq War in 2002 and not in 2012; very many of us marginalized writers of America also recognized right away (6/19/2015) that Trump was “a candidate to ‘kick the crap out of all the politicians’” and that he “could send the system’s sycophants scattering” (8/14/2015)

Alas, truth is arrived at officially in American public life only once the special-needs media get it.