Category Archives: Sex

UPDATED (3/6/019): Republican Women Over 65 Are The Most Anti-#MeToo Group. SMART.

Conservatism, Democrats, Feminism, Gender, Republicans, Sex

Believe it or not, liberal Republican women berate their older, #MeToo skeptical sisters. Beware Republican Women for Progress, especially. Just as Democrats do, these prog Republican fems patronize older Republican ladies, depicting them as afraid to even talk to progressive GOPers like themselves. Republican Women for Progress also claim older ladies who vote Republican are afraid to break free, instead, letting “their (Republican-voting) husbands fill in their ballots.” Needless to say, there is little daylight between prog Republicans and Democrats.

#METOO And Conservatism
The Economist

NO GROUP HAS swung against #MeToo more than older women who voted for Donald Trump. They have gone from barely worrying about false accusations of sexual assault, with only 8% agreeing in November 2017 that these were worse than unreported assaults, to 42% saying so, according to two polls conducted for The Economist by YouGov, a pollster. They are now the most likely group to agree that a man who harassed a woman 20 years ago should keep his job, and that a woman who complains about harassment causes more problems than she solves.

Two things stand out. First, even though Americans on average, and Republicans in particular, have become more negative about #MeToo over the past year, the change among this particular group is spectacular (chart). Second, a generational gap now yawns between Republican women who are over 65 and those under 30, the cohort least hostile to #MeToo within the Republican Party.
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One obvious difference between the two groups is that many of the over-65s have grown-up sons. In 2018 some of them fell off their pedestals as hundreds of men were publicly named and shamed over sexual misconduct allegations. Many more feared that “some lady” from the past could, with one accusation, destroy them and their family. This lady became personified in Christine Blasey Ford, when in September 2018 she accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, threatening to derail his nomination to the Supreme Court. All this helped fuel a backlash against #MeToo, and not just among men. Many Twitter threads on #HimToo, the hashtag about false accusations, were posted by worried mothers.

“We saw the split among Republican women widen around the Kavanaugh hearings. A lot of the rhetoric illustrated the generational gap,” remembers Jennifer Pierotti Lim, from Republican Women for Progress, a campaign group. “There’s a feeling amongst that generation that a little light sexual assault is no big deal. For women of our generation that’s hard to understand.”

Carrie Lukas of the Independent Women’s Forum, a conservative advocacy group, recognises what the movement has done in encouraging people to speak out against prominent men who “people have known were problems”, but wonders whether it has gone too far. “I don’t think the mantra ‘believe all women’ is sufficient,” she says. “Men need to be able to make mistakes, and have conversations with women and not be walking on eggshells.”

Yet the biggest split on #MeToo, as with any question pollsters ask about gender is not between genders or generations but between political affiliations, says Juliana Horowitz from the Pew Research Centre. Democrats have barely changed their views on #MeToo over the past year, even as Republicans have grown more sceptical. No split separates the generation of Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren from younger female Democrats. In fact boomer Clinton-voting women have increased their support for #MeToo over the past year.

The partisan gender gap has already widened. In 2016 Hillary Clinton won 54% of women voters; in the 2018 mid-terms 59% of women voted for Democrats. Republicans appear unconcerned: a recent poll found that 71% of likely primary voters expressed no concern that only 13 of the party’s 200 House members are women (the lowest number in 25 years) and 60% said nothing had to be done to recruit more female candidates.

One explanation of this partisan gap is that it reflects a difference of opinion over what true feminism is. Some conservative women resist what they see as special treatment for women as vaguely patronising. There is another explanation, too. Ms Pierotti Lim of Republican Women for Progress remembers campaigning in Wisconsin and Michigan in 2016 and being astonished by the number of older women who were afraid to even talk to her and who let their (Republican-voting) husbands fill in their ballots.

RELATED: “Truth and consequences: American politics after a year of #MeToo.

UPDATE (3/6/019): R. Kelly.

NEW COLUMN: Bogus Stats Of The Violence-Against-Women Industry

Canada, Crime, Feminism, Gender, Pseudoscience, Sex

NEW COLUMN IS “Bogus Stats Of The Violence-Against-Women Industry.” It’s now on WND.Com and The Unz Review.


Speaking recently to Fox News’ Arthel Neville, Andrew Napolitano, also of Fox News, repeated old feminist canards about sexual assault against women being an under-reported, ever-present crime in American society.

The violence-against-women industry in North America—you know, the one-in-four-women-are-assaulted rot—is propped up by the sub-science or pseudoscience of violence-against-women statistics.

In particular, violence-against-women surveys are based on inflated numbers nobody questions; numbers the advocates bandy about and the politicians rely on when drafting policy and plumping for resources.

I’m thinking of the original 1993 StatsCan Violence Against Women survey, and its preposterous statistical offshoots, which, in turn, were spinoffs of the American violence-against-women statistical sisterhood. Canada follows America’s lead.

Anyone who’s studied research methodology at a good school (check) knows that research is shaped by the researcher’s hypothesis. Duly, the corpus of violence-against-women statistics reflects an exclusive ideological focus on female victimization. It thus consists of single sex surveys—never two sex surveys—with no input from men, to the exclusion of violence females incur from other females, or acts of violence women commit against the man in the relationship.

Developed at the height of the “war against women” moral panic, these foundational questionnaires are the product of a collaboration with advocacy groups and feminist stakeholders, and are thus fraught with problems of unrepresentative samples, lack of corroboration, a reliance on anecdotes, a use of over-inclusive survey questions and, to charitably understate the problem, the broadest definition of assault.

There’s a lot that goes into skewing data.

The “statistical myths” that pervade the rape-is-rampant claims, states libertarian feminist Wendy McElroy, start with “deeply biased researchers,” who proceed invariably from a “false premise or assumption,” who then use biased and small samples whose selection, in turn, is further slanted by paying participants.

Surveys are, of course, inherently dodgy. The general pitfalls of survey methodology, such as asking leading questions, are legion. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN IS “Bogus Stats Of The Violence-Against-Women Industry.” It’s now on WND.Com and The Unz Review.

UPDATED II: (3/12/019): NEW COLUMN: Progressive Crazies Are Getting The Kids Killed

Crime, Education, Egalitarianism, Family, Feminism, Gender, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Sex

NEW COLUMN IS “Progressive Crazies Are Getting The Kids Killed.” It’s currently on, the Unz Review and (abridged).

An excerpt:

Muslim men murder two European women backpacking across a Morocco mountain range and, right away pundits holler, “ISIS, Jihad, extremism, terrorism.”

Likewise misleading are the leads from the intelligence authorities, who seem to confirm that, but for “ISIS, Jihad, extremism, terrorism”—it would be perfectly safe to adopt the improvident habit embraced by the deceased and many young ladies like them:

Wander happily all over the world in the belief that the world is their oyster.

To be sure, Jihad was likely part of the predatory behavior involved in the decapitation of the two young Scandinavian lovelies, in Morocco.

But while potent, Jihad—and the Brownie points accrued for offing infidels—is not the main incentive in operation here.

Freud’s Pleasure Principle is—that atavistic, sexual pleasure derived by predatory males, when stalking and subduing a woman.

You adopt the argument of feminism when you willfully ignore sex, gender, and the man-woman disparities in crimes involving these young, attractive women.

Like many an agenda-driven pundit, the authorities are only too pleased to compartmentalize and abstract causality. They’ll tell you that Islamists, not Muslim men practicing Islam, are implicated in violence against women. They’ll tell you that a lofty ideology, not ordinary sex, was the motive for murdering Maren Ueland, aged 28, and Louisa Jespersen, aged 24. On and on.

It’s up to formative figures like parents to counter the crazies—for those who ignore the power differential that comes with biological differences are crazy. What’s worse, these crazies are getting the kids killed.

So, yes, Jihad. But Jihad is secondary to the probable sexual subjugation to which these mindless young women would have been subjected, as they traipsed around the Muslim Maghreb defenseless.

Please, parents and pedagogues, start teaching young girls that “Beauty and the Beast” is a fantasy; that the world, certainly the Third World, is not their oyster; that women can get raped, even killed, if they Kumbaya alone around the world. Or, around the country, for that matter.

The lesson is universal.

Before being abducted, raped and killed by stalker Jesse Matthew, in September of 2014, Hannah Graham drew the attention of this predator by wondering about alone, late at night, in Charlottesville, Virginia, her midriff so bare as to render her crotch almost visible. In surveillance footage, Ms. Graham can be seen swaying as though tipsy.

Invariably, the grief-struck parents of many a young woman like poor Hannah will demur, “She died the way she lived; free.” No: Ms. Graham and too many girls like her—if one is to go by crime documentaries such as “Investigation Discovery”—die horrible, futile deaths. This is likely because these young women are raised in a society that refuses to recognize the limits imposed by biology, preferring to teach them that their beauty, desirability and fragility place no impediments on their liberty to live la vida loca. …

… READ THE REST.  THE NEW COLUMN, “Progressive Crazies Are Getting The Kids Killed,” is on, the Unz Review and (abridged).

UPDATE I (1/4/019): Facebook:

Craig Smith:Liberalism is a mental disorder. If the parents are oblivious to the idiocy of open borders, illegal immigration, and allowing hordes of “refugees” in, as many are, then they’re oblivious to the dangers their daughters will be in by traveling in shithole countries, and shithole localities in this country. They have nothing to pass on to their daughters.
Ilana Mercer: How many times must I beg readers not to cast wickedness, evil and bottomless stupidity as mental diseases. To do so is bad thinking. And wrong on logic, science, etc. It also absolves individuals of responsibility for their evil or stupid ways.

Only Feminists Ignore That Women Are Way More Vulnerable; That The World Is Not Their Oyster

Conservatism, Crime, Culture, Feminism, Gender, Islam, Jihad, Sex

Pundits are so unfocused and unthinking. A Muslim kills Europeans and, right away, it’s Jihad, and Jihad alone.

Yes, there’s the “bonus” of jihad for the killer. Jihad is probably part of the predatory behavior involved in the decapitation of two lovely Scandinavian women, murdered in Morocco.

But so is pleasure.

You adopt the argument of feminism—the one incorrectly asserting that rape is about power, never sex—when you ignore SEX, gender, the man-woman disparities.

Men, rough men in particular, will rape women. Rape is about sex.

DEAL! And teach your girls how to deal.

Crazies who ignore natural gender disparities endanger their loved ones. Parents who omit this lesson are derelict.

So, yes, Jihad. But can parents please start teaching young girls that the Third World is not their oyster? That women will likely get raped, even killed, if they Kumbaya defenseless around the world, especially the Third World?

UPDATE (12/26/018):What would make two 20-something Scandanavian women expect to be safe while backpacking in mountains of Morocco?”

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