Category Archives: Republicans

NEW COLUMN: Trump Barters For Borders — And Wins, Big Time

Democrats, Free Markets, IMMIGRATION, Justice, Nationhood, Natural Law, Republicans

NEW COLUMN IS “Trump Barters For Borders — And Wins, Big Time.” It’s currently on the Unz Review and WND.COM.

RELATED at “Why The Mighty USA Must Beg Mexico To Police Its Border.”


If President Trump doesn’t waver, his border deal with Mexico will be a victory. The Mexicans have agreed to quit serving as conduits to hundreds of thousands of central Americans headed for the U.S.A.

Despite protests from Democrats, stateside—Mexico has agreed to significantly increase enforcement on its borders.

At first, Mexico was as defiant as the Democrats—and some Republicans.

Democrats certainly can be counted on to argue for the other side—any side other than the so-called sovereign people they swore to represent.

In fairness to the Democrats, Republicans are only notionally committed to the tough policing of the border. And certainly not if policing the porous border entails threatening trade tariffs against our neighborly narco-state. Some Republican senators even considered a vote to block the tariffs.

Nevertheless, to the hooting and hollering of the cretins in Congress and media, Trump went ahead and threatened Mexico with tariffs.

More than that. The president didn’t just tweet out “strong words” and taunts.

Since Mexico, the party duopoly, and his own courts have forced his hand, the president proceeded to “retrieve from his arsenal a time bomb of ruinous proportions.”

Or, so the Economist hyperventilated …

READ “Trump Barters For Borders — And Wins, Big Time,” on the Unz Review and WND.COM.

RELATED at “Why The Mighty USA Must Beg Mexico To Police Its Border.”

* Image courtesy of the Unz Review.

Neoconservative Mark Levin Disses Tucker For Rejecting WAR WITH IRAN

Foreign Policy, Iran, Neoconservatism, Republicans, War

Tucker Carlson is is highly critical of John Bolton and for excellent reasons. Bolton has spear-headed or agitated for unconstitutional, unjust wars and other revolutionary interventions to force democracy abroad through war.

And Tucker Carlson is standing firm again war with an impoverished, economically broken Iran. Neoconservative have always wanted to go to war against Iran. The see their chance.

And neoconservatives like Mark Levin see blood in the water.  They are rushing to create group consensus within the War Party. That means marginalizing thinking dissidents like Tucker.

At 31 minutes and 19 seconds, Levin launches his not-so veiled attack against “Americans who should know better.Clearly it’s not the Left Levin is gunning for; it’s the anti-war Right:

And, Levin misquotes and distorts the likes of Tucker when alleges this was said: “Can you point to one example when Iran committed a terrorist act?”

Tucker has merely asked when last did Iran commit terrorism against the US? He’s on the money. See this blog post of mine: “Iranians Killed ZERO Americans In Terrorist Attacks In U.S. Between 1975 -2015.”

Looks like Tucker Carlson is more likely to have Trump’s ear on Iran than Bolton, or … Levin. Is someone jealous?

When Tucker Carlson Is Tops: Let Tucker Be Tucker

Crime, IMMIGRATION, Paleoconservatism, Political Philosophy, Republicans, Technology

Let Tucker Carlson be Tucker Carlson. When Fox News bosses allow Tucker to be himself, a hardcore, principled paleoconservative, the only one at Fox News, he shines.

Reparations, immigration and Illegal-alien privilege, third-world style homelessness in an increasingly disease-riddled Los Angeles, the Koch Brothers’ ownership of the Republican Party, Big-tech tyranny and the censorship of conservatives and dissident rightists on the Internet: Tonight Tucker shone.


Government’s Funneling Illegals From Ebola Hot-Spots Into YOUR Communities

Government, Healthcare, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Nationhood, Republicans

Republicans are awfully silent about the scandal that is the southwest border. One cans safely state that Republicans make the border an issue only when they are running for office.

Unscreened individuals from disease hot-spots in Africa and central America are being given safe passage into your communities. “No special screening, extra scrutiny, or quarantine required.”

Republicans refuse to perform their constitutional duty to protect their citizens from an onslaught. Watch them wake up, conveniently, when the Democrats are in power.

On the other hand, The dumb Democrats would win hands down in 2020 if they screamed bloody blue murder over the criminal negligence, ostensibly under the Republicans, on the border.

REMEMBER: “Whether they’re armed with bombs or bacteria, stopping weaponized invaders from harming Americans falls within the purview of the U.S. government. The government’s basic duty is to protect America from health and safety threats, both foreign and domestic.” (See “Will CDC Trace Polio-Like Outbreak, Or Just Shout ‘Racism’?“)

But we Deplorables just accept dereliction that borders on treason.

550 African migrants were just caught in Texas. DHS head says they aren’t being screened for Ebola“:

The border crisis is no longer exclusively a problem of illegal Central American migrants. As word spreads of the collapse of border enforcement, the number of migrants from Africa continues to increase. The threat of bringing in dangerous diseases is higher than ever, yet there are no mandatory and universal screenings, quarantines, or detention before illegal immigrants are released into our communities, often within hours.

According to preliminary weekly data used internally by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and given to CR by a Border Patrol agent who must remain anonymous because he is not authorized to speak to the press, over 550 African migrants were apprehended in Texas in just one week – from May 30 through June 5. The lion’s share were from the Democratic Republic of Congo, the country with the worst Ebola outbreak in the world.

With great clarity, author Daniel Horowitz, argues that,

So why is [Trump’s guy) McAleenan himself not requiring such a process, and if such a process is unfeasible given the numbers, shouldn’t these people be inadmissible rather than being released? Asylum does not trump the medically inadmissible statutes of 8 U.S.C. 1182. In other words, if the criminal smuggling conspiracy is so successful that it results in catastrophic numbers jamming our border, why should that strengthen the claim of the aliens to be released without following medical quarantine rather than strengthen the claim of the American sovereign to keep them out
