Category Archives: Media

The Week’s Tweets (11/30-12/5), Islam, Journalism, Media, Terrorism

The Week’s Tweets In Review (11/23)

Barely A Blog, Ilana Mercer,, Journalism, Media, The Zeitgeist

As a Twitter account holder writes on his Twitter handle or masthead, “I tweet, because I’m too lazy to blog.” And as my valued readers know, for a decade, now—since May 2005, to be precise—I’ve endeavored to provide them with a daily, detailed analysis, on Barely A Blog, of the events. Coupled with writing a weekly, well-read column, first launched in Canada (1998), and continued to this day in the US on WND—this commitment cuts into book writing. Like most women, I refuse to give up cooking, outdoor running, parrot, house and husband husbandry—which would not matter much were it not for the readers’ preference. You, too, have a lot on your proverbial plate. And you prefer a shift to shorter quips. As un-intuitive as tweeting is—it can be real cyber-ejaculate—I will try to increase the use of this format. At week’s end, however, a blog post, “The Week’s Tweets In Review (+ date),” will collate a selection of choice tweets.

Here goes, from latest to last:

Fact Check: ‘Knee-Pad’ Media Never Vetted Obama; Oprah Winfrey Did

Barack Obama, Journalism, Media, Religion

Barack Hussein Obama was launched by the Queen of Kitsch, day-time talker Oprah Winfrey. Once introduced to America by Oprah, no one on the left inquired into his sorry record as a human being.

The “Knee-pad media” hollered RAAAAAACISM and never stopped, when conservative media tried for years to probe the enormity of Barack Hussein Obama’s sealed academic records, poor teaching record as a lecturer, non existent scholarly publications while still serving as editor of a top law journal; his deep allegiance to a crooked pastor, his meager charitable contributions (until he started running for office), or Hussein’s wife’s nepotistically obtained, richly rewarding bureaucratic hospital job.

The same media are currently beating up on a man with merit-based accomplishments in a world outside politics—Ben Carson—for possible linguistic establishments.

Moron Media say Ben Carson lied about once being a thug and transforming himself; he was always as sweet as he is now.

The same malpracticing media believe Carson deceived their asses, as a brother would say, over having had a scholarship to West Point, when in fact the offer of a scholarship was “informal.”

One thing the moron media dare not get away with is to claim their lazy, corrupt asses vetted President Barack Obama.

Marco Rubio, Not Quite Revolting, But Close

Media, Neoconservatism, Politics, Republicans, War

Neoconservative Marco Rubio is right about Democrat candidates having a Super PAC all their own in mainstream media.

But so does he. Fox News, which leans mainstream Republican, is also trending toward Rubio as their 2016 Republican presidential nominee. Sean Hannity is Rubio’s biggest booster, chiefly because, as far as I can tell, Rubio sounds fluent, says he’ll put Putin in his place, and has a both/and approach to Assad: No need to choose Assad over ISIS, says Rubio; eliminate both.

More war is just what the doctor ordered for flush-with funds America, whose working-class whites are dying off in middle-age. We’ve all seen men like this one in our communities:

A recent softball conversation Gretta van Susteren conducted with fast talker Rubio was particularly cringe-making, during which Rubio used a lot of hedge words.

There’s no decisive speech in Rubio’s vocabulary to speak of; no principled passion, just naked ambition. Rubio greases his speech with bureaucratic babble about overhauling “bad” practices, instituting “systemic reforms,” “modernizing” and trailblazing those well-trodden “paths” to non-amnesty, but only as soon as those borders without walls become a reality.