UPDATE II (9/26/017): Destination North Korea? I Don’t Think So

Family,Foreign Policy,Kids,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Multiculturalism


Liberal parents are a liability. One way to avoid brain damage is to refrain from touring North Korea while American. The other is having parents who tell you not to tour North Korea while American. Poor Otto Warmbier. Someone let him down.

I mean, who financed or encouraged his trip to North Korea? Sheer madness. Even if parents have no control over kids, they still have an obligation to give kids “The Talk.” Did these parents even tell this poor lad, now dead after his ordeal in North Korea (6/19/017), anything but to follow his heart? I’m curious. I may be wrong and Otto Warmbier would not listen to reason, but I’ve seen enough of American liberal naivete.

June 19, 2017: RIP, Poor Otto:

Finally, an answer to nagging questions: “While researching his studies in China, Mr Warmbier found out about Chinese companies that offer trips to North Korea. His parents were okay with his decision to go [to North Korea].”

UPDATED (9/26/017): Horrific. But no reason to go to war. Poor Otto Warmbier’s parents encouraged his ‘explorations’ in North Korea. Now they (kinda) want war on his killers?