Category Archives: Military

UPDATE II: Don’t Apologize To McMussolini, Donald Trump

John McCain, Military, Neoconservatism, War

The neoconservative warmongering John McCain finished 894th out of 899 at the Naval Academy and lost five jets. As IQ ace Steve Sailer once quipped, “To lose one plane over Vietnam may be regarded as a heroic tragedy; to lose five planes here and there looks like carelessness.”

Now, his equally dim daughter, whose mental prowess I exposed in “A Cow Is Born,” is defending him against the impolitic Donald Trump, who called out her sacred cow of a father for being worshiped for naught.

To bring you up-to-date: The Donald said, while speaking at a forum in Iowa:

“[McCain’s] not a war hero. He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, okay?”

Take down John “McMussolini,” and you begin to take down the neoconservative cabal.

UPDATED I: Ann Coulter, who worships every military sacred cow—one has to in order to please Republicans and conservatives—concedes Donald said a dumb thing about McCain. Nonsense. Donald spoke the truth. It is also true—OMG!—that those men of the military who died invading Iraq did not die for our freedoms. Ditto those murdered by marauding Muslims on American soil. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news and simple reason.

UPDATED II: As for Donald Trump’s stand against wars, so far, Vietnam included: It’s good and very libertarian of him.

G. Bush Screws Soldiers … Again

Bush, IMMIGRATION, Military

Who you gonna call when George W. Bush needs defending? Media whore Dana Perino. She’s the go-to girl on things “W”, including the warmed-over wisdom and fortune-cookie profundities that tumble from the mouth of the former president.

Bill O’Reilly asked Perino to defend “W’s” record of porous borders. The cow lied, making as though her beloved boss was passive because of Democratic majorities. Nonsense. Bush has always been actively evil. “W” would have wrestled a crocodile for a criminal alien. He duly ordered Texas to halt the execution of murderer and rapist José Medellín. Texas said NO, and ended Medellin’s miserable life. (Celebrated in “José Medellín’s Dead; Cue The Mariachi Band.”) But not before the 46th governor of Texas betrayed the state he governed to the International Criminal Court (ICC), in trying to save the life of murderer/rapist Medellin.

As for border agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean: For shooting a drug dealer in the derriere—in the process of defending their country and countrymen—Bush unleashed his bloodhound, U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, on the two patriotic patrolmen who were sent to jail.

What will Dana say about the boss’s recently revealed antics? First he sends soldiers to die for nothing in Iraq and Afghanistan, then he robs those who came back broken:

Bush charged Texas-based Helping a Hero that amount in 2012, according to ABC News.

The organization also provided Bush with private jet travel to Houston at a cost of $20,000.

Laura Bush, the former president’s wife, additionally pocketed $50,000 after appearing for the group in 2011, ABC reported. charging $100K for a speech at wounded veterans …


#TulsiGabbard Is Not A Total Ass

Democrats, Foreign Policy, Iraq, Military

Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is an Iraq War veteran, who serves on Armed Services Committee. She is also a Democrat, which usually comes with the presumption of asininity. This woman, however, is not a complete ass. Here she touches on some of the themes of my current WND column as to why the Iraqi military would not fight, although she eventually stalls:

WOLF BLITZER: Because you make a good point. There’s – the Kurdish fighters, they have their own separate militia. The Sunni – Iraqi Sunni fighters, they have their own separate militia. There’s the Iraqi Shia. They’re largely backed by Iran. They have their own separate militia. They’re all pretty – pretty dedicated. The weakest link seems to be the central Iraqi army, which the defense secretary of the United States says simply has the – lacks the will to fight, yet the United States keeps supporting that weakest link, the central military of Iraq. That’s a problem from your perspective, isn’t it?

REP. TULSI GABBARD (D), HAWAII:: Yes, Wolf, it is a problem for a few different reasons. One is, this is a strategy that’s proven to have failed, not only recently, but really even through the Bush administration when we had Maliki in charge, we were providing weapons and money and resources to this Shiite-led government that persecuted the Sunnis, completely left them out, and really created the situation that we see today where you have ISIS taking advantage of the oxygen that this policy has created where the Sunni tribes essentially have been driven into the arms of ISIS for protection. This is the problem that I see with the current offensive that’s happening right now heading into Ramadi. This is being led by the Shia militia who named this offensive attack a name that is extremely incendiary and offensive specifically to the Sunni tribes. So this is only going to make the sectarian divides deepen. This will make matters worse. And ultimately, again, this will push the Sunni tribes closer and closer into ISIS’ arms, at the end of the day strengthening ISIS rather than defeating them.

For the rest, she’s an energetic interventionist, so a bit of an ass after all. But then so are most Republicans.

(Source: CNN.)

More #WomenInTheMilitary Equals More #Welfare Programs

Feminism, Gender, Military, Welfare

Capt. Courtney Wilson was unhappy in her duties until the military “just threw resources at me,” she told Babbling Brooke, “news” anchor at CNN, a job description that entails promoting the notion that “We … want more women to enter the forces,” to quote Brooke Baldwin.

Waxed Wilson: [The military] stepped up and they gave me amazing resources there like do you want biofeedback, do you want to do yoga, medication, therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, just threw resources at me and I could not be happier with the service that I received. It absolutely — it gave me my life back.

BALDWIN: Wonderful. That’s wonderful. We know that and want more women to enter, you know, the forces. So I guess what would your message be to women wanting to sign up today?

WILSON: I would say, be authentic. I think that I spent way too much time caring about what other people thought and what type of leader they wanted me to be rather than understanding that I was competent and I was good and to just be myself. I wish that I had been more authentic.

BALDWIN: Quickly, I know you’re out now. What’s next for you?

WILSON: So I actually started my own fitness business. And I’m going to Babson College in Massachusetts to get my MBA. So hopefully open up a nonprofit gym that focuses on young women, and just getting them to understand the value of fitness and see how strong they are and lo for that to be led by female veterans.

BALDWIN: I love that idea. I love that idea.

WILSON: Thank you.

BALDWIN: Captain Wilson, thank you so much. Thank you so much for your service to this country …


Personally, I won’t be happy until my tax dollars go toward more than just “biofeedback, yoga, medication, therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy” for the women in the military. What about dolphin therapy? I hope we bought Captain America a pet as well.