Category Archives: Republicans

UPDATED (6/28): The Face of a Fanatic, Or A Modern-Day Radical Republican

History, Neoconservatism, Republicans, States' Rights

A nerdy observation, but Richard Painter, a modern-day Radical Republican by any other name, has the same crazed look worn by the original Radical Republican, the fanatic Thaddeus Stevens.

MSNBC’s Richard Painter:

Here is the terrifying Thaddeus Stevens:

The context (as in who the Radical Republicans were) in “The Radical Republicans: The Antifa of 1865.”

UPDATE (6/28):

More like murderer John Brown:

Image result for john  brown

They’ve Incited War With Russia, Now The UniParty Is Worried About … ‘World War III’

Democrats, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Republicans, Russia, War

Republican Senator Bob Corker is worried that President Trump is “reckless enough to stumble [sic] the country into a nuclear war.” This from the two War Parties who’ve not stopped egging Trump on about Russia, fomenting American aggression against that potential partner. The president wanted—was willing—to make peace with Russian; the UniParty would have none of it. Now DemoPublicans are worried.

President Trump has failed miserably in forging forward with peace vis-a-vis Russia and sending out competent spokespersons to explain that campaign promise and the attendant policy of diplomacy and American First.

… Senator Bob Corker, the Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, charged in an interview on Sunday that President Trump was treating his office like “a reality show,” with reckless threats toward other countries that could set the nation “on the path to World War III.”

In an extraordinary rebuke of a president of his own party, Mr. Corker said he was alarmed about a president who acts “like he’s doing ‘The Apprentice’ or something.”

“He concerns me,” Mr. Corker added. “He would have to concern anyone who cares about our nation.”

Mr. Corker’s comments capped a remarkable day of sulfurous insults between the president and the Tennessee senator — a powerful, if lame-duck, lawmaker, whose support will be critical to the president on tax reform and the fate of the Iran nuclear deal. …

MORE: “Bob Corker Says Trump’s Recklessness Threatens ‘World War III’.”

… In an interview with The New York Times on Sunday, Mr. Corker responded to a series of Twitter attacks on him by Mr. Trump. He said that the president was running the White House like it was “a reality show” and with bellicose threats that could set the nation “on the path to World War III.” Mr. Corker added that “every single day at the White House, it’s a situation of trying to contain him.”

Other Republican lawmakers, while privately nodding their heads, remained conspicuously silent on Monday morning, and many Senate Republicans no doubt were relieved not to be in session this week in Washington, where they would be intercepted in the hallways of the Capitol by reporters asking them to comment on Mr. Corker’s remarks. …

… Mr. Corker expressed concern shortly after the inauguration that Mr. Trump was a “wrecking ball” to American foreign policy but he largely tempered his criticism in hopes of helping to steer the nation’s first president to serve without any political or military background.

By last week, that hope was clearly gone. As Mr. Tillerson publicly denied he was considering resignation without denying that he had once called the president a “moron” — he let a spokeswoman deny it later — Mr. Corker volunteered that the secretary of state and two other officials were the only thing that “separate our country from chaos.”

Mr. Trump responded over the weekend by calling Mr. Corker “a negative voice” who “didn’t have the guts to run” for another term. Mr. Corker fired back on Twitter by saying “the White House has become an adult care center” and “someone obviously missed their shift.” He followed up with the Times interview. …

MORE: “Corker’s Blast at Trump Has Other Republicans Nodding in Agreement.”

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UPDATED (9/12): Looting: Who Are You Going To Believe, TV’s Talkers Or Your Own Lyin’ Eyes?

Crime, Cultural Marxism, Private Property, Race, Republicans, The West

Looting is unrelated to race, insist Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino. All these well-dressed looters in post-Irma Florida just happen to be black. It could have been you and me out there.

That’s typical Republican sophistry: they point out the looting to sound truthful and gritty. They even go as far as to spell-out the salient feature of the looting. Then Republicans deny that what they said has any significance at all.

Republican self-serving denial about the reality of crime is not as bad as the Left’s Cultural Marxism—BBC News conflated looting post-storm with desperation, disparity and … slavery. Still, Republican bafflegab about race and crime is dishonest obfuscation.

UPDATE (9/12): DON’T MENTION THE COLOR OF LOOTING. Or the Color of The Help. To describe reality is racist:

Via the Daily Mail: “Terrified tourists on the Dutch-French island of St. Martin have described cowering in their hotel rooms amid reports up to 600 looters are running riot.”

French police give chase on St. Martin after the Hurricane.“British troops delivering fresh water during disaster relief in Tortola on the British Virgin Islands, where soldiers were deployed to restore order.” (Visuals.)

The color of The Help. “Troops are being called in to stop looters armed with guns and machetes on hurricane-ravaged St Martin with food, water and medicine running low, it has emerged. Soldiers from the Netherlands are pictured patrolling the streets on the Dutch side of the island.” (Daily Mail visuals.)

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UPDATED: Why Did Steve Bannon Use The Neo-Confederate Smear?

Bush, Cultural Marxism, Donald Trump, Education, History, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Neoconservatism, Republicans, States' Rights

Historian of the South Dr. Clyde Wilson comments on the Steve Bannon “60 Minutes” interview:

Did you all notice that Stephen Bannon in the TV interview equated “neo-Confederates” with neo-Nazis and the KKK? There is no such thing as a neo-Confederate. It is a leftist smear term for anyone who challenges their interpretation of history or thinks that the federal government is too big.

Differing interpretations of history are natural to free and civilized societies, which the U.S. is not. Hundreds of thousands of people, all of whom voted for Donald Trump, might be slandered as “neo-Confederates.” For that matter, it is very likely that the Nazis and KKK at Charlottesville were paid plants.

Why has Trump failed to expose and prosecute antifa? These are the same people who attacked his own rallies and inauguration. It would be a great opportunity to educate the people. Alas, like so much else inexplicable, the president is showing the usual Republican policy of never fighting back but always appearing “respectable.”

What Bannon said:

Bannon: “What he was trying to say is that people that support the monument staying there peacefully and people that oppose that, that’s the normal course of — of First Amendment. But he’s talking about the Neo-Nazis and Neo-Confederates and the Klan, who, by the way, are absolutely awful — there’s no room in American politics for that. There’s no room in American society for that. … And all Donald Trump was saying is, “Where does it end? Does it end in taking down the Washington Monument? Does it end in taking down Mount Rushmore? Does it end at taking Churchill’s bust out of the Oval Office?” My problem — my problem, and I told General Kelly this — when you side with a man, you side with him. I was proud to come out and try to defend President Trump in the media that day.”

MORE of Steve Bannon on 60 Minutes.

UPDATE: Best of Steve Bannon: “I hold these people in contempt, total and complete.” “George W. Bush and his entire national security apparatus, which included people like Condi Rice, Brent Scowcroft, Colin Powell and Dick Cheney.”

“I hold these people in contempt, total and complete contempt,” Bannon told Rose, adding that the former Bush administration officials get him riled up with anger like nothing else. “They’re idiots, and they’ve gotten us in this situation, and they question a good man like Donald Trump.”
Bannon blasted “the geniuses in the Bush administration that let China in the W.T.O.,” and reminded Rose that the “genius in the Bush administration told us, ‘Hey, they’re going to be a liberal democracy. They’re going to be free-market capitalism.’ The same geniuses that got us into Iraq.”