Category Archives: Military

Posse Comitatus? You’re Being Told That America Doesn’t Have Borders, So No Law Can Defend Her

Federalism, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Military, Neoconservatism, Secession, States' Rights

The 1878 Posse Comitatus Act: It’s the excuse parroted by almost everybody, Republicans included, for lack of vigorous military action against invaders on the border.

It took Ann Coulter to point out the obvious: “You can’t shoot … AMERICANS. You can shoot invaders.”

What on earth is The US Army for?

In effect, what you’re being told is, there is no law that’ll defend American borders.’

Or, America doesn’t have borders. Therefore, there is no law that can defend a de facto and de jure borderless country. And certainly some laws even prohibit a defense of America’s borders.

In truth, and according to the Congressional Research Service, as relayed by the Military Times, the Act means that “the U.S. military is not used to control or defeat American citizens on U.S. soil.

The hordes amassed on the border with Mexico, rushing the port of entry in San Ysidro, Calif., are not Americans. They are not even very nice.

Posse Comitatus sets “limitation against active-duty U.S. forces conducting law enforcement on U.S. soil,” but watch how quickly military force will be used “to suppress insurrection or to enforce federal authority.”

Feeling free?

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Trump Is Trying To Overcome Radically Liberal Immigration Laws & Shitty Lawmakers

Critique, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Law, Military, Republicans

Whether ordered by Barack Obama or Donald Trump; sending National Guard troops to the border, it must be clear, has always been about optics, no more.

Indeed, previous administrations have done so.

But it remains true that the National Guard can act as “extra eyes and ears for border guards,” and no more, notes The Economist, in its April 7th-13th (2018) issue. As we know all so well, “there are legal constraints on using soldiers for law-enforcement.”

In Trump translation: “We have horrible, horrible and very unsafe laws in the United States.”

The president was, therefore, wrong when he announced in April that, “We are preparing for the military to secure our border between Mexico and the United States.”

Certainly President Trump’s “proclamation to deploy the National Guard” does nothing to stop Central American asylum-seekers. These brazen border-crossers “rarely hide from border agents,” for they know that, to stay in the US, and live off the American taxpayer’s avails, all they need do is “lodge a legal claim to stay.”

In Trump translation: We have the crappiest, most liberal immigration laws.

RECENT HISTORY: “During Trump’s first nine months in office, arrests for immigration violations were 42% higher than they were during the same period in Barack Obama’s last year. Non-border deportations rose 25% in fiscal 2017. Deportations of illegal immigrants who have committed no other crime, and who were not a priority in the Obama era, nearly tripled. Refugee admissions have plummeted. This fiscal year 16% of them are Muslim, compared with 42% a year ago.”

ICE agents have increased their presence at courthouses. ICE said they will use courthouse arrests only for “specific, targeted aliens” with criminal records, gang affiliations or removal orders, or who pose national security threats.

MOREOVER, I don’t know if Jeff Sessions’ Department of Justice has done so yet, but it was “to set quotas for clearing cases for immigration judges to hit.”

White House officials had been “drafting a package which would, among other things, make it easier to deport children who arrive alone at the border.”

All good stuff the sainted Sarah Sanders, White House spokesperson, never mentions.

So, to bypass the shitty lawmakers who’re unprepared to heed the country, should Republicans “eliminate the rule that most new laws can pass the Senate only with a 60-vote supermajority”? Should they, before it’s too late?

(Source: “Be Very Afraid: Donald Trump takes a hard turn on immigration.“)

Speaking About WMD In Iran: Did You Know About The WMD-Filled Swimming Pools Of Brazil? It’s True.

Foreign Policy, Iran, Military, War, WMD

BY Myron Pauli

Iran is a very weak nation and there are far less Shiites than Sunnis yet America’s warmongers act as if there are five million Iranians poised to blitzkrieg into Columbus, OH, and Denver CO on a moment’s notice.

If there is a “worldwide aggressor” – I will give you a few hints:

[1] I wonder which  COUNTRY spends as much on its military as the rest of the world combined.

[2] I wonder which  COUNTRY stations forces in every continent, in over 140 countries.

[3] I wonder which  COUNTRY is the only nation to have ever dropped atomic weapons on civilians. (A subtle hint is in “White Light, Black Rain: The Destruction Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki.”)

[4] I wonder which  COUNTRY is currently fighting wars in N countries, many of which are clandestine wars.

[5] I wonder which  COUNTRY was called “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world” by the revered Martin Luther King Jr.

But this paranoia is nothing new:

We have seen Mexican land invasions, galleons of Spain off the Atlantic coast, numerous aggressive attacks by the Austro-Hungarian Empire on American civilians, destroyers attacked by North Vietnamese radar blips, civilian airliners attacking Vincennes “supersonically,” “nuclear tipped cruise missiles from Iran,” Yugoslavian genocide, Qaddafi “genocide,” 18 consecutive years of Taliban attacks on America ….

Hell – let’s start MORE WARS. And while we are at it, did you know that there are swimming Pools in Sao Paulo, Brazil – which means they have chlorine which was the first chemical weapon and, given that WMDs are WMDs – it is time we got ahead of this and dropped some nukes on Brazil before it is too late (Munich! Munich! Munich!).

Here’s an idea: Why don’t these damn warmongers put their tushes where their mouth is, and go over to Iran by themselves and start a guerrilla movement?

Pictorial proof (aerial) that Spanish galleon are speeding toward—could it be?—the USA.


Myron Pauli grew up in Sunnyside Queens, went off to college in Cleveland and then spent time in a mental institution in Cambridge MA (MIT) with Benjamin Netanyahu (did not know him), and others until he was released with the “hostages” and Jimmy Carter on January 20, 1981, having defended his dissertation in nuclear physics. Most of the time since, he has worked on infrared sensors, mainly at Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC. He was NOT named after Ron Paul but is distantly related to physicist Wolftgang Pauli; unfortunately, only the “good looks” were handed down and not the brains. He writes assorted song lyrics and essays reflecting his cynicism and classical liberalism. Click on the “BAB’s A List” category to access the Pauli archive.

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UPDATED (7/22/019): NEW COLUMN: Are Liberal Pervs Sexually Obsessed With Refugees?

Crime, Feminism, Gender, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Military, Sex, The West

THE NEW COLUMN is “Are Liberal Pervs Sexually Obsessed With Refugees?” It’s also up on the one and only Unz Review.

An excerpt:

It’s hard to feel sorry for liberals when they reap the results of the policies they force on the rest of us.

A middle-aged woman, who campaigned against the deportation of migrants from her native Sweden, was raped by the very refugees she advocates for.

She met two Afghani teens on the street, outside a bar—no slut-shaming, please—voluntarily accompanied them to their taxpayer-funded pad. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Behind the European obsession with importing tall, dark, Middle-Eastern young men are hordes of horny, menopausal, Social Justice Warriors (SJW).

“Bohemian witches” or “tie-dye hags” is how one risqué, Swedish, YouTube commentator calls this degenerate distaff.

Left-liberal women (like Chancellor Angela Merkel) certainly have a fixation—could it be erotic?—with rescuing dark, handsome, exotic-looking strangers.

Judging from their irrational, histrionic protests against President Trump’s travel ban, we appear destined to live or die by these females’ hormones (or their replaced hormones).

Some men in that part of the world are not much better.

A Norwegian male was raped by a Somali asylum seeker. The last term—Somali asylum seeker—is something of a contradiction like the first (Norwegian man).

The asylum-seeker honorific is given to practically anyone from the Dark Continent or the Middle-East who washes up on Continental Europe’s shores.

The politician, Karsten Nordal Hauken, who says he’s heterosexual, went public with the details of his awful ordeal. “I was raped by a Somalian asylum seeker,” he wrote in a Norwegian newspaper. “My life fell into ruin.”

But it was Nordal Hauken, not his assailant, who proceeded to assault sensibilities with a confession that rivals the crime for reprehensibility. Hyperbole? I don’t think so.

As Hauken, a self-described left-wing feminist, tells it, he has been wracked by guilt because one night of passion had caused his Somali assailant to be returned to sender.

After resting up in a Norwegian prison, the rapist is said to have been deported to Somalia. (I can find no evidence of said rapist’s whereabouts. Maybe he’s en route to America?)

Hauken laments being overcome by “a strong feeling of guilt and responsibility. I was the reason that he would not be in Norway anymore …”

And: “I see [the Somali] mostly as a product of an unfair world, a product of an upbringing marked by war and despair.”

In his perversity, our leftist political powerbroker further mischaracterized the light sentence given to his rapist by the Norwegian State as “the ultimate revenge,” meted out by “an angry father confronting it’s [sic] child’s attacker.”

Mr. Hauken also moans that the rapist, we’ll call him Mr. Priapus, would be “sent to a dark uncertain future in Somalia,” instead of enjoying, presumably, the bright future that awaits a man with his priapic proclivities in welcoming Norway. …

… READ THE REST. THE NEW COLUMN is “Are Liberal Pervs Sexually Obsessed With Refugees?” And on Unz Review.

UPDATE (7/22/019): Ungrateful Refugee.

Simpering author of “The Ungrateful Refugee,” Dina Nayeri, is a banal Iranian refugee, who, like Ilhan Omar, has been catapulted to the top, sans merit. She’s an uninteresting & mediocre writer who COMPLAINS A LOT ABOUT … Oklahoma.