UPDATED (1/9): Black Lives Torture And Murder A LOT

Crime, Race, Racism

In 2011, “Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa” documented in gory detail and analyzed the ubiquity and cruelty of black-on-white violence, in my country of birth (SA) and in my adopted country (USA). And Colin Flaherty does this day-in, day-out pictorially. Writes Jack Kerwick:

For many people, however, statistics may have an air of unreality. This accounts for why veteran investigative journalist, the fearless and indefatigable Colin Flaherty, eschews them altogether in favor of the moving image.
This author of such hits as White Girl Bleed A lot and Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry created a Youtube channel in which, multiple times a day every day, he shares with his viewers videos of the phenomenon of black-on-nonblack criminality and violence from around the country.
Colin’s visual approach kills two birds with one stone as it simultaneously supplies two invaluable services: It reveals the ubiquity and all too common savagery of black-on-nonblack crime and violence, on the one hand, while, on the other, putting the lie to the notion of “white racism.” Colin frequently puts his detractors’ out to pasture thus: If, he calmly asks, there is all of this white-on-black racism, as they tirelessly insist, then where’s the video?

I have a good idea why the media have suddenly become hip to the hate my good friend Collin documents daily–black on white, black on Asian, black on elderly whites, on and on. Suffice it to say, right now, that social media was first to uncover the kidnapping and torture of a disabled young man by four Chicago black criminals. The malfunctioning media followed, only once the footage uploaded to Facebook by the culprits could no longer be ignored.

And even then, you could hear the standard lines disgorged by CNN and MSNBC commentators, including from a congressman, James E. Clyburn. These were that a good deal of investigation still needed to be completed before conclusions could be reached. After all, this manifestly violent, cruel and protracted torture might have been just a prank, mischievous wrongdoing, or a bad decision.

Wow. I never thought of that. It takes a sick fuck to …

UPDATE (1/9): CNN:

White Lives Don’t Matter:

Trump Changing Corporate Culture; Media Start Loving On Free-Market Capitalism

Business, Capitalism, Donald Trump, Free Markets, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Trade

The exuberant, America-First patriotism of President-elect Donald Trump is likely causing a chain reaction of sorts. Despite the gush and tosh from the deranged media, Trump has done nothing to pressure corporations to remain in the US—nothing but reiterate his campaign promises. But a powerful persona’s mindset is infectious, especially when coupled with the promise of a better economic climate. Trump is changing corporate hearts and minds about investing in America and its people. In order to frame this good thing as bad, the media have suddenly discovered a love of free-market capitalism. By triggering a change in corporate culture; Trump has the media louts decrying his assault on capitalism and his fostering of crony capitalism.

LOL: Free-market capitalism has been an “unknown ideal” in the US for a long time.

Via CNN:

Ford is canceling plans to build a new plant in Mexico. It will invest $700 million in Michigan instead, creating 700 new U.S. jobs.

Ford (F) CEO Mark Fields said the investment is a “vote of confidence” in the pro-business environment being created by Donald Trump. However, he stressed Ford did not do any sort of special deal with the president-elect.

“We didn’t cut a deal with Trump. We did it for our business,” Fields told CNN’s Poppy Harlow in an exclusive interview Tuesday.
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The $700 million investment will go to the Flat Rock, Michigan plant to produce more electric and self-driving cars. Ford believes electrified vehicles will outsell gas-powered vehicles within the next 15 years.

Ford is planning to roll out seven new electric vehicles in the next five years, including a Mustang Hybrid.

This is a major U-turn for Ford. Trump repeatedly slammed Ford on the campaign trail for shipping U.S. jobs to Mexico (a claim the company said was wrong). The president-elect has kept up the pressure. Just hours before the Ford announcement, Trump criticized GM (GM) for producing cars in Mexico. All of the big car manufacturers currently have some production in Mexico. …


UPDATED I (1/9): Bye-Bye Barack: Loser Lashes Out Over Legacy

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Intelligence, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Russia

“Bye-Bye Barack: Loser Lashes Out Over Legacy” is now on The Daily Caller. An excerpt:

… Obama is a case study in hubris. He began his presidency by claiming, in 2008, that his crowning was “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”

“[T]his was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth,” Obama vaporized. “This was the moment—this was the time—when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals.”

His eight lean years Obama ended with similar arrant and arrogant nonsense: “I’m confident that if I had run again and articulated [my vision of progressive change], I think I could’ve mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it.”

It’s perfectly plausible, then, to posit that Obama’s retaliation against Russia, three weeks before the inauguration of his successor, is a last-ditch attempt to gain one-upmanship over Trump, who is dominating the news cycle, a thing the narcissistic incumbent can’t abide.

Essentially, B. Hussein Obama is crashing about like a maniac in trying to retain his unwarranted status. Lo and behold, in the course of BHO’s flailing, we discover that government is perfectly capable of deporting foreigners when it wants to. Witness Obama’s petulant expulsion of Russian diplomats, payback for that country’s alleged harassment of American diplomats (no proof provided). This from the man who did nothing about Muslims murdering an American diplomat in Afghanistan. …

… Read the rest. “Bye-Bye Barack:Loser Lashes Out Over Legacy” is now on The Daily Caller.

UPDATE I (1/9):


Trump Presidency: What His New Team Might Teach Us

Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, Republicans

While I disagree with the writer’s conclusions regarding Donald Trump’s selection of successful businessmen, not all Anthony Zurcher’s questions are unreasonable, following President-elect Trump’s cabinet picks. After all, they’re “not exactly drawn from the ranks of the angry populist masses”:

* Since “the president-elect has frequently turned to the military brass,” will “Mr Trump’s picks give his administration a decidedly martial bent”? He campaigned on “a less interventionist foreign policy.”

* “Mr Trump railed against the political establishment on the campaign trail, but some of his nominees are very comfortable in the Washington ‘swamp'”: “Tom Price, slated for Health and Human Services, is a member of the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives. … Elaine Chao served as labour secretary under President George W Bush and is married to Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell,” not to mention Republican Party darling, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.