Category Archives: Political Correctness

James Damore Confronts The Hags of High Tech (& Loses)

Affirmative Action, Business, Feminism, Gender, Political Correctness, Technology

NEW COLUMN: “James Damore Confronts The Hags of High Tech (& Loses)” is the current column, now on An excerpt:

Of the many men who toil in high-tech, few are as heroic as James Damore, the young man who penned the manifesto “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber.” In it, Damore calmly and logically exposed the tyrannical ideological edifice erected to perpetuate the myth that, in aggregate, women and men are identical in aptitude and interests, and that “all disparities in representation are due to oppression.”


… In high-tech, almost nothing is as politically precious as a woman with some aptitude. There’s no end to which companies will go to procure women and help them succeed, often to the detriment of technically competent men and women who must do double duty. Their procurement being at a premium, concepts such as “sucking it up” and soldiering on are often anathema to coddled distaff.

A woman in high-technology can carp constantly about … being a woman in high-tech. Her gender—more so than her capabilities—is what defines her and endears her to her higher-ups, for whom she’s a notch in the belt.

While male engineers—and, indubitably, some exceptional women—are hired to be hard at work designing and shipping tangible products; women in high tech, in the aggregate, are free to branch out; to hone a niche as a voice for their gender.

Arisen online and beyond is a niche-market of nudniks (nags): Women talking, blogging, vlogging, writing and publishing about women in high-technology or their absence therefrom; women beating the tom-tom about discrimination and stereotyping, but saying absolutely nothing about the technology they presumably love and help create.

Young women, in particular, are pioneers of this new, intangible, but lethal field of meta-technology: kvetching (complaining) about their absence in technology with nary a mention of their achievements in technology.

The hashtag “MicrosoftWomen” speaks to the solipsistic universe created by females in high-tech and maintained by the house-broken males entrusted with supporting the menacing matriarchy. Are these ladies posting about the products they’ve partaken in designing and shipping? Not often. Women in high-tech are more likely to be tweeting out about … being women in high-tech. Theirs is a self-reverential and self-referential universe. …

… Read the Rest. The complete column, “James Damore Confronts The Hags of High Tech (& Loses),” is now on

This column can be read also on Unz ReviewDaily Caller, American Thinker, and others, where The Mercer Column usually appears. And it’s always posted, eventually, on, under Articles. Please share.

UPDATED (7/25): Republicans Or Democrats: Who’s More Tiresomely PC?

Conservatism, Democrats, Free Speech, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Logic, Political Correctness, Reason, Republicans

Conservatives habitually engage in this asinine, “No, Democrats are the sexist and racist party blah, blah; we’re the good party, party of Lincoln.” “No, liberals project onto us vices they’re guilty of and we’re free of; they do what they say we do.”

Such group thinkers all.

Any libertarian worth his salt hates this thought-crime policing on both sides. Who cares who’s sexist? Who cares if you have impolitic and impolite thoughts? The more improper thinking is expressed out loud; the more we break down barriers to politically risque thinking erected by both parties. (For instance, what I said in “THE WAR ON TRUMP: The Big Picture for Conservatives, Libertarians & Liberals” was verboten in conservative circles.)

Here Mike Cernovich rejoices, via a retweet, in the GOP nominating members of so-called marginalized identity groups. If you’re all about merit and individualism, not identity, why the hell do you care? Why partake in this idiotic, Democratic dance?

There’s no difference in modus operandi between the parties. Both window dress and virtue signal and accuse each other of not doing these enough.

Another incident sees Cernovich scold the awful Ana Navarro (we have a dossier on her: for being nasty about Jared Kushner. Why? Navarro is right. Why is Cernovich loving on Kushner?

Kushner looks and sound like a boy in transition.

From my, “What Ivanka Wants, Ivanka Gets”:

The man’s a mouse. … The poor man looks low T—like he might one day go the way of Bruce Jenner, now Caitlyn Jenner. (I love LGBTQ, so long as they come in peace.)

Not Jared’s fault. However, Jared’s bloody bad for the country, as well. But conservatives, being part of one tribe, must defend this nincompoop, rather than rejoice that the boring Ana Navarro is being bad, breaking with political propriety. Next, cons will force Navarro to apologize to the transgender Jared.


Both these good people (Democrats like Gabbard and Webb) are in my book as must cabinet picks for Trump. The days that I imagined prez had the good sense to follow his promise and ignore the Manhattan La Familia are GONE.

UPDATE (5/31): Left-Liberal Faculty Deserve Every Racial Indignity Inflicted On Them By Feral Students

Education, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness, Race, Racism, Reason

You teach college students to reject logic, reason and argument as evil extensions of western white thinking (instead of great achievements). You teach them that even the laws of nature that govern science are forms of white aggression. Anything a dumb-ass, politicized, pleb of a student can’t grasp or fails at it is due to white standards that discount The Other. Or so you, the teachers, tell them. (Rather than because not everyone is able to grapple with certain material.) That’s what you fill empty heads with. What do you get when you stuff empty minds with hubris, unwarranted self-esteem, and ignorance affirmed over and over again (unless they’re white)?

What do you get when you fail to teach your students how to be civil, civilized, and respectful to their elders (yes, it’s called hierarchy)?

White faculty spend their days virtue signalling their racially pure intentions. Now our enlightened pale faces, left-liberals faculty, are upset that the atavistic feral creatures, their students, are displaying their “learning.” A teacher at Evergreen State College in Washington State tries to reason with the feral creatures he has helped hot-house.

No sympathy from these quarters.

Evergreen State College [is] a school notable for its far-left politics and its preference for measuring students’ performance with “narrative evaluations” instead of grades – have seized control of their campus and are reportedly seeking hostages following a confrontation with a biology professor who objected to a planned demonstration that asked white students and faculty to voluntarily leave campus for a day, the Washington Times reports.

Secede from such a miseducation system if you’re a decent teacher and human being.

UPDATE (5/31):
Third World schools; unhinged sisters. Who promoted these sub-intelligent individuals to professorship?

UPDATED (3/24 Attack): No Wonder Obama Dismissed Profiler Philip Haney From DHS

Donald Trump, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Islam, Political Correctness, Terrorism, Uncategorized

Patriot Philip Haney (see “Obama’s Eyes Were Dry When Nixing DHS Program”)—dismissed by Barack Obama from the Department of Homeland Security, and nowhere to be found in the Trump Administration—was on the Sean Hannity show (radio is always more informative). There he spoke about certain identifiers gleaned from pictures of the Westminster attacker. These gave Haney some ideas about the perp. Haney was careful to warn that these profiling impressions were preliminary, a starting point:

The configuration of facial hair would seem to indicate the murderer of three, including of a police officer, might be a Salafi Muslim. The body, said Haney, would indicate the murderer was likely a local lad, as Fake News would say. The Investigation Discovery addict in me would guess that Haney means the Wheat Belly on the (thankfully) dead Asian man.

Yes, Asian.

No wonder Haney was given the boot by well-wisher of Islam Mr. Obama. Haney’s methods are effective because politically incorrect. You have to be effective. Otherwise you’re just decoration (like Ivanka in the White House. Sorry, but that situation is WRONG. We’d say the same if Hillary was POTUS and Chelsea got a White House office.)

Perp (allegedly):

Patriot (without a doubt):

UPDATE (3/24):

Of course Theresa May is “unafraid.”

Cut out the Churchillian act, Pier Morgan:

Tommy Robinson, now there’s a hero.

Sadiq Khan should be afraid but he’s brazen, striking fear in Londoners. 

The Big Lies: