Desperately Seeking Ebonics Experts



It sounds like OUR Myron Pauli, the relative of THAT Wolfgang Pauli (Nobel Prize for Physics, 1945) has had enough of his current position, and the type of federales that come with the job. I got wind (via another very smart man, R. J. Stove) about a job opening with the feds. This is Myron’s opportunity to push boundaries.

As far as Rob could make out, this is serious (i.e. not an ONION satire):

Justice Department Seeks Ebonics Experts.

“Move over Ali G.,” says Rob.

In all seriousness, an Eminem-type federal employee should push this envelope hard and insist that, as an adaptable honky who has mastered the future lingua franca, he ought to have access to this job with all its benefits and fun (talking in tongues? ‘Cmon). The feds can’t discriminate based on race. The job should be open to whites with flare and improvisational abilities (at least that should be the pitch on the resumé).

9 thoughts on “Desperately Seeking Ebonics Experts


    Here is a link that works:…/ebonics-translators-justice_n_692565.html

    Some of the comments on Huffington Post are hilarious (? does that mean “of or pertaining to Hillary” ?).

    Anyway, I am sure that St. Shirley Sherrod is overqualified. This is for the DEA, an agency that SHOULD NOT EVEN EXIST (please find me an Article 1 Section 8 authorization for the Federal government to search for drugs internal to the US).

    When it comes to Federal Employees, one sometimes has to ask – which is worse, those who do their job or those who don’t do their job?

  2. james huggins

    If my experience with various members of civil service is any indication the feds shoul have no trouble finding fluent practitioners of ebonics. What’s going to be tough is getting them to translate to English if needed.

  3. Contemplationist

    I say those who don’t do their jobs – agencies and depts. like USDA, FTC, FCC, DEA, Dept of Education etc. i DO hope they’re not busy but THEY ARE! They are busy issuing pages upon pages of regulations to burden industry every freakin day.

  4. Eamon

    I would have thought after having been ridiculed mercilessly for contemplating such an idiotic notion as ‘ebonics’ it’s adherents would have hid in shame forever. Seems the post-racial president has needs translators for the less-educated of our brethern.

  5. Gringo Malo

    I briefly considered applying, but some of the other posters have convinced me that I’m just too white and nerdy. That’s what happens when you spend decades trying to make enough money to avoid native speakers of Ebonics, I guess.

  6. Myron Pauli

    Ben’s comment (on the next topic):

    I couldn’t post on the ebonics post, but I think I have the perfect ebonics expert:!

    [I’ve opened the Ebonics post again. I love this.]

    My comment: That YouTube is NOT EBONICS. That is just American English in a black accent. Ebonics is completely garbled use of wordage.

    CONTEMPLATIONIST got the gist of what I was saying. There are some jobs (think
    Tomas de Torquemada, grand inquisitor) where being a LAZY Federal Employee is a plus. Get your money and leave the people be:

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