Category Archives: Media

Special-Needs Media Six Months Late To Recognize The Trump Revolution

Donald Trump, Elections, Iraq, Journalism, Media

Chris Hayes’s MSNBC replacements did a token mea culpa for themselves and their brethren across the malfunctioning media, for dismissing the political staying power of Donald Trump.

Whether they’re missing the Trump phenomenon or the bogus casus belli for war in Iraq (see “Iraq Liars & Deniers: We Knew Then What We Know Now”)—these stupid establishment types only recognize truth once THEY arrive at it, sometimes years later.

Just like we identified the wrongness of the Iraq War in 2002 and not in 2012; very many of us marginalized writers of America also recognized right away (6/19/2015) that Trump was “a candidate to ‘kick the crap out of all the politicians’” and that he “could send the system’s sycophants scattering” (8/14/2015)

Alas, truth is arrived at officially in American public life only once the special-needs media get it.

It’s The Silent Majority, Stupid: The Revolution Mainstream Is Missing

Democrats, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Multiculturalism, Republicans

From The Atlantic comes a wide-ranging and thorough analysis of “The Great Republican Revolt: The GOP planned a dynastic restoration in 2016. Instead, it triggered an internal class war. Can the party reconcile the demands of its donors with the interests of its rank and file?”

While the author, David Frum, anchors this keen analysis in fact, he cannot help but smuggle into his exposition mantras designed to hint at the ludicrous nature of the so-called “Republican revolt.” For instance, he states that “In a society that is and always has been multiethnic and polyglot [really?], any national party must compete more broadly than” identity politics for white voters would allow.

But the central conceit that currently defines the media, the writer of the Atlantic article included, is this in my opinion: The Trump revolt is not exclusively a Republican revolt, although the right is always more courageous in bucking authority.

I get the sense that the Trump revolution encompasses left and right. And I don’t believe I’m wrong. The polls are certainly underestimating Trump’s support.

Sean Hannity’s Thrice Daily, Religiously Repeated, Stock Talking Points

Christianity, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Media, Republicans

Sean Hannity, on radio and TV, has developed three stock talking points. I hear them twice a day when in the car: on the way to my destination and back. The oldest is less in vogue these days. It has Mr. Hannity recite the number of Americans out of the work force, no longer looking for work, on food stamps, and living in poverty since Barack Obama. The facts are staggering and bear repetition but not 3 times a day (factoring in the Fox News, TV evening slot), over years, and when mouthed loudly over more edifying information imparted by some guests on Mr. Hannity’s shows.

The next two stock talking points are when Mr. Hannity rattles off all the top intelligence and military brass who’ve all proposed this safe, foolproof proposition: ISIS or its proxies will try to infiltrate the Syrian refugees.

So, urges Mr. Hannity 3 times a day, let’s hit “pause” on this otherwise without blemish immigrant intake.

Over and over does Sean recite this old hat religiously, almost always drowning out more valuable, less easily “available” information.

The last of Hannity’s thrice daily talking points is where he recites a vastly truncated smidgen of Samuel P. Huntington’s clash of civilizations concept. The peerless Harvard scholar drew on modern history to chronicle “Islam’s bloody borders.” “Islam’s borders are bloody, and so are its innards,” Huntington wrote in his wonderfully learned book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (1996).

The fundamental problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilization whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power. The problem for Islam is not the CIA or the US department of Defence. It is the West, a different civilisation whose people are convinced of the universality of their culture and believe that their superior, if declining, power imposes on them the obligation to extend that culture throughout the world. These are the basic ingredients that fuel conflict between Islam and the West.

But Hannity uses the clash-of-civilizations idea to forge forth with a non sequitur. How do we know what’s in the hearts of Muslim migrants from hostile, terrorism-riddled countries, asks Hannity thrice daily and he invariably answers himself irrationally.

But here’s the deal: We don’t and we can’t know what’s in anyone’s heart. Immigration, like all policy—legislation being an unavoidable reality—ought to aim, at the very least, to do no harm. Any migrant who comes from Islam is more likely to do harm to his hosts than, say, an Afrikaner migrant who worked the land in South Africa and worshiped, Sundays, in the Dutch Reformed Church.

The Opportunity Costs* Associated With Consumption Of Toxic Commentary

Economy, Intelligence, Journalism, Liberty, Media

QUESTION: “Why are insightful commentators and thinker whose observations have predictive power generally barred from the national discourse, while the usual foolish, false prophets are called back for encores?”

ANSWER: “The opportunity costs associated with consumption of toxic punditry are low or non-existent. Having their worldview affirmed, even affirmed in a parallel universe, is worth a lot to news consumers, who are keener to avoid the pains of cognitive dissonance than to get the real deal.”

I plagiarized myself above. “PUNDITS, HEAL THYSELVES!” (2004) is still correct after all these years.

However, the shift is coming. The cost of following the bimbos and their TV beaus and anchor, left and right, is rising. Advice: Look at their legs, don’t listen to their words.

Opportunity cost (a concept your kids teacher likely doesn’t know): “The benefit that is sacrificed by choosing one course of action rather than the next best alternative.”