Category Archives: Republicans

Democrats Crack The Whip; GOPers Grovel. What’s New?

Democrats, Donald Trump, Economy, IMMIGRATION, Politics, Republicans, The Establishment

Today, Karl Rove, whose idiocy springs eternal, remarked (on TV) and wrote (on one of the GOP media organs) that Republicans and their president should “Move On From Robert Mueller.

There is a reason the Democrats have banged on about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and the “collusion delusion” for two years. It’s a winning issue FOR THEM. And rubbing Democrats’ snouts in their loss is a winning issue for the Republicans.

But, oh no. Republicans are good sports (a euphemism for losers). They want to be nice—and to hell with winning or representing their base. Mr. Establishment, Karl Rove, preaches it:

Team Trump should use the Mueller report to pivot to issues, like the economy and the opioid crisis, that matter to swing voters who will decide the 2020 presidential election. … reiterating old grievances about the investigation’s unfairness won’t materially change those ratings.  The president should focus his time, voice and tweets on the roaring economy, impressive job creation and bigger paychecks.

AND, don’t mention immigration. That’s implicit in the Rove-cum-Bush worldview.


The Worst Thing That Ever Happened To Texas Republicans

Democrats, Donald Trump, Gender, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Republicans

Some researcher from Rice University in Houston claims that Donald Trump is the “worst thing that ever happened to Texas Republicans”:

Mr Trump has alienated many white Republican women in Texas, and has also pushed away Hispanics, who account for around 40% of the state’s population. Long after Mr Trump leaves office, demographic change in Texas will continue to exert an influence on the fortunes of Republicans, as the Hispanic population grows, millennials vote in increasing numbers and people continue to move to Texas from other states, bringing their more liberal politics with them. According to a recent poll by the University of Texas and Texas Tribune, more Texans say they would sooner vote for a candidate running against Mr Trump than re-elect the president.

Like most women, many Republican women are liberals by any other name.

But in truth, the “worst thing that ever happened to Texas Republicans,” aside the women’s vote, is mass immigration.

See: “Twilight in Austin Political competition is moderating Texas Republicans.”

The Dirty Dozen: The Senate Republicans Who’d Rather Lose The Country Than Play Tough

Democrats, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Republicans

The Dirty dozen: “… nearly a quarter of Senate Republicans joined Senate Democrats in supporting the House-passed resolution of disapproval.”

The 12 Senate Republicans who blocked President Trump’s border Emergency Declaration are,

Via the New York Times:

Roy Blunt of Missouri, Susan Collins of Maine, Mike Lee of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rob Portman of Ohio, Mitt Romney of Utah, Marco Rubio of Florida, Patrick J. Toomey of Pennsylvania, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Roger Wicker of Mississippi, Mr. Alexander and Mr. Moran.

At least it’ll make the president use his veto power for … the first time.

The dirty dozen are dumb and dastardly. And that includes Rand Paul. They’re worried, seemingly, “about executive overreach.”

However, we live in the post-constitutional America. Only loser Republicans pretend it ain’t so. They follow the Queensberry Rules, while Democrats, who play to win, deal them a one-two punch.

POTUS tweets that, “The Democrats are ‘Border Deniers.’ They refuse to see or acknowledge the Death, Crime, Drugs and Human Trafficking at our Southern Border!”

I don’t think so. “Democrats see all too clearly that open borders will bring the demographic change that’ll make America a dominant-party state like South Africa.”

But more than that, Dems and their Republican enablers are true believers. You can respect them for their fight and determination to get their way.

Republicans deserve only contempt.


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Emergency At The Border? Depends On Your Definition Of ‘Emergency’

Crime, Democrats, Donald Trump, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Logic, Republicans

It’s all in the definition of an emergency. To the progressive Demopublicans, an endless stream of uninvited migrants swamping the country is not an emergency. Open borders are a good thing, never an emergency.

Dallas Times:

They came in pairs, by the dozens, hundreds. In one group, as many as 400 immigrants crossed the border here in a single, massive group.

Many are families. And some would soon sleep for the first time on U.S. soil — but out in the open, under the stars, because federal agents are having a difficult time processing them and getting them to shelter.

“What we’re seeing is something I haven’t seen in at least 10 years,” said Joe Romero, a veteran U.S. Border Patrol agent.

And yet, when asked whether he was witnessing an emergency on the border, Romero paused and kept his eyes on the road. He and his partner drove slowly Wednesday in the shadow of a fence, long stretches of it lined with migrants waiting to be transported to begin the process of seeking asylum.

To The Economist, the fact that there are fewer individuals crossing unimpeded into the US than in years past implies that … there is no emergency.

If America has a border crisis, it comes not from any sort of invasion—in the year to September 2018, the authorities caught 396,579 people trying to cross the southern border, fewer than half as many as in 2007

Logic is not a strong suit, these days.

as of September there was a backlog of 319,000 pending asylum cases. Between 2010 and 2017 the number of asylum claims filed annually rose from 28,000 to 143,000, with many coming from Venezuela, Guatemala and El Salvador. Political instability and violence in Central America pushes people north. But some are also drawn by America’s inefficient asylum system, which lets people stay and work while their claims are assessed.

The real problem is structural. America’s immigration-enforcement system was designed to cope with the sort of migration that historically came from Mexico—single men looking for work, eager to dodge immigration police. It is not suited to today’s flow, which consists largely of families and children eager to present themselves to police so they can claim asylum. Sadly, ambitious immigration reform has eluded Washington for years, and this administration is unlikely to take up that poisoned chalice (see Lexington).

See “The Master Builder.

AND, coming in drives for all that free stuff.