It’s Cool To Caricature Climagedon

Democrats,Environmentalism & Animal Rights,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Propaganda,Pseudoscience,Science


Jon-Stewart cool! Manipulating research to hide that Goddess Gaia has been cooling for the past decade has its humorous aspects—to a point. “Does it refute global warming?”, asks Stewart rhetorically. And he replies, “Of course not.” Stewart then takes aim at “denier” Sen. James Inhofe, and frames the errant global-warming activists who cooked the books as scientist who simply cut corners.

There are limits to the laughter ClimateGate will elicit on the Left. One doesn’t abandon a religion in one day, no matter the evidence.

5 thoughts on “It’s Cool To Caricature Climagedon

  1. Steve Hogan

    Any scientist not on the government payroll will tell you that:

    1. it’s been warmer in the past than it is now

    2. CO2 concentrations have been higher, and are the effect, not the cause, of rising temperatures

    3. CO2 is a relatively minor greenhouse gas relative to water vapor

    4. Man’s contribution to the CO2 levels is miniscule compared with the oceans and animals

    To think that man has the ability to control the climate by driving less or leaving the lights off requires a level of delusion I cannot comprehend. That this fraudulent con job has been passed off as “science” is an indictment of science in general and of climatology in particular. For the politicians and media to perpetuate this pile of dung masquerading as science should result in criminal prosecutions.

  2. Haym

    I agree with Steve completely. This hoax has gone on for too long and media manipulators like Al Gore have been treated too kindly while they do their snake oil sales and get wealthy. It is time to stand up against such charlatans.

  3. George Pal

    In a neglected speech with a proverbial phrase – Military Industrial Complex – President Eisenhower addresses yet another danger to the nation: the Scientific Technological Elite. From the speech:

    The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.

    It’s a great speech by perhaps one of only two thoughtful men to hold the office in the last century. The entire speech here:

  4. M. B. Moon

    No science degree is required to understand political corruption, hypocrisy,and deception, in other words, bull[self-snip]. Jon Stewart understands that quite well and I salute him for pointing it out.

    If “the science is settled” then why ever resort to such underhanded means?

    There are many patient, honest scientists not on a government payroll who are working against this pseudo-science. They deserve our thanks and appreciation.

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