‘Oliver Twisted’

English,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Literature,Political Correctness,Pop-Culture,Propaganda,The West


Via VDARE.COM’s James Fulford comes an alert to another friend’s excellent review on “Big Hollywood.” With flare, Sam Karnick, of The American Culture (and much more), chronicles the PBS “scheme of political and social transformation,” as evinced in its “adaptation of Charles Dickens’s classic novel Oliver Twist.”

According to the PBS’s remedial revisionism, Nancy is black. Men are bad, women good. Fagin is driven to crime by anti-Semitism, “more than any choice of his own.” All “people are driven to crime by poverty.”

And, as Fulford points out, “nineteenth-century England, which had more freedom of religion than anywhere but the United States,” is made to sound “more like medieval Spain.”

Read Sam’s excellent piece about the bowdlerization of a beloved classic.

One thought on “‘Oliver Twisted’

  1. JP Strauss

    Do you think there is a secret society hell-bent on destroying everything “western”? Or is this a self-fueling storm?

    [Search BAB under “Conspiracy”]

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