Category Archives: Media

The Week’s Trump-Dominated Tweets (December 5 To 9)


The Week’s Tweets (11/30-12/5)


The Week’s Tweets In Review (11/23)


As a Twitter account holder writes on his Twitter handle or masthead, “I tweet, because I’m too lazy to blog.” And as my valued readers know, for a decade, now—since May 2005, to be precise—I’ve endeavored to provide them with a daily, detailed analysis, on Barely A Blog, of the events. Coupled with writing a weekly, well-read column, first launched in Canada (1998), and continued to this day in the US on WND—this commitment cuts into book writing. Like most women, I refuse to give up cooking, outdoor running, parrot, house and husband husbandry—which would not matter much were it not for the readers’ preference. You, too, have a lot on your proverbial plate. And you prefer a shift to shorter quips. As un-intuitive as tweeting is—it can be real cyber-ejaculate—I will try to increase the use of this format. At week’s end, however, a blog post, “The Week’s Tweets In Review (+ date),” will collate a selection of choice tweets.

Here goes, from latest to last:

Fact Check: ‘Knee-Pad’ Media Never Vetted Obama; Oprah Winfrey Did


Barack Hussein Obama was launched by the Queen of Kitsch, day-time talker Oprah Winfrey. Once introduced to America by Oprah, no one on the left inquired into his sorry record as a human being.

The “Knee-pad media” hollered RAAAAAACISM and never stopped, when conservative media tried for years to probe the enormity of Barack Hussein Obama’s sealed academic records, poor teaching record as a lecturer, non existent scholarly publications while still serving as editor of a top law journal; his deep allegiance to a crooked pastor, his meager charitable contributions (until he started running for office), or Hussein’s wife’s nepotistically obtained, richly rewarding bureaucratic hospital job.

The same media are currently beating up on a man with merit-based accomplishments in a world outside politics—Ben Carson—for possible linguistic establishments.

Moron Media say Ben Carson lied about once being a thug and transforming himself; he was always as sweet as he is now.

The same malpracticing media believe Carson deceived their asses, as a brother would say, over having had a scholarship to West Point, when in fact the offer of a scholarship was “informal.”

One thing the moron media dare not get away with is to claim their lazy, corrupt asses vetted President Barack Obama.