Category Archives: Sport

Neutering The NFL (Histrionic Headlines)


The busybody, fascist fems are muscling in on the NFL, in an attempt to neuter one of the last vestiges of masculinity in American sport. Prosecute/arrest anyone who commits a felony against anyone in the NFL and elsewhere. Otherwise, fuck off fascist fems.

Below are the more ridiculous, histrionic headlines aired by the CNN nitwork on an incident that the parties—husband and wife—had resolved to the satisfaction of the only parties that matter: husband and wife.

* Women consult with NFL commissioner

* Goodell isn’t a newcomer to controversy

* What to tell kids about Ray Rice

* Domestic abuse ‘ordinary’ in U.S.

Busybody Buttheads


Good for the forceful Janay Rice for voicing her fury over the “unwanted opinions” about her marriage to Ray Rice, whose “contract with his longtime team was terminated on Monday.” The player “was suspended indefinitely from the NFL after a video was released on of him assaulting his now-wife at an Atlantic City casino.”

“THIS IS OUR LIFE! What don’t you all get,” Mrs. Rice blasted the busybodies from her Instagram account, this morning.

As is their wont, the professional opinionators—know-nothings—were out and about on media, airing their formulaic theories about Mrs. Rice’s life and personality.

Do the busybodies have to be told to butt out; that Janay is an adult woman who is quite capable of making her own decisions? Apparently.

As to Rice’s termination: If he violated his contract in any way, it is the prerogative of his employer to get rid of him. It is also the right of the same controlling interests to reinstate the player.

Germany Scores Twice


Germany’s first victory this week is to have threatened to expel the top CIA official from the country. Via DER SPIEGEL:

Initially, there had been talk of a formal expulsion of the CIA employee, who is officially accredited as the so-called chief of station and is responsible for the US intelligence service’s activities in Germany. A short time later, the government backpedalled and said it had only recommended that he leave. Although it cannot be compared with a formal explusion, it remains an unfriendly gesture.
On a diplomatic level, it is no less than an earthquake and represents a measure that until Thursday would have only been implemented against pariah states like North Korea or Iran. It also underscores just how deep tensions have grown between Berlin and Washington over the spying affair. … there was absolutely no talk of any apology from Washington.

One US official dismissed the threat of expulsion of a top CIA official from Germany as a “childish” reaction on behalf of the Germans. Natürlich. When a European superpower refuses to be spied upon by Uncle Sam, they’re deemed to be acting out like kids.

An excellent account of the latest developments is here.

Germany’s second big win in short succession was a 1:0 victory over Argentina, in the game that earned the Germans the 2014 World Cup in football.

Ann Coulter should be pleased that the interminable tournament has finally concluded.

Socking It To Soccer


This was for a game that ended in a tie. Yes, a TIE – an exhilarating 1-1 final score. … So in a 100-minute game, something happened two times and nothing happened 98 times. … Watching people run 62 miles by circumnavigating a big field all day with no scoring! …
… You can’t use your hands in soccer (thus eliminating the danger of having to catch a fly ball). What sets man apart from the lesser beasts, besides a soul, is that we have opposable thumbs. Our hands can hold things. Here’s a great idea: Let’s create a game where you’re not allowed to use them!
… I resent the force-fed aspect of soccer. The same people trying to push soccer on Americans are the ones demanding that we love HBO’s “Girls,” light-rail, Beyonce and Hillary Clinton. The number of New York Times articles claiming soccer is “catching on” is exceeded only by the ones pretending women’s basketball is fascinating.

Ann Coulter makes good fun of football or soccer. Whether you’re a fan of the game or not, you should find the two columns a lot of fun. The fact that she got hate mail for these pieces is a sure sign that the witless now walk the earth.

* “Hating soccer: Part Deux”

* “America’s Favorite Pastime: Hating Soccer”