UPDATE II: McMussolini Has Spoken (Succors Terrorists)

Foreign Policy,Islam,Jihad,John McCain,Middle East,Military,Republicans,Terrorism,War


He landed in Libya, checked into the local Benghazi hotel, looked around, and saw that the war was good, and then he spoketh:

“The [rebels] are my heroes,” exclaimed John McCain, senator for Arizona. And a hero deserves “every appropriate means of assistance,” including “command and control support, battlefield intelligence, training and weapons.”

Only a bit more thoughtful than his notoriously mindless daughter, McCain, joined by “Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.),” has shown no awareness of the intelligence. (Thank you, WikiLeaks) Fighting Qaddafi are “[f]ormer jihadi fighters who underwent ‘religious and ideological training’ in Afghanistan, Lebanon and the West Bank…”

From the pollution he has left along his political path McCain can run but cannot hide. Republicans once wisely rejected war in Kosovo. McCain, back then, jettisoned party loyalty to call for bombs from above and “more boots on the ground.” Not so long ago it was “bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb-Iran,” and the promise of a 100 year war in Iraq, which was bound to break the bank that McCain once vowed to make solvent.

Under the loving gaze of the media, McCain’s jingoism is ever evolving.

UPDATE I: You want to watch former CIA Counterterrorism analyst Michael Scheuer tell the teletwits of CNN that they are “carrying water for Obama.” Scheuer shone on Freedom Watch too, telling the Judge’s viewers that drones give you nothing but a body count, but no progress on the ground. “Why are we there; why do we care?” he asked, while pointing to “confusion, ignorance and even arrogance in the way the U.S. has handled the unrest in the Middle East so far.” I’ll say!

The sentiments expressed in “Frankly, My Dear Egyptians, I Don’t Give a Damn”

UPDATE II (April 26): McCain Gives Succor To Terrorists. Jack Hunter at the American Conservative:

“Who says there is evidence of a link between the Libyan rebels and Al-Qaeda? US and British intelligence, NATO leaders, and the Libyan rebels themselves. Who says there is not a link? John McCain, who calls the rebels ‘heroes.'” MORE...

7 thoughts on “UPDATE II: McMussolini Has Spoken (Succors Terrorists)

  1. George Pal

    “The [rebels] are my heroes,” exclaimed John McCain, senator for Arizona. And a hero deserves “every appropriate means of assistance,” including “command and control support, battlefield intelligence, training and weapons.”

    You have to love the old warhorse – he’ll do his Patton impression at the drop of a bomb. Send him to all the Middle East theaters (of war) and have him entertain the troops, rebels, jihadi, Jedi, whatever.

  2. derek

    It always annoys me when conservatives equate McCain’s military service for actual military and strategic expertise. With all due respect to his experiences as a POW, I think he had a total of 25 hours of combat flight time during his career which is of course 25 more than I.

    He did not spend an entire career in the military with assignments in both line and staff functions like Al Haig and Brent Scowcroft, true experts for sure. Why conservatives put him in the same category is beyond me.

  3. NJ_Patriot

    The former alternative to Obama seems to have his nationalist blood up. This often happens to the leviathan leaders when other things can’t be prompted “up. If the American State can only kill enough, then it and it’s feckless stalwarts may yet be redeemed.

  4. Abelard Lindsey

    There’s a reason why Obama was elected president, and its not just because the electorate is stupid.

  5. Michael Marks

    How many Jews and Christians will die as a consequence of the “Arab Spring”?

  6. Robert Taylor

    I look and listen to this man and wonder why Arizonans continue to send him to Washington, and also ponder how many defense contractors he is friendly with? Offensive wars are sheer murder and the neo-con surge(Jews and Christians alike)of a pro-war attitude is insanity personified.

  7. Dan Jeffreys

    Ah yes, it’s always refreshing as we toil under the oppression of Obama to be reminded of what our other choice was.

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