UPDATED 5/26 (It’s A Done Deal!): New Mexico Trump Rally: Beautiful Inside; Ugly Outside

Crime,Donald Trump,Law,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Republicans


Donald Trump’s rallies are filled with ordinary, average, peaceable Americans; the Silent Majorly that dare not speak its name. Look at those faces behind him: beaming, sweet and so happy for Trump, their guy. As Trump put it, “We’re having a good time, amazingly, because the subject matter is so bad.”

He loves them. And I kind of do, too. One can’t deny that ordinary Americans are sweet, open people. But they’ve been pushed too far by the Traitor Class, which has empowered the underclass. Trump’s rallies are beautiful inside; ugly outside. The haters, the takers, the entitled, the totalitarians raged outside.

These vandals media have termed protesters. But if you “throw burning T-shirts, plastic bottles and other items at police officers [and their poor horses], overturn trash cans and knock down barricades”—you are a criminal, a vandal and a thug who should be arrested, jailed and prosecuted for damage to property, people and working animals.

For its part, the Albuquerque police has reassured America by … professing pacifism in the face of hooliganism. No arrests were made and no tear gas was used:

What a shame. It’s hardly reassuring to know that in America, vandals who damage property and threaten people and working animals go scot-free.

“We’re going to build a real wall,” said Trump, mentioning that since Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, the number of manufacturing jobs in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has declined by 40 percent.

Trump directed the crowd’s anger at America’s failed leadership, not at the people present, promising that empty factories across the country will open their doors again. The realtor bemoaned the factories that have fallen into disrepair and were standing empty. Factory owners don’t nee low-interest loans, he mocked, which was the bribe offered to job creators by the US government (at the expense of the same stiffed taxpayer).

New Mexico’s Gov. Susana Martinez-–she had endorsed Gang of 8 Marco Rubio—got her comeuppance from Trump for her rude snub of the People’s rally.

Since 2000, the number of people on food stamps in New Mexico has tripled,” Trump told a raucous crowd. “We have to get your governor to get going. She’s got to do a better job. Okay? Your governor has got to do a better job. She’s not doing the job.

UPDATE (5/26): It’s A Done Deal!:

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