The excerpt is from my new, WND.COM column, “Obama’s Politburo Of Proctologists,” now on Taki’s Magazine:
“…The laws of supply and demand don’t answer to Barry the Bolshevik. Private practitioners and providers, in extant and nascent markets for medicine, must know that if The Man and his Machine bring in a ‘public option,’ offering coverage to whomever wants it, the marketplace will change. …
If you think the misallocation of bailout billions has been criminal, wait until Obama’s politburo of proctologists attempts to figure out how many Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanners to purchase for The Plan. Courtesy of bureaucratic calculus, the waiting time for an MRI scan in British Columbia, Canada, runs into weeks and even months; not ideal if you have a malignancy.
Yes, the hubris. Where the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics failed, the ‘United Socialist States of America’ will prevail. ….”
The complete column, “Obama’s Politburo Of Proctologists,” is now on WND.COM.
Miss the weekly column on WND.COM? Catch it on Taki’s Magazine every Saturday.
Updated (June 26): American healthcare is not “privatized”; it’s highly regulated. Still, it’s better than Canada care, which I’ve experienced (and nearly lost my daughter to), the UK’s, Cuba’s and North Korea’s, upon which the former two “systems” are modeled. American medicine vs. Canada care: never the twain shall meet. I’m not sure why readers are intent on looking at health care as a “system” needing the state’s ministrations, rather than as a service delivered to individuals by other highly skilled individuals. Perhaps the “food system” is bad in the US, as the population is so unhealthy. Perhaps, by logical extension, we should let the state supervise the food “system.” C’mon.