UPDATED: Media Top-Dogs Kick Underdog Ron Paul (Look Inside the ‘Cannibal’)

Ethics,Free Markets,Journalism,libertarianism,Liberty,Media,Propaganda,Republicans,Ron Paul


The following is from “Media Top-Dogs Kick Underdog Ron Paul,” now on WND.COM:

“Republican and Democratic media whores briefly came clean about ignoring presidential hopeful Ron Paul. Then they promptly returned to ignoring him.

No sooner had Fox News’ Megyn Kelly and CNN’s Piers Morgan interviewed Dr. Paul about his untouchable status among their colleagues, than John King of the eponymous CNN show could be heard recounting the winners of the Republican 2011 Iowa Straw Poll, to the exclusion of the man who secured second place: Congressman Ron Paul.

Michele Bachmann won 4,823 votes; Texas Rep. Ron Paul 4,671. With 152 votes separating the two frontrunners, one might even say that, in Ames, Iowa, Paul jostled with Mrs. Bachmann for first place.

A slick Drew Griffin, also at CNN, cracked up as he instructed a cub reporter on the ground: ‘If you get a sound bite from Palin bring that back to us. You can hold the Ron Paul stuff.”

Following the Republican Poll, Politico.com ran an article about Paul, the caption to which read: ‘Ron Paul remains media poison.’ The article featured an image of Ron Paul flanked by signs touting the stuff the press finds so poisonous: ‘Liberty and Freedom.’

As is often the case, satirist Jon Stewart stepped in to correct—and to make fun of—the farrago of misinformation spread by mainstream media. …”

The complete column is “Media Top-Dogs Kick Underdog Ron Paul,” now on WND.COM.

My new book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” is available from Amazon.

A newly formatted, splendid Kindle copy is now available. The errors of the previous copy have been corrected.

If you’re interested in syndicating my weekly, WND column, kindly email me for details at ilana@ilanamercer.com. “Return to Reason is WorldNetDaily’s longest standing, exclusive libertarian column.

UPDATE (Aug. 19): At last, after a lot of aggravation, Amazon has activated the “Look Inside” feature to “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa.” This will enable you to read ten percent of the book online.

Amazon is simply amazing. To appreciate how magnificently Amazon operates, consider this and this lone: how would the government operate this highly complex, super-efficient online business? Still, when certain features are still in their infancy and are in the process of being streamlined—the individual (like myself) can lose perspective. Understandably so.

However, not a day goes by—when I interact with Amazon, Costco, or any other vendor—that I don’t stop to apprecaite the genius of spontaneous order. In the process of making a living, people cooperate voluntarily to bring about magnificent, munificent, mutually beneficial outcomes.

10 thoughts on “UPDATED: Media Top-Dogs Kick Underdog Ron Paul (Look Inside the ‘Cannibal’)

  1. JP

    I knew the recent mention of Mr (Dr?) Paul was goingto be a flash in the pan. What a pity. Sometimes even the strongest people want to hope that everything will turn out to be not as bad as it seems.

  2. Dennis

    Whether or not Ron Paul is noticed and commented upon in the MSM, he will receive my vote even if I must write it on the ballot. I believe 2012 is the edge of the cliff point. We keep our liberties or we do not. The only message resonating with me is to CUT, CUT, and CUT. Bring responsibility and control back to the States and local government.

  3. james huggins

    This media thing falls into the same area as my comments of the other day about obstruction of unpopular candidates by the Republican insiders. Maverick candidates such as Paul and Bachmann have to fight all their own battles without help. Not only do they not get any help from their own nor do they get an even break from the media they have to fight to swim uphill against the currents of misinformation and outright lies. life is tough.

  4. Stephen Hayes

    I read some time ago that when Dickens first began to publish his novels, the critics panned him, the reading public adored him. You only had to watch and listen to the crowd reactions at the Iowa Debate to see what the public thinks of Ron Paul as opposed to the critic media johnny one-notes.

    Truth speaks clearly to people who are listening. Compare anything Ron Paul says anywhere to the media or their darling Comrade O. If you seek truth and sincerely listen for it, I would be interested to know what you hear through the yammering and whining of BHO, and what your reactions are to Ron Paul when he makes a speech.

    Ron is ignored by the media because they are afraid of him and what he says. If they talk about him at all, they never talk about the substance of what he has to say — this is forbidden. They don’t want anyone ruminating seriously on the facts. The media have decided that their best strategy with Ron is to ignore him, because they can’t answer him and they don’t want anyone else listening to him.

    Just wait till you hear the wonderful new strategy in September from the One, fresh from the Vineyard and rested up and tuned up and spun up by his handlers. Don’t count on that ring of truth or that tingle of excitement up your leg, or that epiphany to strike you upon hearing the voice down from the mountain with the word freshly engraved in stone. Ask yourself who is the friend of liberty and who is not. Who speaks to you from his heart and who reads platitudes from a teleprompter?

    Win or lose, listened to or ignored, Ron Paul is telling you the truth, just like he always has. If you prefer lies, watch CNN and hang yourself upon every word from Comrade O.

  5. My RON-PAUL i in Bellingham

    FIRST – the media is in the horserace game and since Ron Paul will never be allowed to take over a statist Welfare-Warfare party (the Republicans), he will not win in 2012 and therefore “does not exist”.

    SECOND – the media has not concept of Constitutionally limited government. See Orwell in the subject of NEWSPEAK. Ron is talking the language of the Constitutional founders – e.g. gibberish to the media.

    THIRD – Give Dr. Paul credit for not wallowing and crying in self-pity like the narcissistic Palin would. He treats the media with class. Besides, I think he has a “long haul” view and 2016 may be after Dubya-Obama-Romney statist failures that people might finally give Rand Paul a “serious” look.

  6. Chris Condon

    The lapdog media in the United States are even more dangerous than the state-controlled media in the old Soviet Union. In the latter, the media were under the direct ownership of the government. As this obvious fact could not be hidden from the people, their readers understood that the media were not impartial observers, and readers therefore tended to discount what they heard from the media. This diminished the influence of the Soviet media greatly. By contrast, in the United States the mainstream media are under private ownership. This gives them much more credibility among the public than their counterparts had in the old Soviet Union. Of course, despite private ownership, the mainstream media pretty much report what the government wants them to report anyway, so the government can have its cake and eat it too. In recent times, however, the American people have pretty much woken up to the scam and no longer believe what they hear from the mainstream media.

  7. Myron Pauli in Bellingham

    Even the article on the media ignoring Ron Paul ignores Gary Johnson, a libertarian-lite spending cutting governor of New Mexico. One would think that an ex-governor would get at least some coverage compared to a TV personality/millionaire (Trump) or a Godfather’s Pizza executive (Cain). The media gets to decide who exists and who does not exist.

  8. Bob Harrison

    Ron Paul is such a well tempered intelligent man, he really has no place among the morons populating the GOP primary list. They seem to notice that people are turning against central banking, so what do they do? They say stupid things like Rick Perry does, claiming that he’d have Bernanke arrested for “treason.” Ron Paul understands and explains eloquently that Bernanke isn’t the problem, and is probably an intelligent and respectable man, but that the problem is the SYSTEM that we have, not the people in charge. No man, no matter how educated can be expected to possess the omniscience needed to run (in theory) a central bank. By focusing on personalities, Perry and his ilk completely miss the fundamental issue and help keep people in the dark about the problems of central banking.

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