Updated: Missouri Police State: Beware Of People Like … Me

Constitution,Federalism,Founding Fathers,Individual Rights,libertarianism,Liberty,Natural Law,Political Correctness,Propaganda,Republicans,Ron Paul,Taxation,Terrorism,The State


The following is an excerpt from my new WND.com column, “Missouri Police State: Beware Of People Like … Me”:

“A secret Missouri State police report, entitled ‘The Modern Militia Movement,’ and dated February 20, 2009, is warning about subversives like … me. Apparently, this scribe has all the attributes of a militia member, and then some.

One of the incriminating telltale signs the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) is on the look out for are Ron Paul stickers.

I have one on my car. It reads: ‘Don’t blame me, I supported Ron Paul.’

The MIAC has cultivated an ensnaring network of snitches and spies, ‘consisting of local, state and federal agencies, as well as the public sector and private entities.’ Its malign manifesto alerts to other ‘paraphernalia’ associated with the patriot movement: Flags.

Guilty again. …

Dare to inveigh against the malignant and metastasizing Federal Frankenstein, or about states’ and individual rights, and, you’re militia material.

Again; that’s my motto, week-in and week-out on WND.com. If the Constitution and the natural law mean anything at all, then, almost everything the Federal government busies itself with is either unconstitutional, immoral, violative, or all three. I say that a lot. And I leave a pixelated trail behind. …”

Read the complete column, “Missouri Police State: Beware Of People Like … Me,” now on WND.com

Update (March 27): Thanks, Judge Robert. That’s what I needed to hear; that I’ll have a (pro bono) defense. (Grin) One problem: You are probably also on the Missouri Police State’s Most Wanted list.

Unrelated: IlanaMercer.com’s front-page feed is down. Our trusted website developer is working on the problem.

9 thoughts on “Updated: Missouri Police State: Beware Of People Like … Me

  1. Robert

    Just tell them you teach anatomy — of the Police State!! If they come and take you in handcuffs, I will quit my job and take up Criminal Defense again. Excellent article on the Founding Fathers and contemporary patriots. Fear is rampant these days and its cure is love and courage. You have these two virtues in abundance. No worry.

  2. James

    Splendid work, as usual.

    You noted that Missouri DPS apologized to the candidates that they singled out but not the groups they impugned. Do you think that all apologies notwithstanding, the damage has been done? Now that public opinion has turned back a part of the Fusion Center’s slander campaign, they will simply coyly continue what they were chartered to do?

  3. EN

    In a way it’s true… now that they’ve told us our bumper stickers will cause us to be treated poorly and possibly shot for no reason by a stupid cop.

  4. Myron Pauli

    In the play 1776, Abigail Adams exclaims she is honored to be married to the man first on the list to be hung. We also seem to be so honored.
    In our Orwellian Leviathan, Iraqis attacking Americans in Iraq are called the “anti-Iraqi forces” and, presumably, Americans who support their own constitution are the “anti-American forces”. Quotes from the American-hating fanatic whom Missouri named its capital city after: (1) “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” (2) “For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.” (3) “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” (4) “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” (5) “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” (6) “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

    [Lovely; thanks]

  5. robert

    “You are probably also on the Missouri Police State’s Most Wanted list.”

    Well, I don’t fly flags at home but I did march in The Veterans Day parade last year behind some flags and I keep an American flag behind my bench. Also don’t you think that a traditional Catholic who admires the work of a Rabbi’s daughter seems a little wierd for your normal conspiracy? As Mel Gibson said in the movie, We Were Soldiers Once, when HQ asked in the middle of a hellish fire-fight how things were going;” Well Sir, things are getting a little sporty down here.”

  6. gunjam

    Ms. Mercer: After reading your first installment excoriating the Gestapo-like (NVKD-like?) ‘MSP enemies’ list,’ I envisioned this lovely fantasy: About 10,000 protesters — each clad in Gadsden-style “Don’t Tread on Me” t-shirts and Ron Paul ball-caps — marching on the Office of the Head of the Missouri State Police carrying signs emblazoned with the words, “Arrest me: I am a gun-owner who supports the Second Amendment!” Probably an impure illegal thought: Political porn, I tell you!

  7. Francois

    Walter Williams…..haven’t heard him on Rush’s show lately…..probably because Walter couldn’t associate himself with such a phony anymore.
    I like the company you keep….all of them. Don’t stop doing what you do. It will pay off.

  8. Bill Jones

    If our Georgia authorities were to attempt applying this totalitarianism on the residents, the petition process would have all state vehicles displaying a swastika warning patriots of the traitors approaching…

  9. gunjam

    Ms. Mercer: Did you see this on McClatchy?

    The Highway Patrol’s announcement followed a news conference in which Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, a Republican, suggested putting the director of public safety on administrative leave and investigating how the report was produced.

    Now I have to ask: Have you absolutely NO shame, Madam? You and your ilk came perilously close to costing a humble servant of the people of the State of Missouri his livelihood! /sarc

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