Updated: Loser Lindsey G. Pummeled By Paul

Constitution,Federal Reserve Bank,Foreign Policy,Neoconservatism,Political Philosophy,Race,Republicans,Ron Paul


I’ve said it before, the stupid party needs not a bigger tent, but a giant tin-foil hat. Duly, Lindsey Graham attacks Mr. Constitution, Rep. Ron Paul, by vowing to a booing town-hall gathering to rescue the GOP from white gentlemen like Paul (words you’d expect from the Party of Lincoln), and to continue shedding blood in futile, unconstitutional wars.

To which Ron Paul replied: “What does Graham have against the Constitutions?” Of course, Graham embodies everything that is wicked about the Republican Party.

Update: Glenn Beck gives it to Graham too: pro amnesty, for Sotomayor, for stimulus package; signed climate-change bill…

8 thoughts on “Updated: Loser Lindsey G. Pummeled By Paul

  1. M. B. Moon

    It is strange that a country that defeated the fascists and the communists now has the fascists (the Republicans) and the communists (the Democrats) as its main political choices. But there has been progress of sorts; the communists are more fascist and the fascists are more communistic. Evil and stupid have come to terms.

    Bring on the cold weather; at least I’ll see Al Gore repudiated. Maybe the whole rotten system will in turn be repudiated but it is looking like the End unless the Lord rewrites the Book of Revelation or we enter a new Dark Ages.

  2. Robert Glisson

    I’m just amazed that CNN actually let Mr. Paul talk more than a 30 second sound clip. Did a miracle happen? Good show!

  3. Myron Pauli

    If politics is merely to see whether it’s Obama/Biden vs. Romney/Graham steering the Titanic into the (hyperinflationary) iceberg, Graham is right. Just be “Democratic light” – EVENTUALLY, the Democrats will fall – whether its hyperinflation, Kabul collapsing, or Biden in bed with a sheep…. – and then you get “chosen” to “govern” America with your OWN health-care “plan” – hallelujah.

    Note how Graham endorses the Democratic contention that critics of Obamacare are racist, sexist “angry white men”. The concept of limited government means no more to Graham than it does to your bird. Politics is about WINNING, riding in Air Force One, “Liberating” primitive dictator countries, soliciting “contributions” from agribusinesses and DoD contractors, and managing health-care. That’s the mainstream Republican philosophy – marginally more “Christian” than the more secular Democratic brand of slop.

    Republicans wager that the Becks, Ron Paul voters, Joe the Plumber, etc. will have “nowhere to go” in 2012 and will drink the GOP Kool Aid. Unfortunately, watching the Republicans “reducing big government” for the last 40 years makes me believe that the Grahams are correct.

    I’d rather go down swinging on the side of Liberty with Ron Paul and I have ZERO regrets that McCain lost.

  4. Roy Bleckert

    “I’ve said it before, the stupid party needs not a bigger tent, but a giant tin-foil hat.” LOLLLLL !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ca Rep. party is a prime example of “The Stuipid Party”

    Count me as proud to go down swinging in 88 & 08 voting for Ron Paul

    Have never voted for the Tyrants Bush-Romney-McCains of the world

  5. Myron Pauli

    Roy – I remember Tom McClintock debating Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2003 and thinking “why don’t the Republicans back McClintock” – but they are the Stupid Party …. they lose when they lose and WE ALL LOSE when they win.

  6. Steve Bernier

    I am sad to say that I voted twice for King George the second. I did it because he was the “lesser of two evils”. I still voted for evil. Last time I voted for Ron Paul in the primary and voted libertarian in the general election. I am leery of voting in the next election and wondering who is going to run that will attempt to restore the republic back to the constitution.

    I just finished reading your interview with James Ostrowski: If we could get more people like him, Ron Paul, Ron Paul’s son Rand and others to run, perhaps we have a slim chance of saving this once great republic,

  7. George Pal

    It’s becoming obvious the race for the GOP’s “neo-McCain” is heating up and Lindsey G. is taking off the gloves.

  8. Roy Bleckert


    Yes I remember that well I was a big backer of Tom and it was ridiculous: the party bosses dropped Tom like a hot rock when Arnold Kennedy entered the race.

    I have the poll results somewhere but IIRC Tom won that debate almost 2 to 1.

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